Zombie mode

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My leg! Why does it hurt so bad? Images flash through my mind. The car that I almost hit and the way my motorcycle slipped and landed on my leg. The last thing I seem to remember is the way the crash barrier came closer and closer. Then, nothing but darkness.

I hear voices and feel someone lace their fingers through mine. I try to open my eyes, but decide to keep them closed when a headache comes bursting through. When I try to move my hurting leg, I feel a sharp pain and groan. Another hand grabs me when I reach out to feel what's wrong.

I feel fingers stroking my cheek and hear the voice of a man I don't want to see. I must be dreaming! "Sweety, it's fine. I'm here. We're all here."

I force myself to open my eyes. They have to adjust to the bright light and everything is blurry. Even though I can't see him clearly, I know it's him. I try to speak but it's unhearable. I pull my hand out of his and push him against the stomach.

"Easy sweetheart, you're in the hospital, everything is gonna be fine."

Everything is gonna be fine? Yes, if you leave and never come back. He takes my hand and I pull it back, pushing him again. How clear do I need to be and why isn't he at home, fucking with his precious Alita.

I swallow and try to speak again. "Ge.."

"Nova, please rest. You can talk later."

He reaches out to stroke my cheek and I jerk my face away, groaning with the pain it causes in my head and neck. He has a nerve touching me with his filthy hands. I see another blurry figure and squint to make out who it is.

Dallas! I grab his shirt and pull him close. He needs to make him go away. Again, I try to speak, but my throat is too dry.

Dallas seems the notice my distress and gives me a paper cup with water. It feels good and I gulp it away in one go. I hold onto Dallas's shirt and focus on his face. My vision is slightly getting better and I'm able to see him almost normal.

I turn my head and there he is. In all of his cheating glory, looking worried. He ain't got the right to be. He lost it the moment he dug himself inside her, letting her wear my bathrobe.

I push him again and my voice is more clear now. "Out."

He frowns. Yeah Matt, I know, you bastard.

"Out! Get out. Get out. Get out!" I scream at him. Why isn't he moving?

"But.. Nova?.."

Sorry, did I hear him right? But Nova? "No, get. out!" I push him with force and he looks baffled at me. What the heck does he think? That it's all peachy between us because he came to see me.

I scream again and lash out. Dallas grabs both my hands before I can slap him. Fuck that hurts.

"Nova, calm down." Dallas says "You're gonna hurt yourself even more." No kidding huh.

My head snaps to him. Shit, that hurts too. "I can't hurt more than I'm already am! He needs to leave. He needs to get the fuck away from me!" I growl.

The curtain is pulled away with force and a very unhappy nurse comes to my rescue. "What is going on? I told you guys to stay calm." Looking at Dallas and Matt.

I jump in and start yelling. "I want him gone! He needs to leave." Pointing at Matt. No way she is sending the wrong one out.

"But Nova! Tell me what.."

Tell you what. That I don't want you fucking near me.

"Sir you heard her, you need to leave" The nurse takes him by the arm and forces him firmly to leave. She closes the curtain and says. "She needs her rest sir, you can wait outside until she wants to see you again."

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