Opening Gifts

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It's beyond me why someone so sweet, beautiful, and understanding Nova walked into my life. I'm not a bad person. I'm not a great one either. The mistakes I made with Nova are proof of that.

There is a soft knock on my bedroom door. "You guys awake?" My little brother Logan peeks his head inside.

He isn't that little with his twenty-nine years, though. But he is the youngest of the Hartley brothers and he always is my little brother.

"Ssss, nova is still asleep" I whisper yell at him.

Logan walks on tiptoes toward me and I already want to smack the back of his head.

"Logan!" I hiss "Stop looking at her ass!"

Her body is still on top of mine, the way we fell asleep. She's wearing nothing more than a sports bra and shorts. Who inched up showing half her ass.

"Logan!" I hiss again, placing both my hands over her buttocks. "Don't make me come your way."

Nova moves under my touch, snuggling her nose in my neck her body falls to the side, giving my little brother a nice view of her cleavage.

"Damn!" He mutters under his breath.

"Seriously Logan! That's my girl you're gaping at!"

"You're not willing to share by any chance." He whispers and winks.

I smile and shake my head at his comment "Never, not even in your wildest dreams my little brother."

So not fair he mumbles under his breath.
"Anyways, Mum asked me to come to get you for brunch. Everyone is waiting for you sleepy heads."

He turns around to walk away, suddenly changing his mind he turns back. "Just a heads up. Mom invited the Fallon's for brunch."


"Mattie!" My little niece Emma runs toward me with her arms open.

"Hey Em! How is my favorite niece?" Picking her off the ground. She gives me a bright smile, wrapping her little arms around my neck.

Her blue eyes sparkling. "Santa clause has brought gifts! Today, I'm gonna get my presents. Is that your girlfriend uncle Mattie? Momma said she was sick. Is she better, because I want to open my presents?"

I laugh at her impatience "Yes Em, she is feeling better. After eating we're gonna open all the presents, I promise."

She stares at Nova when I put her back on her feet. This little girl speaks her mind and in her world, you are the sun, bright, shining and a joy to be around or the darkness. Cold, shallow and to be avoided like dog poo on the sidewalk. Brody and Lisa are still hoping it's a phase and that she will outgrow it. I just think it's her strong personality.

She turns her head to the side and squints her eyes a bit. "What's your name?"

Nova crouches down to level her eyes with Emma's "I'm Nova, nice to meet you, Emma."

Emma scrunches her nose. "I'm not nice to meet. I'm fabulous to meet!" Stumping her little feet on the floor.

I hold in a chuckle. Nova may think my mother was bad, but Emma can be a little devil too.

Nova smiles wide at her. "You know what Emma?"

Pouting big time she asks, "What?"

She takes Emma's hand. "Could you spin around for me?"

Emma twirls around in her Christmas dress and makes a little bow when she finishes.

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