When you expect it the least

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"Uhmm, Nova. Really?"

I can't do it. I can't keep this straight face, looking at his agape mouth and eyebrows raised so high, that they are halfway up his forehead.

With everything that happened in the last months, I forgot about my previous promise. That doesn't mean that I'm bailing, though. Hell no. I love waking up next to him and yes, I felt the heat rise in my body when he mentioned my promise. That's only because it means we're gonna have these moments, pressed up against his dazzling body, probably more than I can handle.

I do think that it's only fair to let him sweat a bit, making me think my first daughter would be named Frankie.

I try to bite my bottom lip to suppress my laughter. Too late, I throw my head back and burst out.

"Nooo!" Matt says in unbelieve with his eyes wide.

"Yes!" I laugh. "Only fair after the fright you gave me."

He shakes his head smiling.

He leans forward, pressing his forehead against mine, and whispers. "I love you." and I whisper it back.

There is something that is bothering me. And I hope he understands and will agree once I explain myself. "Matt, I want to stay one more month in my own house."

His face clouds over immediately  "Why?"

"Well most important of all, you won't be home for the next month. I have to pack all my stuff within three days and find a way to get it to yours without a car. And not quite less important. I will have to spend a shit load of money on Ubers to get at work and home again."

I look at him while he seems to be in deep thought. He slowly nods." Okay, then you'll come live with me the moment I'm back in L.A."

That didn't go as bad as I thought.

"But." Damn, I spoke too soon." I would appreciate it when you start packing right away. I don't want to live another day without you when I'm back."

How can my heart not melt? "I promise."

His lips give me a cheeky grin. "Try not to forget this promise."

"Ass!" I laugh, which becomes a squeal when he lets himself fall backward taking me with him.

His blue eyes watch me when my finger trails over his face. From his forehead to the tip of his nose, over his lips, and letting it linger in the dimple in his chin.

"I want you to stop working."

Did I hear that right? His mouth moved, but... "Sorry?" I ask to be sure, pushing myself up from his chest.

"I want you to stop working."

So I did hear it right the first time. Suddenly I feel uncomfortable laying with my baby bump on his stomach and let myself slide next to him.

"Why?" I ask, trying to sound neutral. I can think about more than one reason why he wants me to, but I rather hear his reasons before assuming the worst.

He turns from his back to his side, facing me. "Because you don't need to work and I rather have you taking care of our daughter."

"And what if I want to work?" crooking my eyebrow at him. "Matt, I don't want to be dependent. I want to make my own money and I'm afraid that I feel lonely when I'm at home all day with you gone." my voice became harsh with my last sentence.

"I know and I already thought about how we could fix that."

Okay, surprise me! "And how?"

"I want you to become my assistant."

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