For the show

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"Good evening and welcome. My name is Angelica Montero and this is the first. Tonight, we finally have the chance to talk with Matthew Hartley and his girlfriend, Nova da Silva. The rumors and by that I mean, her not so old-time boyfriend. Says, that she is dating Matthew for his fame while having a steaming love affair with her coworker Dallas and is still in a relationship with Dean himself. Well, tonight we are going to find out what the true story is behind this green-eyed beauty. Is she really in love..."

Matt's soft lips kissing my knuckles drown out the voice of Angelica. I tell myself that it's not too late to run out. The downside of that will be more gossip spreading and leaving Matt to face her alone isn't fair. I'm the reason he has to talk about his private life. He always kept his love life as private as he could. He posted us on his Instagram because of my insecurities. He fought with Dallas in a local club because of me. He has to defend himself why he is still with me because of me. It's all my fault.

The host announces our names and Matt leads me to the stage with his hand on the small of my back. Each step I take feels heavier and Matt's hand more noticeable, pushing me into the bright stage lights. My hands shake uncontrollably when I introduce myself to the host. Matt looks confident and comfortable in this crazy-ass world. I sit as close as possible against him and feel myself relax when he places an arm over my shoulder, drawing small figures on my skin.

"Welcome, Matthew. I must ask, and I think I speak for a lot of your female fans, why the two of you are still together? Personally, I wouldn't date somebody who has side lovers."

Ouch. I feel myself getting smaller, wanting to get closer to Matt and possibly disappear in him.

He feels my distress and squeezes me against his torso." Well, Angelica. I'm with Nova because I Love her and not everything you hear is true. Actually, nothing about Dean's story is the truth."

"That is interesting." She leans her body to mine. Oh no. Please stay focused on Matt! "Nova, you and only you are able to split the truth from the lies. The audience and I are dying to hear your version of this love foursome! Let us start by the beginning. Did you date Dean and are you still together?"

My throat feels like sandpaper. My heart is breaking through my ribcage and my hands are clammy. I have to say the right things. I must clear Matt's and Dallas's names. I take a look at Matt and find him smiling at me. Damn, don't have so much trust in me, I could fuck it up so bad.

I clear my throat, wipe my palms on my jeans and reach for Matt's hand. "Yes, I dated Dean, and no, we aren't a couple anymore. We haven't been a couple since the day I left him and moved to Los Angeles."

"As you noticed, Dean says otherwise."

"I'm aware of it, yes." Woman, let it go.

She leans even closer and I'm pushing myself into the couch. "Why is he convinced that you are still together, then?"

"I can't. Maybe he can't deal with the fact I left him and thinks that breaking Matt and me up, will make me come running back to him."

"But you won't?"

"I will never go back to him. He ruined five years of my life and I rather die than go back to him." The host backs up slightly, surprised by the menacing tone in my voice and I realize, I said too much.

"Why would you say that he ruined your life? That's quite a statement, don't you think."

I swallow hard and suddenly feeling Matt's breath on my ear makes me shiver. "Babe, tell her. Tell her what a low life he is."

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