Weak In The Knees

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Mature content in this chapter. You're welcome or warned, it's your choice.


Her eyes go wide and I feel Matt grab my hand. I flinch away before he can lace our fingers and rise. "Did you tell him, Hannah?! What the fuck. You... You... I tell you about the darkest period in my life and you go around and tell everyone who wants to know."

She lets out a sob and Jaimy cuddles her. "You don't have to be so aggressive, Nova," Jaimy says, wiping her tears away. "She didn't say anything to Dallas, I did."

"You did?" I'm lost for words. She told him too. This keeps on getting better.

"Yes, I did" He sits back in the chair next to Hannah and straightens his back. "Look, Nova. You're so closed off. You never let anyone in and tell them about your past. Heck, you don't even tell how your weekend was."

"Exactly and now I know again why." I spit out.

He ignores my remark and places a loose strand of Hannah's hair behind her ear. She looks down at her hands, ignoring his sweet gesture.

"You and Dallas..." He begins and looks at Matt, searching for the right words, I guess. "Dallas is the only family I have left, Nova. You have to understand that I told him because I want to protect him. I'm so glad Hannah told me. Otherwise, we would have never known this is hanging over your head. Don't think she didn't put up a fight, she did. I had to force her to tell me what was bugging her for months."

Matt pulls me by my wrists back on the couch and it dawns on me that I'm a selfish person. I let Hannah live with a secret that was too heavy for her. And to make it worse, I yelled at her for telling. For releasing the weight off her shoulders when she couldn't bear it anymore.

"Nova, I know that it's hard for you to believe." Jaimy stands up and crouches in front of me. He never is affectionate and surprises me when he takes both my hands in his. "We all love you, Nova. Matt of course in a different way than us but we do care about you. We all want to help you. It's your choice to let us or not."

His words ring in my ears. "we all love you." Do they? And if they do, am I worthy of their love. All I cause them is hurt and problems. Except for Jaimy, I made everybody in this room cry, some even more than once.

Jaimy squeezes my hands. "Nova, what are you thinking."

His eyes search for mine and I feel myself calm down. The look in them is soft and they are having the same effect on me as Dallas his eyes. Jaimy's are slightly different, a little green flock on the left of his right eye stands out. I never saw it before.

"I don't know." I sigh.

I don't know. My mind tells me that it's impossible that these humans care so much about me. But my heart wants to believe every single word that came out of his mouth. Honestly, I'm tired of listening to my mind. Maybe I will regret it but I'm willing to give them a chance. Give me the chance to start listening to my heart.

"Okay." I nod.

"Okay?" His eyes light up and a smile stretches across his face. I never imagined Jaimy looking at me like this. We aren't that good of friends, or maybe it's just me that thinks we aren't.

"Yes, I will give it a shot. I owe it to myself and to you guys to open up. Ask me anything and I will try to answer as best as I can."


"I am so proud of you," Chills run down my spine, feeling Matt's hot breath linger against my neck.

There is no reason for him to whisper. After a very long evening of tearing open wounds that had no chance to close in the first place, he offered to stay the night. I was afraid he would be offended when I agreed to open up after Jaimy's speech. The times he asked me to open up are endless. He knows more about me than anyone but I don't speak my mind as he does.

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