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I need to get her off my mind.

I couldn't make her stay. I wanted, no I needed her to stay. She jumped on that plane and left me broken for her. My knuckles turning white gripping the steering wheel tighter.

She makes me suffer.

When I hear her voice in the morning, it's like the sun starts to shine in my heart. Warming it up with only her presence. She doesn't even notice how it breaks every day when she goes to him.

She is the kind of girl you'll do anything for. Trying everything to be her lover. Stealing your heart in seconds, you got to have her.

Her beauty captivated me the moment our manager introduced us.

She reminded me of an angel with her green piercing eyes. The light caressing her bronze skin. The dimple in her left cheek showing when she laughs so contagious that I can't help but laugh, too. God and those lips. Her lower lip slightly fuller than her upper.

I got myself staring at her mouth more than once, sucking on her pencil when she is in thought. Fantasizing how it would feel to have those lips on mine, tucking and nibbling on them. Would she be sweet and passionate or possessive and hungry?

Damn, you Hannah. Why didn't you push me harder to meet her? When a girl says she has a hot roommate, there's usually is a snake hiding in the grass.

I asked for a picture when she mentioned Nova for the tenth time. She said she didn't have one because she never was allowed to take one. Which girl doesn't take pictures? For me, it was another signal that her roommate wasn't as hot as Hannah claimed.

We could be dating for almost a year now if I met her right away. Then that douchebag hadn't stood a chance. What is so special about him anyway! Is it the money? Fame? What is it that he is giving her that I'm not able to give? It's slowly driving me to insanity.

I'm not born with a silver spoon in my mouth, but I have my shit together. Isn't that good enough? I know that she grew up in wealth, that her father owns a multimillion company.

She doesn't take her father's money, though. She works hard to provide for herself and saves to buy a new motorcycle. So, it can't be money.

My juices got flowing when she mentioned that she had a motorcycle before moving here. I find it freaking sexy when a girl can handle such power between her legs.

The feeling of her arms wrapped around my waist, leaning her chin on my shoulder come back to me. A shiver runs over my back only thinking about it.

The look on her face when she saw my motorcycle, that twinkle in her eyes. I know I can make her feel like that every minute of the day.

Her thighs pressed against me, wearing that ripped denim shorts. I felt like a king with her on the back of my motorcycle. It was a shame she wore that flannel around her waist. She has such a sexy body.

"Fuck!" I growl, slamming my hands hard against the steering wheel.

I screwed it up myself. I finally got her to go out with us, with me, and I destroyed the one chance I had.

I know I had been a total ass toward her that day when we had lunch together. Things could be so different right now if I just told her there and then, that it is with her I want to share my future.

She hurt my feelings when she didn't take me seriously. Yet, she didn't deserve my reaction. The fact that she was right, that I indeed fucked around and didn't care with who made me mad at myself and I stupidly took it out on her.

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