You're Funny

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"Missed me, Nova." He said it in a sweet tone.

"I missed you." He got me there. Of all the things I was expecting, it was not this.

All memories flood back like a cartoon playing in front of my eyes. The way I met him, walking straight into his wide torso. The way his blue eyes spat fire until he saw who bumped into him. Our first date and how he swept me off my feet by carrying me on hands. That was the sweet Dean. The one I thought I would marry. The one that whispered loving words in my ear and promised me the entire world.

"Let go of her!" Dallas growl sends me back to the present.

I was so consumed in my thoughts that I didn't feel him hug me. His long arms wrapped around me, pushing me against his chest. His nose buried in my neck. A snake holding his dinner close by, that's what it feels like.

"Let go of me!" Did I say it out loud? Or only in my head.

"Let go of me!" This time I know I said it, the anger in it travels through the air and echo's against the building.

The pressure from his arms disappears and without thinking, I smack him in the face.

I was sure I would break down in front of him. Terrified till the bone and not able to react. I realize I'm not, I'm beyond angry when I look him in the eye and remember how he tortured me. How he took away my freedom and virginity. How he punched my father and is spreading lies.

I push him against his ridiculous hard chest. "Don't ever come near me again. Don't ever speak to me or even think about touching me." I spit at him.

He holds his hands up in surrender and says the words I never would have thought to come out of his mouth.

"Nova, I'm sorry. " He even looks like he is. "Can we talk?"

I let out a sarcastic laugh." Talk! You want to talk?" I start to push him again. For some reason he lets me and with each push, he takes a step back. "About what Dean. About how you ruined my life, my peace, my sanity."

People are stopping now, watching how this woman pushes around the big bodybuilder.

"You tell lies, Dean! Reaven burned me because you told her lies." My voice starts to crack and I feel the thickness in my throat. I'm standing with balded fist, on breaking point.

Dallas turns me around by my shoulders and cups my face. His eyes travel to my shaking bottom lip.

"Let's go inside, he can't follow us there."

I nod and let Dallas lead me.


"Go away, Dean! I have nothing to talk about with you."

He blocks our way, reaching out to touch my face. I step back and Dallas grabs him by his collar. "I think you should go, Dean." His voice is low, angry, and threatening. I never heard Dallas like this.

He takes a quick look at Dallas and returns his gaze to me. "Please listen to me. I changed, Nova."

We walk past and the man is begging now. "Nova, tiger. I love you and I want you back. Please, give me a chance."

I stop dead in my tracks. "You what?!"

"You heard me. I want you back."

This man is crazy. He has to be. "Come, don't react," Dallas whispers and gives me a little push to walk.

"No!" This is going to end and today. "You're funny Dean! Now let's stop this crap. I will never go back to you. You didn't change. I'm not the stupid naive girl you met in the gym anymore. So go away and stay away."

Let me love you. ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang