Good Surprise , Bad Surprise

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"And that's the whole story of what Claudia and I did after we met on the beach. After it, I knew I would never find a woman like her again." My father says with a proud smile.

My face shows disgust. It doesn't matter how old you are, you never and I mean seriously never, want to hear about your own parent's sex life.

He pinches my knee."Oh, come on squeak cheeks. Why that face? You know kids aren't made from paper-mâché. It's another glue that holds you together."

I'm so close to making a gaging sound, but I keep it with a roll of the eye, making my parents laugh.

I missed these uncomplicated talks. I missed all of this. The house, the nature around it. The sound of whistling trees and the neighing of the horses when I wake up. The bear hugs only my father gives and the talks with my mother on the kitchen counter.

The little family we were before Dean came into my life. I want to say a little happy family. That would be a lie. Not that we aren't happy to have each other, but we are incomplete without Luna.
It left deep cracks in my parent's hearts. The house is filled with pictures of her. It still amazes me how much she looked like our mom. She only had the twinkling eyes of my father.

Matt and my father bonded real fast this past day. Especially, after men's day. When my father told him they would go for a men's day, he got cold sweats. Men's days here, are probably not the men's days he has with his brothers. The poor thing kept turning and tossing the whole night.

I decided to make the most of his insomnia and take his mind somewhere else. I got out of bed and pour a nice hot bath in the middle of the night. Lit up candles with a relaxing scent and got his ass out of bed and in the tub.

Yes, he struggled and didn't want to. He stumbled out and followed immediately when I took off my nightie. I massaged away the tension in his neck and back. Soaped the parts that weren't underwater, kissed his face, and scratches the back of his neck, a gesture that makes him sleepy. All the while he was gawking at me.

I turned the water back on when his eyes became heavy, to keep it warm and placed myself between his legs. With my back against his chest and wrapped in his muscular arms, he finally drifted off into dreamland.

I cut myself with it, though. Watching and touching his body had made me aroused. I planned to devour him in more ways than one. But with the things my father had planned I knew that he needed his rest. It took all my willpower to let Matt drift away.

He slept until the birds were chirping and the horses set free by my mother. Announcing the arrival of a new day. They left on quads to not come back until dinner time. That day I helped my mom with the horses and we went to the cemetery. It was emotional, like every time we go visit her.

After it, my mom took me to my favorite place I use to go to as a teenager. We had red velvet cake and hot chocolate. I couldn't help myself and kept on glancing around. Being here made me happy and also nervous. Afraid I would walk into the devil himself.

Matt pulls me out of my storm of thoughts. "Why do you call Nova squeak cheeks, Alvarez?"

Oh, no, no, no! I don't like this.

My father laughs. "I guess you never pinched her cheeks with both hands. Try it and you know why."

Matt tries to get a grip on my face and I keep slapping him away. "Oh come on! let me do it. Just once."


I take a run for it with Matt on my heels. My father roaring with laughter. "Just let him, Nova! He will catch you anyway."

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