Cold ,so Cold

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Shit, I hiss through gritted teeth.

"Nova" I try again. She doesn't stop.

What now? Running after her is gonna make things worse. But not running after her too.

I wait, standing in front of my parent's house. She doesn't know the streets of London. She has to come back. She has to. I keep telling myself.

Five minutes pass, ten minutes, fifteen, and still no Nova. Dammit, she's going to freeze without her coat!

I walk back inside to get my phone and everybody stops talking.

"Son, where is Nova?" My father speaks with worry on his face.

"I don't know! She wouldn't listen to me and walked away, without her coat."

"Well, Veronica. "My father turns to my mother. "Happy that you succeeded? I hope it's worth it, killing the mood on Christmas eve and breaking your son's trust."

I almost pull my hair out and curse. Nova's purse is laying on her chair. Panic runs through my veins. She has nothing with her. No phone, no money. Dammit, what if she gets lost!

My mother slams her hand on the table. "Language, Matthew!"

I look at her and let out a sarcastic laugh. "Really mother? I'm the one that needs to look after my language?"

I can't express the amount of respect I have for my parents and therefore I never have raised my voice to one of them. But right now, knowing Nova is walking through London, without anything. Freezing, crying, and maybe feeling like me. Like my heart is ripped out, I lost it.

"You exceeded yourself this time, mother. Why though. Tell me why? What did she do to you." I hiss.

Liam puts his hand on my shoulder "Matt..."

"No Liam!" I try to shake his hand off my shoulder, only his grip is too firm for it.

"Mum, you promised me that you would give her a chance! But you clearly won't except anybody else than Alita and that's, sorry for the language, fucking bullshit. I don't want Alita! If Nova breaks up with me because of this. I won't ever forgive you."

Liam pulls me away." Let's go find her Matt, you made yourself clear enough."

We leave my mother in astonishment and drive off. It's been more than an hour that Nova walked out and we are driving around and around. Asking myself how far she could walk on her heels in an hour. I decided to call Rose, hoping she returned to the house. Grunting loud when she tells me she hasn't come back.

"You were firm with our mother," Liam says to kill the silence.

"She deserved it"

"I guess, although I think you could have spoken sooner and avoid the situation we're in now."

"I feel bad enough as it is Liam! Don't lecture me on something that is killing me right now"

The tension in the car becomes thicker with each minute she is gone. I'm ready to call the police if we don't find her in thirty minutes.

How can I ever forgive myself if she gets hurt or worse because I didn't go against my mother out of respect? Respect that she doesn't have for the love of my life.

Liam looks at me when I pinch the bridge of my nose and curse at myself for being a coward.

"I think it's a good thing you told mum the truth"

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