Chapter 21 - Calm After the Storm

Start from the beginning

"(L/N)!" The smile on the owner's face made it worth coming back. "I thought you'd died!"

I laugh, shaking my head. "Came close, though. Sorry it took so long to come back. Is the gift ready?"

He nods, pulling them out from the back counter. The initials had been carved in excellently, P.J. written in long and pretty cursive letters. I smiled as I took them. They were perfect.

"Thanks." I turn away before pausing for a moment. "Oh, also, I probably won't be coming back. Just... personal life is pulling me a different way."

He smiles, his eyes glittering. "Then farewell, (L/N). I hope life treats you well."


Dropping the gift off in Jimin's room had been easy. He was helping with dinner, so I slipped in, dropped off the knuckles and the note, and left. The note was a simple message, just saying thanks for some things. Then I went to the kitchen, looking nonchalant. Everyone's eyes turned to me as if I was guilty of the most horrible crime. I stopped in my tracks, giving everyone a confused look.


Jin glared suspiciously. "What did you go out for?"

"Something," I reply with a hum.

"Aren't you going to thank him/her for not using any of your sutures?" Namjoon hums from where he was sitting. From the looks of it, he wasn't allowed to help.

Jin mutters, "Thanks," as he keeps chopping vegetables for dinner. I laughed quietly.

"Jungkook was just about to tell us how his and Yoongi-hyung's mission went," Taehyung hums from where he was sitting next to Namjoon, also appearing as though he wasn't allowed to help.

I look at the kitchen for a moment before settling myself down. As good as I was at killing, I wasn't about to help cook. I wasn't that good, I was just good enough not to burn down my house and sort of make dinner. I'll leave cooking to the people who know how.

Jungkook smiles down at the thing he was stirring. He had a bandage enveloping one of his hands. "Well, it wasn't a total disaster until about a minute in. It started well, Hyung throwing his knives at unsuspecting bastards who had the misfortune of working there. I was mainly using pistols to keep it long range and protect him. Then, uh, Hyung tripped over a dead body and dropped his knives across the floor to where the onslaught of men was."

I snort and duck to the side to laugh quietly. I could feel the burn of Yoongi's eyes from the kitchen. Others were snickering too, and something told me he glared at them too.

"I emptied my remaining clips pretty quickly after that just so Hyung could get untangled from the bodies he'd tripped into. Then I switched to my knife and started going again." He shrugs. "I would pick up pistols from bodies and empty them, and Hyung had finally collected himself to start again. As for the money..." He looks at Yoongi.

Yoongi looks up and shrugs. "There was too much of it. We set the building on fire."

Jimin and I look at each other with small chuckles.

"You guys are too fire happy," Namjoon mutters under his breath.

Everyone's eyes slide to Jimin and me for our explanation. I look to Jimin.

He sighs. "Well, clearly it was on the news that two buildings were set on fire at similar times, so it's clear what we finished up with."

"You know, when I made the suggestion, I didn't mean it literally," Namjoon mutters.

"You said you didn't care," I protest.

"That doesn't mean to do it!"

Jimin laughs with a shake of his head. "Anyway, it was a good idea to start with grenades. We automatically wiped quite a few people out before going in, guns blazing." He looks at Taehyung. "That shotgun is really useful, and you need to buy one for me." Then he looks back to everyone. "Things went wrong when I finished my shotgun rounds and (Y/N) was almost out of his/her bullets. We just started using our knives and it went pretty easily from there."

"That's it?" Taehyung asks, clearly unhappy.

My eyes meet Jimin's, and he gives me a look. Don't. Mention. Details. I only give him a puzzled look as reply, basically saying I 'didn't know what he was talking about'. He nodded to that. When I looked away from him, Jin was giving me a knowing look. I shrug. He glares.

"Well, there was some hand to hand combat, but we just finished that up quickly."

A smile tugged at my lips as Taehyung started badgering Jimin. It was nice to feel like this. It was nice to share my experiences with others, even if the gruesome details were removed. It was nice to see the looks on their faces as we all joked around, all still alive at the end of the day. It was a feeling I'd never experienced, just like many other things BTS had given me. They've given me family. They've given me praise. They've given me support. They've given me laughter. They saved my life.

They gave me freedom.

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