Dallas joked that he could come work for me and that we should quit on the same day to tick off Carrick. He's just as much a fan of Carrick as I. Who knows what the future will bring for Dallas and maybe there will be a possibility of him working for me. But first, he has to take his own life into his hands and make the most of it.

He went on a date with the bridesmaid I pushed him towards. It was okay, he said. There won't be a second date. That's fine, though. It shows that he is moving on and tries to find his happiness. Normally, it's not with the first girl he dates. But he will find her, no doubt about it.

Last night I was thinking. If I could freeze him, literally. And by the time our daughter turned twenty-five, defrost him. She would have the perfect life partner and I wouldn't have to be afraid she will end up with a douchebag. I'm not sure Matt is going to agree with it, though.

Yeah, I know. Sometimes my mind runs wild.

A lot will change in the next years and it's scary. But most of all, it's exciting. That after all the hurt if been through, I'm finally building a future for myself. With the man of my dreams, with the friends I made and the love growing inside me. What else can I ask for?


"Are you happy babe?" Matt asks, wrapping his arms around me and rubbing my ridiculous large bump with his hands.

At first, this little girl wouldn't show up but now I wish she would stop stretching me out. I have to push her aside when I want to sit down or else I can't sit, nor breathe. I let my eyes wander, just a few more weeks and she will be laying in her crib.

Finally, her room is finished. In terms of furniture, everything was ready months ago. I kept on moving everything around. Then the color on the walls wasn't right, the picture frames the wrong size and I became worried she would rather have a bear than a bunny.

Matt just painted the walls again and again and again. It took me on too many trips to find the perfect chandelier and the right size frames for the pictures of a furry bunny. And all without complaining once. I do not understand.

But now it's the perfect classic baby nursery. The walls are taupe and the furniture is white with wooden details. Next to the crib stands a big love chair with a fluffy footstool and I can't wait for us three to cuddle up into it. On the floor, I put two rugs, one in a round form and a half over it, a fake sheep fur one. It feels so soft to your feet and I'm sure she can't hurt herself laying there.

"Yes, I'm happy." turning myself to Matt. "Thank you for being so kind, caring, understanding, and helpful."

He smiles and I can feel myself blush with his words, "Anything for the most important girls in my life."

I groan when she kicks me against my bladder, killing this moment between us. Matt laughs when I waddle to the bathroom and curse under my breath.

"Babe, she is going to disturb us for the next twenty years of our lives, better get used to it." he laughs even harder when I give him the finger before I disappear behind the door.

Matt thought it would be nice to invite all our closest friends over for a BBQ on the beach. Sort of the last night out, as just us, without kids. It's a nice idea, but I rather not had it two days before my due date.

To my surprise, he insisted on inviting Dallas too. Dallas hesitated for a while. He knows that Matt is aware of what happened the night we almost took it to another level than friendship. And I can imagine he felt uncomfortable facing Matt. Matt took it upon himself to make sure he was coming and called him to bury the hatchet.

It warmed my whole being when he did that. He couldn't make a bigger gesture to let me know he forgave me. That he understands that Dallas is an important person in my life and that he accepts him as my friend.

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