Chapter 5

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•Y/N's POV•
It was the first day of Vidcon and i was really happy and excited . I was going to meet some new friends and see my supporters . avani got on her plane early this morning and was going to land at 11:55am and i was going to pick her up . it was currently 10:23am and it takes an hour to get to the airport so i wore a zoey grey jersey bralet , black ripped jeans and black faux fur slides from MK . i added a necklace from forever 21 , i made a messy bun for my hair and decided on no make up today . i rarely used makeup , so for the first day of VidCon i was going to go natural then tomorrow maybe i'll apply a little bit . i turned on my phone and it was now 10:35 i wanted to drive today so i got my mercedes g wagon that kylie gave me as a birthday gift . i got my keys and texted my mom i was going to go pick up a friend from the airport and that i'll see her in a few days . I had already put my luggage inside my car last night so i was set to go . i grabbed my charger my macbook and its charger and put it in a small back pack . now i was ready to go , i unlocked the gate since our house was very secured . on the way i was blastint music and looking around my surroundings ofcourse . i have now been driving for an hour and her flight wont land for another 20 minutes so i parked my car and walked to her gate , there were people taking pictures of me or offering to take one and i honestly loved it . it passed the time and then i saw avani walking out the gate and i ran and gave her a long tight hug .
avani : omg hey !
y/n : hey i cant believe ur here now !
avani : me neither , i cant wait to spend the next couple days with u !
y/n : me neither , come on lets go book our hotel
avani : bett , let me just get my luggage
y/n : alright
when we reached my car , we put her bags in the back and told her to choose a song on my phone to play while i set up my camera to start recording for my vlog . i recorded a little bit when i was getting ready and now we were on our way to the hotel .
avani : your phone is blowing up with texts 😂
y/n : from ?
avani : a groupchat called THE GROUP in all caps
y/n : ohh , theyre probably wondering where everyone is staying at
avani : theyre asking about you
y/n : saying ?
avani : if ur alive , are u dead , do u need anyone of them to come save u , that theyre going to stay in ur hotel room , girl this is crazy
y/n : tell them the hotel and say im getting a room with a connected bathroom to another room for me brooke , cynthia and u .
avani : okayy
y/n : do u want to stoo somewhere to get lunch ? its 12:35
avani : yeah can we get chikfila ?
y/n : yess
we stopped at chikfila and i got fries and avani got a sandwich
avani : oh and a couple other guys dmed u
y/n : u looked at my dms ?
i laughed because no one messages me there
avani : yeah , it pretty dry there but 2 guys tried dming u
y/n : who ?
avani : one of them wanted to know if u were down to meet up with them at vidcon and that was eric montanez . here i'll show u a picture
y/n : alright
i stopped at a red light and asked to show me a picture . she lifted my phone infront of my face and im not going to lie , he was hot .

y/n : and who was the other guy ?avani : his name is jake and hes a friend of mine

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

y/n : and who was the other guy ?
avani : his name is jake and hes a friend of mine . wow u must be really special because he doesnt text a lot of girls
he was cute . i love how long their hair is its very attractive when it all messy .

the one; p.m Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin