Louis fell straight asleep as Gemma predicated. Gemma messaged Liam to see how niall was doing. She then messaged her mum to find out if it was ok to visit knowing how desperate Lou was to see his baby brother which she thought was cute.

Anne replied pretty quickly saying that Harry would love to see Louis and had been hoping that they would come in so Gemma said they'd be in once Louis had woken up. Gemma smiled and decided not to tell the boy they were going. Adam sat on the sofa and watched tv so Gemma pulled him in for a cuddle.

"You Alright love?" Gemma asked."Yeah mummy." Adam nodded but accepted the cuddle. Gemma smiled as she hugged her son as she heard the door being opened and she smiled knowing it would be Katie.

"Hey Katie." Gemma said as the girl walked into the room and smiled seeing her little brother cuddling with their mum and Louis asleep on the other sofa. "Hey mum, I'll show you what I got" Katie smilex showing her mum her new clothes. "There nice sweetheart, you fancy coming with us later to see uncle harry and the baby?" Gemma asked and Katie nodded as she loved babies.

"Why's louis here is Niall here as well?" Katie then asked guessing that the reason why Louis was there was because Liam was at the hospital and the boys didn't want to go. "No nialls not well so he's home with uncle Liam." She said and Katie nodded. "Awww that's ashame." Katie said.

"I know but it's the way it is that's why we're going to see uncle harry as Lou wants to see his daddy and can't any other way." Gemma said and Katie nodded "I want to meet my new cousin anyway." She said and Gemma nodded. "We're be going in about an hour okay." She said and Katie nodded heading upstairs to put her new clothes away. Katie picked her book up and did some reading.

Louis was still fast asleep. "Don't you want to nap as well?" Gemma asked "No I'm nearly 7 I don't need a nap." Adam said and Gemma chuckled "It doesn't matter how old you are if your tired then you can nap. Louis' 5 I'm sure he doesn't nap everyday just when he's extra tired." Gemma explained "But I'm not tired." Adam said. Gemma nodded and they continued to watch tv.

Louis soon stirred and got up to go for a wee before hugging his auntie. "You still cuddly after your nap?" Gemma asked and Louis nodded rubbing his eyes "See daddy?" Louis asked wanting a cuddle from one of his parents and he knew it wouldn't be Liam as he was with Niall. "Yea we are, but you need to be gentle" gemma decided to tell the boy. Louis nodded his head quickly and Gemma smiled at her nephew.

"When we going?" Louis asked. Gemma laughed and shook her head. "In around ten minutes" gemma said deciding to give both boys a snack. Louis nodded happily as Gemma headed for the kitchen "Where you going?" Louis asked getting up.

"Thought you'd like a snack?" Gemma asked as Adam ran past hearing there was food on offer. "Thanks" Louis smiled as he got up and followed his auntie. Gemma smiled at the boy and found the boys a cereal bar each which they gratefully accepted and once that was sorted they ran off to get shoes on. "Katie we are going to out now" gemma called. Katie came down. "You coming to see daddy and baby" louis asked his cousin. "Yeah I am lou." Katie said getting her own shoes on before they all headed for the car to head for the hospital.

Gemma stopped at the shop and she hadn't bought anything yet as she wanted to know the gender. "Why we stopped here" louis asked. "I want to buy something for your baby brother." Gemma said "Can I help?" Louis asked and Gemma smiled nodding.

"You can all help." She said wanting to include her own kids as well. They went into the shop and went to look at what they could get the baby. Katie found a cute blanket. Adam didn't know what to look for so stuck by louis who was looking at teddies. Gemma smiled at louis concentration. Louis was concentrating so hard and Gemma smiled knowing he was going to be an amazing older brother. "Auntie Gemma can we get baby this" louis said showing her a teddy he had found.

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