"You okay?" Liam asked as he saw Niall open his eyes and the boy instantly whimpered cuddling closely to Liam. Liam hugged the boy and ruffled his hair. "Tummy rub" niall whimpered. Liam nodded and cuddled the boy closely while rubbing his tummy. Niall whined s it was being rubbed. "Does it hurt a lot sweetie?" Liam asked and Niall nodded sadly "want it to go away." Niall stated. "I know you will soon feel better" liam said rubbing it causing the boy to whimper. "I am helping rubbing it or is it making it worse?" Liam asked noticing the boy was whimpering. Niall shrugged Liam carried on rubbing it and picked the bucket up just in case. "It hurts papa." Niall said as he sat up seeing if that helped the pain and when he realised it did help a little he remained sitting.

Liam comforted the boy and rubbed his back and tummy. Niall started crying as Liam comforted him as he was tired and overwhelmed as nothing was helping and he just wanted to feel better. "Shhh your ok" Liam soothed him. Niall just carried on crying making himself gag. "Oh sweetheart." Liam said grabbing the bucket and placing it under Niall's chin as the boy threw up. Liam rubbed the boys back. "Shhh just let it out" Liam said as he comforted niall not sure if he was throwing up from getting to upset. When Niall was finished he was in more of a state than he had been before and Liam just wrapped him up in a hug and kissed the top of the boys head. Liam ruffled the boys hair and sent him back to sleep.

When Liam saw Niall was asleep he got up to go and get something to eat as he hadn't really had a chance all day. Liam put pizza in the oven for himself and started to make chicken soup for niall. He guessed Niall wouldn't want to eat but the boy needed too even if it was just a little bit. Also soup just slid down and he knew chicken soup would help make him feel better he just needed to persuade niall to give it a go in the first place which he knew was easier said than done.

Once the soup was ready and loam had eaten he went back to his sleeping son and cuddled. Niall stirred slightly but just snuggled further into his papa and fell back asleep. Liam sighed but decided to let niall sleep for now as he switched the tv on low. He checked his phone and smiled when harry wished ni better and said lou was staying at Gemma's. Liam sighed in relief when he saw that Louis was staying with Gemma but also saw that the boy was hesitant about going and wouldn't want to stay more than the one night. Liam just hoped Niall was feeling better by the next by the time louis came back home. Liam rubbed niall's back as he started twisting and turning. Of course the boy woke up. Liam propped him up and grabbed the bucket just in case. Niall whined But much to Liam's relief pushed the bucket away hinting that he didn't think he was going to be sick but it was clear the boys tummy was still bothering him as he had a protective hold of it. "Do you need the toilet" Liam asked. "Don't know." Niall whined completely done with the situation. Liam must rubbed it gently for now to see if that would help.

"Papa." The boy whimpered and liam sighed running his hands through the boys hair. "Shhh it's ok shut your eyes and go back to sleep' Liam soothed. Niall whimpered But nodded and closed his eyes as all the boy had the energy to do was sleep really. Lism soon got niall back to sleep and sighed with relief as he decided to get some sleep himself.

Back at the hospital the baby was back in its little cot and harry shut his eyes again exhausted.  Both Harry and the baby were soon sound asleep. The midwife checked on harry and the baby after a short while. They were both fine so the midwife left quietly not wanting to wake either of them.

Harry stirred a while later and needed to use the toilet, so pressed the buzzer. The midwife on duty came in and asked Harry what was wrong before she helped him up and helped him towards the bathroom. Harry was grateful for the help but was in agony. When he finished and the nurse helped him back to bed, Harry asked for pain relief.

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