When I get home

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Whoa oh ah, whoa oh ah
I got a whole lot of things to tell her
When I get home
Come on, out my way
'Cause I'ma gonna see my baby today
I've got a whole lot of things I've gotta say
To her

September 21, 1964

It had been a month since paul broke up with me. By this time I was back in London I had not gone out much I was so devastated and heartbroken. Laurie had try to cheer me up but I was barely able to come out of my room.

Pauls pov:

Ever since Sophie and I broke up I haven't been myself. I miss her and I hate knowing that when I get home I won't be able to see her, to kiss her, to tell her how much I miss her.

It was evident that both of them were torn. Paul had regretted his decision from the moment the words left his lips and Sophie was devastated by it. Their hearts ached and everyone around them noticed it. Paul would be coming home tonight and he had wanted nothing more then to go to Sophie's house and see her. Although he knew he would not be able to do it she would not accept seeing him because that's the type of person she was. He had to think of a way to apologize to her a way to show her he loves her.

A song? It had to be a darn good song to describe the way he felt about her. Maybe he could just man up when he got home and drive to her house. But he had known her for a long time he knew she would not like that and he wanted to respect her now, it was the least he could do. He decided what he was going to do, he pulled out a piece of paper and a pen. He sat down at a different section of the plane away from the rest. He took a deep breath and attached the pen onto the paper.

About 20 minutes later he sat back not admiring his work but hoping it would be good enough. He carefully read it over. Once he was satisfied with his letter he folded it in thirds and carefully sealed it in an envelope. Now he just had to wait until he and the rest of the boys landed.
10:00 pm

The lads had arrived at Heathrow around 9:28 pm. The first thing that Paul did when he got home was hop in his car and drive over to Sophie's.

He got off at her driveway and quickly ran up to the porch to avoid the heavy rain that fell from the sky. It seemed as if at times like these it was always raining.

He knocked on the door hearing as the footsteps approached. Someone finally twisted the knob revealing themselves.

"Laurie, hi." He gulped.

"She won't see you." She said crossing her arms.

"Yes I know but I have a whole lot of things to tell her and it's all in this letter I know I messed up I shouldn't have broken up with her but please give this to her and if she wants to see me tell her I'll be home." He handed her the letter and turned around not giving Laurie a chance to respond. Afterwards he went home hoping that maybe just maybe Sophie would come back to him.

A/N: kinda short 🤷🏽‍♀️

P.S I love you~ Paul McCartney Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon