Do you to know a secret

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Listen, do you want to know a secret?
Do you promise not to tell?
Whoa-oh-oh, closer
Let me whisper in your ear
Say the words you long to hear
I'm in love with you, ooh

"It sorta started on the night of the dance."
"What?" Asked Laurie.
"Ok so the night of the dance I stayed the night at Pauls and so then in the morning he and I were screwing around and then I kissed him."
"Wait what you kissed him first?!" Exclaimed Alice.
"Yes well I kissed him because I thought it was the perfect moment but then he didn't kiss me back and I almost cried so then I said I was sorry and got up to leave but then."

"But then what?!!" Asked Laurie anxiously.

"But then he pulled me down on the bed and kissed me after a few seconds and then it started getting heated but we were interrupted by mike!"

"And what happened after that?"

"Well I went home but they came over for dinner a few hours later and Paul was with my sister but he left her to go to my room."

"Wait hold up Sophie. Doesn't your sister like Paul or something?" Asked Laurie.

"Yea she does."

"well that sucks. Personally I think she should be with mike since he's actually her age." Commented Alice."

"Yes i know but she barely talks to mike she's always trying to be with Paul and mike is always with my brother."

"We should get them together!"

"That'd be something." I laughed. "Anyways back to my story he knocked on my door and I let it him in and he's like can we talking about what happened this morning and I'm like sure and so then he's like listen but I cut him off and started Ranting to him of how I was sorry and I should've never done that and then." I started blushing at the thought.

"THEN WHAT?!" Asked both of them at the same time.

"And then he cut me off and started kissing me and said he didn't regret it because he liked me too he said he had for a long time but he didn't notice his feelings until Jake and I happened! He said he loved me and asked me to be his girlfriend! We started making out again but then sally walked in."

"No way your sister walked in on her sister and her crush! I feel bad for laughing." Said Laurie in between giggles.

"I know I sorta felt bad but now she's giving me the silent treatment not that I mind too much."

"And so how did your parents find out?"

"Oh during dinner mike told everyone that he walked in on us and then Pauls dad and my parents were like we saw this coming it was obvious we liked each other."

"That's true you two are basically inseparable."Said Laurie. "I think you two will be together for a long long time."

"I hope so." I said.

"Wait so you two, y'know?" Said Alice smirking.

Knock knock

"Come In."
"Hey Sophie um can my friends and I hang out with you guys for a while, we don't have anything to do." Said sally.

I looked over at the girls and they nodded. "Sure we'll be down into the living room in a minute."

"Ok!" She closed the door and left.

"Looks like that silent treatment is over." Laughed Alice. I just rolled my eyes and smiled forgetting what Alice had Asked moments before. "Cmon lets go."

We walked down stairs to see my sister and her two friends Samantha and Amanda sitting on the floor watching the television. We all said hi to each other and sat down with them.

"Hey want to play truth or dare?" Asked Samantha.

"Ohh yes sounds fun!" Said Alice.

"We all need to sit in a circle." Ordered Amanda. I ended sitting in between sally and Laurie.
"Ok who's first?"

"ME!" Said a voice bursting through the door. It was John Lennon followed by a nervous looking paul and George. "Hello ladies."
"HIII JOHNNN." Replied the younger girls.
"So what we playing?" Asked John sitting in between Alice and Samantha.
"Truth or dare." Replied Amanda.
"Alright by the way what are your names?" He asked Sally's friends.
"I'm Amanda and that's Samantha."
"Lovely names, now let's start. Oi macca, geo come sit!"
George and Paul obeyed johns orders and came down to sit. Paul sat in between sally and I while George went to sit next to Laurie and Amanda.
"Hi love." Said Paul kissing my cheek.
"Hi." I smiled at him. "I thought you had rehearsals."
"Well we did but it was cut short since one of the lads had to go."
"Oh alright well I'm glad you're here." I smiled at him and he did the same.
"Ok whenever the love birds are ready we can finally play!"
Paul and I looked at him and I started blushing while paul just laughed.
"Ok I'll start Hmm Geo truth or dare?"
"I dare you to kiss Laurie."
"On the lips?"
George turned to Laurie. "Are you ok with this?" She just nodded so he leaned in to give Her a quick peck on the lips.
"Haha ok my turn." Said a red geo, "Amanda truth or dare?"
"Who do you think is the most attractive guy in this room?"
She just blushed and looked down. "Paul."
Pauls face turned red.
"Hear That Paul! If it doesn't work out between you and Sophie there's your backup!" Laughed John. Paul sensed my uneasiness and wrapped his arm around me. "That's not funny John." He said.
"What I'm just saying if you ever get bored or-"
"John that's enough! That's not going to happen." Said Paul in an annoyed tone.
The rest of the game I sort of spaced out after a few more rounds it was Samanthas turn.
"Mm paul, truth or dare?"
"Ok have you and Sophie done it?"
Paul looked at me and nervously scratched the back of his head.
"Well um."
"Well cmon now spit it out." Said John.
"Yes... we have." He looked down blushing and everyone else started cheering especially John while my sister just sat with her arms crossed.
"Well this was fun but I have to go now." Said Amanda standing up.
"Yea me too it's getting late." Said Samantha looking at the clock.
One by one everyone left and Paul and I ended upstairs in my room.
"Um hello earth to Sophie."
"Huh? I'm sorry what were you saying."
"What's wrong? You've been sort of off."
"I'm sorry I'm just, ever since John made that comment about Amanda I'd sort of just been thinking. What if one day you do get bored or it doesn't work out or-"
"Hey hey that won't happen ok?" I just nodded my head at him still unsure. He noticed this because he took my hands in his. "Listen, do you want to know a secret?" I looked up at his hazel eyes. He leaned in to whisper in my ear, "I'm in love with you. Only you."

P.S I love you~ Paul McCartney Where stories live. Discover now