You child

876 25 7

August 11,1964

I woke up to a pair of arms wrapped around me tightly. I turned around to find myself faced to face with Paul who was still in a deep sleep, I smiled at the sight gently pecking his nose. I wriggled out of his arms and made my to the kitchen to start up breakfast.

About half and hour had passed and I successfully made pancakes with scrambled eggs. I was preparing Pauls plate when I felt his arms wrap around me.

"Morning love." He said in a groggy voice. I loved his morning voice it was so hot. He nuzzled his face in my neck planting small kisses.

"Morning paulie, breakfast is ready." I smiled holding on to his hands.

"Mmm smells good." He let go of me and took his plate to the table.

We ate our breakfast peacefully chatting along the way.

"Love, have you talked to your parents?" Paul asked me.

"I spoke to them last week. Why?" I replied.

"Well-" Paul was cut off by the sound of the phone ringing.

"Hold that thought." I Said to him as I stood up to pick it up.


"Soph is Laurie."

"Oh hey is something wrong?"

"Oh no I just wanted to remind you that you'll need to get home to pack."

"Wait for what?"

"New York Remember?"

"Oh my I totally forgot!"

"The only reason I remembered is because I just checked the calendar!" She laughed on the other end.

I laughed nervously. "Yea thanks Laurie I'll see you soon bye."


I put the phone down and sat back at the table without saying anything.

"So who was it?" Asked Paul in between bites.

"Oh it was Laurie."

"What was it that you totally forgot." I hadn't told Paul I was leaving the country I sorta forgot since I'm always with him which means I'm always distracted.

"Oh I'll tell you soon." I knew Paul, he'd get upset with me because he's that type. I don't understand it's not like it should really matter since he's the one going on tour in a few. "What was it you were going to tell me earlier?" I asked.

"Oh yes. My dad Called, he wants me to visit soon they miss me so I was thinking we can go back home together." He grabbed my hand. "Surprise your parents, tell them about us." He smiled and kissed me. "But of course most likely when I get back from tour, speaking of which would you like to go with me?" He grinned. My heart started beating faster.

"Actually Paul about that."

"Yes I know it's really short notice since we leave in like three days."

I let go of his hand. He tilted his head a little with confusion written all over his face.

"Sophia what's wrong?" He asked started to get worried.

"I can't go on tour with you."

"Why not."

"I leave for New York tomorrow." I looked down and felt guilty for not telling him sooner.

"You're what?!"

"I have a modeling gig."

"And you didn't think about telling me?!" I could tell he was starting to get angry.

"Paul calm down please. I just forgot I hadn't even thought about it until Laurie Called."

"Why do you even have to be a stupid model?! You should be with me all the times you're my girl! MINE! Not some magazines!" He got up from his chair. At this point I was started to get angry as well how could he say that. I got up from my chair too.

"How dare you say that Paul! You know why I moved to London in the first place and it was certainly not to follow some guy around like a puppy even if that guy is you! I do not depend on you! Modeling is what I like to do and I'm going to keep doing it. I'm not you're property! He didn't say anything but instead just stood there with a mad look. I started walking out as he followed behind me.
"Where are you going?!"

"Home, call me when you're not acting like a child and learn that we're both adults and I can do whatever I want." I slammed the door behind me and stormed off into my car. On the drive home I had a chance to cool down a little it just upset me how he wanted to control me he needed to understand that I wasn't always going to be with him. I was my own person! He's just such a child and so controlling!

P.S I love you~ Paul McCartney حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن