What did i do wrong?

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——-February 19, 1964  -——
"Spill it!"
"I'm not dating anyone!"
"Sophie I am not stupid you've been acting all weird for like two months!"
"So! Maybe I'm just changing Laurie."
"That's just rubbish. Which one are you dating?"
"Which Beatle?"
"What makes you think I'm dating a beatle?"
"What a coincidence that when you're not working you're at their place."
"Ok fine I'm dating one of them!"
"Which one?"
"George Harrison."

A/N: jojjjjjjj!

Sike this part isn't over just yet!

Ever since that incident with Paul, Sophie and George had spent a lot of time together. The Fab Four and the supermodel would always be seen together. Paul and Sophie were friends again but nothing else, Paul was still dating Jane but secretly still liked Sophie. He had decided to leave her alone and let George 'win' which was strange since he gave up so quick. In reality ringo had a talk with him about a week after the incident.
"Hey rings since Sophie forgave me I was thinking I could take her out where should we go the movies or dinner?" Asked Paul.

"Paul-" ringo started before he was interrupted.

"Or maybe a nice walk in the park, she likes those."


"Or should we do all three that seems like the perfect night don't ya think I mean-"

"PAUL!" Ringo said rather annoyed.

"What!?" He Replied in the same tone.

"I don't think it's a good idea that you take out Sophie maybe as a friend but nothing else."

"What why?!"

"Because Paul, you're fighting over a poor girl with one of your bestfriends and in the end it's just going to end badly if you keep at it."

"So?" He said in a sassy tone.

"Paul, you can tell George really wants a chance with this girl."

"So do I."

"You already had your chance. If you two are really meant for each other then her relationship with George won't last."

"So you're telling me to give up and hope that one day we'll end up together."

"Yes, if not you're only going to hurt yourself, geo and Sophie. We wouldn't want that now would we?"

"I guess not." He sighed sadly realizing that the drummer was right. He had to let George have his chance. He hated the thought of Sophie with him but something in his mind clicked. He just had to go with it.

On December 27th  A few weeks later Sophie and George were taking a walk in the park when he stopped her.

"Why'd you stop walking George?"
"Sophie there's something I want to talk to you about?"
"What is it are you alright?"
"Yes I'm fine I'll be even better if you say yes."
"What do you mean?"
"Listen Sophie, I like you. More then just a friend. I don't know if you're over Paul but I'd like for you to give me atleast a chance, Sophie will you be my girlfriend?"
"What?" The guitarist felt his heart sink.
"I'm kidding! Of course I'll be your girlfriend!"
The brunette girl hugged the slim guitarist and when they pulled away he kissed her passionately. Something he had wanted to do for years.
—end of flashback—

-March 1st 1964- present time
"George can I take my blindfold off yet?" Asked Sophia.
"Not until we get there now stop asking."
"Can you atleast turn the radio on?"
"Alright." He reached over to turn it on.
They spent the rest of the drive singing along to  the songs that would come on until George finally pulled over.
"Ok stay here I'll open your door." The Beatle quickly ran over to the other side of the car to open the door for his girlfriend. He took her by the hand and led her down a path careful she wouldn't trip since she couldn't see.
"Can I take the blindfold off now?"
"Almost." After a few seconds of walking he finally uttered the words she had been waiting to hear for the past half hour.
"You can take your blindfold off now."
The model pulled off the pink material to see a beautiful scenery before her. There was a blanket on the green grass with food set up all around. The area was enclosed, surrounded by trees with a pond in front and birds chirping all around.
"Geo this is beautiful!"
"I thought we could have one more date before we have to go off filming."
"Thank you George I love it!" She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him softly. He broke the kiss and led her on the grass.
The couple were eating talk about random things until Sophie brought up a new topic.
"Oh I also have news!" She said excitedly.
"What is it?" He asked popping a strawberry into his mouth.
"I'm going to be going with you for the film."
"Why? I mean I don't mean that in a bad way but like what do you mean?"
"Well apparently they cast me as a school girl." She shrugged.
"You didn't even ask or anything?"
"No my manager just rang me up and said guess what you got casted in a hard days night filming starts March 2nd you're a school girl now." She giggled.
"When did he call you?"
"About three weeks ago."
"And you didn't think about telling me?" He said a little annoyed.
"I didn't think it was to important."
"Not important?!"
"Well I thought I'd just surprise you. I'm sorry you don't seem to happy about this."  She started to feel a sad feeling inside her.
"No I'm sorry it's just I guess I would've like to know my girlfriend is going to be on the film with me."
"I'm sorry George." She looked down and started fiddling with her fingers.
"We should go." He said bluntly. "I need to get back to the studio."
She nodded weakily. The two picked up the food and put it away in the basket. They made their way to the studio in silence, he didn't take her home like she thought he would. The whole time she was wondering what did I do wrong? Sophia didn't understand, it wasn't the first time george had acted like this. She noticed he had been off for a couple weeks or maybe just towards her. What did I do wrong?

P.S I love you~ Paul McCartney Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ