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Knock knock
"Come in." I sniffled.
Laurie came and sat on the edge on the bed.
"Hey I'm sorry I thought you knew."
"No it's fine it's not your fault. He's still the same."
"I think Paul genuinely loves you though."
"And I love him but he made me think he was single and I feel horrible for Jane."
"Well all you guys did was kiss so it wasn't that bad." I didn't say anything. "You guys didn't just kiss didn't you?"
I shook my head. "That's why I feel even worse." The rest of the night was spent with the two of talking until we both drifted off to sleep.
I woke up to the phone ringing so I reached over to pick it up.
"Hello?" I said in a sleepy voice.
"Hey Sophie? It's George."
"Oh hey George."
"Did I wake you."
"Sort of." I yawned.
"Oh I'm sorry."
"No it's fine George, do you need something?"
"Yes well um i was wondering if you would maybe wanted to go out with me today Well not as a date of course but maybe grab some lunch?"
I giggled. "Yes Geo I would love that."
"Alright." I could picture him grinning like an idiot on he other end. "Um I'll pick you up at 11:30?"
"I'll be waiting." I smiled.
"Ok then bye I'll see you later."
"Bye George." I hung up the phone and looked over to see Laurie on the end of the bed still sleeping. I had a weird sensation about George not in a bad way but like maybe there Was something going on with him. I guess like something towards me? I shook off the thought and looked at the clock, 10. We had slept in late so I took a quick shower and dried my hair afterwards. I chose my outfit and decided to go with denim jeans and a black long sleeve shirt with black flats. My hair was short so I just combed through it and let my bangs fall.

Note!: when you think about Sophie think about jean Shrimpton type. So basically she's the jean Shrimpton of this story! Yea she's jean Shrimpton pretty so if you can't exactly picture her just think of jean.

By the time I was finished it was 11:04 and Laurie was just waking up.
"How long have you been up?" She asked in a groggy voice.
"About an hour."
"Where are you going?"
"George is picking me up to go to lunch."
"Oh that's nice." She yawned. "I don't work today so I think I'm just going to stay here all day and sleep."
I just laughed. "Ok you do that."
"Actually on second thought I'm hungry." She got up from the bed and went downstairs, I followed her into the kitchen.
"So are you and George going on like a date?"
"No just as friends."
"Did you know he use to like you?"
"George, liked me? No way!"
"Yes way! It's the reason I broke up with him."
"What? Laurie I'm so sorry."
"It's fine I was going to do it anyway."
"Why? George is so sweet."
"You Remember Thomas?"
I just laughed. "Yes!"
"There's your answer." We both laughed when the doorbell rang, dimitri immediately ran towards it barking.
I walked over and opened it.
"Morning George."
"Hey um morning Sophie." He eyed me up and down. "You look lovely."
"Thank you." I smiled.
"Shall we." He said putting out his hand. I grabbed it and closed the door behind me. "Gladly."
He opened the car door for me like the gentleman he is. The drive there was spent talking and catching up. I had forgotten how easy it was to talk with George. We arrived at a cute restaurant where you choose to eat outside or inside. We chose outside since it wasn't that cold for a November day. The waiter took us to a table next to the person I least wanted to see. George looked at me and I just sat down so he did the same. Paul and Jane were laughing about something while holding hands. How could he act like that as if nothing happened the night before. she was completely oblivious that her boyfriend had cheated on her. Paul stopped laughing when he saw George and I sit down.
"Geo, soph what are you doing here?" He asked nervously.
"I decided to take Sophie out for lunch." He smiled at me.
"What a coincidence we needed up in the same restaurant huh paul?" I said.
"Mhm yea."
"Oh my gosh you're Sophia Jones!" Exclaimed Jane. "I'm a huge fan of your modeling you're absolutely gorgeous!"
"She is isn't she?" Said George.
I looked at him a rolled my eyes while smiling.
"Nice to meet you. Jane right? I've heard about you I've seen your acting I quite like it." I smiled warmly. She seemed like such a nice girl.
"Really?! Thank you so much!"
"Of course. So Jane how long have you and Paul been together?"
"A few months, we met back in April and sort of started a relationship from there."
"Really? That's interesting."
"Why's that?" She asked confused.
"Ahem." Paul cleared his throat. "Jonesy can I talk to you... in private?"
"Sure thing paul." We both got up and walked away inside.
"Are you trying to get her to break up with me?!" He asked angrily.
"She should break up with you after what you did!"
"What I did? This is a two way thing you had sex with me too!"
"Yea but here's the thing paul I didn't know you had a girlfriend!"
"Well now you do and you better not tell her."
"She deserves to know the truth have you seen her she's so innocent!"
"Therefore she's oblivious."
"You really are an asshole Paul."
"That's not what you thought last night."
"You know what fuck you im done with this I really thought that after all this time we were going to end up together."
"We still can."
"No Paul we can't."
"Jane doesn't have to find out."
"Are you serious right now?! You are not the paul that used to care about everyone and show real emotions."
"Sucks doesn't it." He said angrily.
"What is wrong with you?!"
That's when he slapped me across the face. Never in a million years would I think that Paul would do something like that.
"Oh my gosh Sophie I am so sorry! I didn't mean to do that I don't know what came over me.
"Get away from me paul." I felt the tears in my eyes. I quickly walked out back to George.
"George lets go."
"What bu-"
"Please Geo." He said the tears in my eyes.
"Um bye Jane." He grabbed my hand and quickly led me out into his car so no one would see.
Georges pov:
"Wait why did paul just call her jonesy?" Asked Jane as Paul and Sophie left.
"It's a nickname Paul used to call her."
"Used to?"
"Yea um Sophie grew up with us back in Liverpool she was like our bestfriend."
"That's so cool. I'm surprised none of you ever dated her or something."
"Oh paul did."
"Paul and Sophie were absolute bestfriends since she moved in next to him when they were like eight. Then when we were teenagers they fell for each other like mad and started dating. They dated for almost three years but then we went to Hamburg and Paul cheated on her and broke up with her through a letter."
I looked over at Jane and she was absolutely speechless.
"Oh sorry I might've said to much."
She just looked worried. That's when Sophie walked back out and told me we had to go. That's when I noticed the tears in her eyes and a red mark across her cheek. I said bye to Jane and quickly led her to the car. That's when she lets all the tears fall.
"Sophie what happened?!"

A/N: I really make paul sound like a horrible person in this chapter :(

P.S I love you~ Paul McCartney Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin