Three little birds

610 21 4

don't worry 'bout a thing
'Cause every little thing gonna be alright

About a month ago I had gotten diagnosed with breast cancer. Paul had accompanied me to the doctors we didn't think anything would happen but the news changed everything.

We haven't told the kids, I'm still feeling great not different really. there's still a chance I can survive it. Paul hasn't been himself since then and it pains me to see.
It hurts to think about how there's a huge possibility that I won't be able to see my kids grow up, I won't be able to see my grandchildren if there is any, and I won't grow as old with Paul like we planned.

"Paul please stop crying."

"How could you expect me to not cry. Just the thought of you gone makes my stomach turn."

I gave him a hug, I started crying too. I didn't want to think much about it but it was real. It was happening, I had a disease that I could maybe outlive or crumble with it.

"Man Soph." He sniffled. "I'm sorry I-I didn't want you to think about it, or make you cry either."

"It's absolutely fine Paul it isn't your fault." I told him. "The doctors said I still have a shot, I'll keep fighting I promise."

He gave me a warm smile. I could see the fear in his eyes mixed in with love and worry.

He looked up at the sky. "Do you- do you think this is what my dad felt yknow with my mum?"

"I don't know Paul." I said in a small voice.

"When will we tell the kids?"

"Soon." I responded.

"Ok." He took a deep breath. "Alright then love, let's get inside it's bloody cold out here."

His tone was uneasy I knew he was trying not to cry.

We both stood up and made our way inside. We changed into our night clothes. We layed with our back facing each other. There was a weird tension in the atmosphere. I felt a tear roll down my cheek, then another, I felt a pair of arms pull me close.

"Shhh darling, don't worry everything is going to be alright."

He held me in his arms, I guess I wasn't as silent as I thought.

I sniffled and let myself melt with his touch. I hope he's right.

P.S I love you~ Paul McCartney Where stories live. Discover now