Crying, waiting, hoping

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Crying, waiting, hoping you'll come back
I just can't seem to get you off my mind
Crying, waiting, hoping you'll come back
You're the one I love, I think about you all the time

October 6,1960
It had been about weeks since I had heard from Paul. I found it very strange especially since I still talked to John and George, sometimes Stu and Pete. But never paul. Today I was expecting a call from George so I was waiting around downstairs all day until it finally rang.

"Hello?" I asked.
"Hey George!"
"How are you?"
"Very well thanks, and you?"
"Oh I'm alright I do miss you and everyone back home. It's the third night we play at the Kaiserkeller club."
"Well atleast you're in a different country, new audience, new experience."
"I guess but sometimes it gets tiring."
"Oh well im sorry to hear that."
"It's alright, anything new?"
"Not really everything's the same here except there's less trouble without you lot."
He just laughed on the other end, "Shame isn't it?"
"George, is Paul there?"
There was a silence for a moment.
"No he and Pete went out for a smoke."
"George why hasn't paul called me or written me a letter?"
"I- I don't know he wrote a letter little less then a week ago and mailed it, it should be there very soon."
"George is there something you're not telling me?"
"Wh- I um no I have to go bye."
With that he hung up the phone I found it very strange he was obviously hiding something from me, but on the bright side paul wrote me.
I rang up Cynthia If she wanted to come over.
About 10 minutes later she showed up with a letter in hand.
"Hey this was outside your door, looks like it's from Hamburg, Paul maybe?"
I quickly shot up and teared open the envelope knowing it was indeed from Paul.

Weird he usually starts with 'my dearest Sophia'
I'm sorry for not writing you or calling you before. I don't know how to explain this but I'm breaking up with you. I'm sorry I still love you, you will always be my first true love but not having you here with me sucks. I can't deal with all the calls and letters saying how much we love each other yet we can't be together. I met another girl, Well I slept with another girl that's part of the reason that led me to this decision and avoiding you for weeks. I pains me to write this because we've done so much together but I had to do it. I hope you can forgive me and maybe when I'm back we can fix all of this? I'm not sure how it's going to work out but I'm sorry. I do know one thing, I'll never stop loving you in a way you were the most important person to me it's just that empty feeling not being able to be with you.

My heart shattered right then and there. I was shaking with that paper in my hands I couldn't believe this was happening! Why would he do this to me? He's the only one I think about all the time he's the one that I love and he says he's leaving me?! I crumbled up the paper and fell on the couch sobbing into my hands.
"Woah Sophie what's wrong?" cyn asked coming over to me. She walked over to the letter and picked up un-crumbling it so she could read it. She gasped and walked back over to me sitting down next to me.
"I'm so sorry Sophie! Paul is an idiot you'll get through this he doesn't deserve you."

The rest of the day I spent in my room after I asked Cynthia to leave nicely. I sobbed none stop wanting to die. My mom came in and asked what was wrong so I showed her the letter. Laurie and Alice called I explained to them what happened too and then I got another phone call.
"H-hello?" I said in between sobs.
"Hi Sophie!"
"What do you want John?"
"Hey what's wrong?"
"What's wrong?! Are you actually asking me what's wrong?!"
"I'm guessing you got the letter?"
"How could you not tell me john?! I've been waiting around like a fool hoping to hear from him soon and when I do it's that he's breaking up with me, that he cheated on me!"
"Sophie I'm so sorry I- I couldn't tell you I thought you should hear it from him."
"In a fucking letter?!"
"Soph-" He was cut off with someone taking the phone away from him.
"Sophia, love?"
"Don't call me that!"
"Sophie I-"
"What Paul?! What? I hate you ok?! I hate you I can't believe you would do this to me we've been together for almost three years and you threw everything away just like that! You are the worst I've been crying so much in the last hour then I have in the past years and it's all your fault! The last hour I was crying, hoping, waiting that you would call and tell me it was a joke but my mind processed that it isn't. I don't want to talk to you again got that? You are the worst James."
I hung up the phone and laid back down crying into my pillow. This was probably how I was going to spend most of my time for the next few months.

A/N: shoot dude. My mind can't process details so these chapters are getting dryyyyy.

P.S I love you~ Paul McCartney Where stories live. Discover now