P.S I love you too

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2 weeks later

Its been two weeks since the passing of Sophie, we've already held her funeral which was a horrible thing. I've cried uncontrollably in the past two weeks, now I was home looking through our stuff. Her stuff. Everything still had her scent, I left her side of the closet untouched, I'd stare at her picture for hours.

I still haven't gotten used to not seeing her everytime I wake up. I don't think I ever will.

I opened her drawer to find a envelope labeled 'paul'
I immediately recognized the neat handwriting. I took it out of the drawer gently, I sat on the bed examining the envelope before gently tearing it open.
I took out the paper inside unfolding it gently. It was a fully written page. I bit my lip  and took a deep breath before I started to read.

My dearest Paul,

You may be wondering how this letter got in the drawer, well when I was in the hospital I gave this letter to Laurie asking her to leave it here sometime after I passed.....

I just wanted to say thank you and I'm awfully sorry I've had to put you through this. Thank you for everything, you're the most amazing man I've ever met. You mean the world to me, you and the kids. I've always admired you so much, the way you always push through, your willingness not to give up, sometimes I even envied you for that.
Seeing your smile would just light up my day. I don't know if I told you before but I really liked your face! I just though you were the most handsomest man in the world! You're amazing hazel eyes, the way your eyebrows arch up, then the way your nose would scrunch up when you laughed. Gosh you could make me laugh all day if you wanted to. But I would definitely not appreciate when you would tickle me knowing how much I hated it! But those were some of the best memories.

The memories we have are longer than the road that stretches out ahead.

Definitely some bad but most of them were great It was a journey I would never trade for anything, it shaped us in who we became together. I remember one time we went to the tailor after school because your dad got you new pants but you insisted on making them tighter. Then when you got home your dad notice but you swore they were already like that! I had just a good laugh watching that, or that time when you, George, John, Laurie, Alice And I had a sleepover outside at lauries and you fell asleep on the sun chair. Then in the morning we carefully picked it up making sure not to wake you and then threw you in the pool! I remember you got so mad but then I told you I'd buy you ice cream so then you were all happy as if nothing happened. The really good laugh I had was the story Jim told me about when you were born, you know how he said you looked like a piece of red meat and you were all weird. You stomped up the stairs while I laughed my arse off with your dad, then afterward I went into your room to find you pouting on the bed. I walked over and sat next to you and I believe my exact words were,  "that story was funny but for what it's worth you turned out to be the most handsomest guy I've ever seen." Afterwards we made out and I fell asleep on your bed. I love remembering days like that, times were so fun then. Getting married to you, having your kids, calling you my soulmate would have sounded so crazy to us back then, who would've thought? I guess I just couldn't help falling in love with you.

It's been an absolute blast I couldn't have thought of a more perfect way to spend my life. Four beautiful kids, the best friends ever, and the most amazing husband.

Remember what you told me that night I cried? I cried and you held me tight. You said, "dont  worry, everything will be alright." And it's true Paul, everything will be alright. You'll continue to be the strong man I've grown up to see, you'll continue to be the amazing father you are, you'll continue to the be the kind, talented, witty, crazy, charming, loving man.

Please take care of the kids, take care of yourself. Never stop writing like you always do, keep making music and keep being a absolute legend. The next woman to come will be a lucky lady that's a guarantee. I was lucky to have met a man like you because to me you were the definition of perfect. I hit the jackpot in the love department that's for sure. I'm so happy I met you, you really had a hold on me from day one. Thank you so much for letting me sharing your life with me James, I'm proud and honored to be called a McCartney. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me.
With all my love,

P.S... I love you, forever and always.

I hadn't even notice the tears streaming down my face, I smiled at all of the memories we shared. She'll always be my love, someone I could never ever forget. Someone you wouldn't want to forget, she was so enchanting and kind, an absolute beauty.
God Sophie I miss you.
Her laugh, her smile, her scent, her blue eyes. Sometimes it felt to good to be true I was the luckiest man.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. "Dad will you come down stairs with us?" Asked Mary.

"Of course I will darling, I'll be down in a moment."
She gave me a weak smile before leaving. Mary And Sarah resembled their mother a lot, the boys too but mainly looked more like me. They were a part of both of us, they were my whole world now. I looked back down at the letter, in that moment I felt calm, for the first time in months I felt like everything was going to be alright. Just like Sophie said.

Oh Soph.

I love you too.

P.S I love you~ Paul McCartney Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt