Fixing a hole

666 22 4

I'm fixing a hole where the rain gets in
And stops my mind from wandering
Where it will go

Knock knock

"Come in." She sniffled.

"Hey soph." Said Laurie taking a seat on the chair next to the bed.


"Um this is for you."

She took the letter from her hand. "What is it?"

"It's a letter..... from Paul."

"Then I don't want it." She said handing it back to Laurie.

"Please Sophia just read the letter Paul seemed very depressed when he came by to drop it off."

"He dropped it off?"

Laurie nodded and started walking towards the door.
"Please read the letter, I'm going to sleep now goodnight." She gave her a sympathy smile before closing the door behind her.

after a few minutes Sophie hesitantly picked up the letter next to her. She flipped it over to the back and read it. 'To my darling jonesy' she slightly smiled at the nickname. She always liked it. She carefully ripped open the envelope and unfolded the paper. She took a deep breath before she started to read it. She was slightly scared since the last letter he sent her was from when he broke up with her while he was in Hamburg not that he could do it again since this time he did it in person a month ago.

My dearest Sophia,

I'd like to start off by saying I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the way I acted. This past month has been like hell. I hate not being able to call you and tell you how much I love you. It's true Y'know I do love you, more then anyone could ever. I know you probably hate me right now for the way I acted but I didn't mean it. I'm such an idiot honestly, but in this letter I'm trying to fix a hole. A hole that I have dug deep and now I can't get out of. By this I mean I've lost you. It's a horrible feeling. I miss you so much. I miss the smell of you, the sweet smell of strawberries that I love so much. I miss holding you in my arms and feeling you're soft skin against mine. And those eyes! Those beautiful blue eyes that I could easily get lost into. I miss you're beautiful brown hair that gets tangled in between my fingers. I miss your pink lips that I could just kiss all day. But it's not your features I miss the most. It's you I miss the most. I miss your caring personality, the way you're kind towards everyone. I miss your contagious smile and your voice. Your damn voice that I could listen to all day and your laugh. Your laugh is like music to my ears and frankly better then any song I could ever write. I don't expect you to immediately run back to me by me writing this letter but I'll be home. Waiting and hoping. Hoping you might come back to me. I am so sorry Sophie I really am I miss you and I love you. I'm here if you want to talk to me. Talk and fix this because I can't see myself without you,Please come back to me.


Sophia re read the letter a couple of times before finally setting it down. Her heart ached.... for him. She knew he could get mad easily So maybe he didn't mean it like he had said so maybe they could talk it out? But she too missed him dearly she just needed someone else to talk to and In that moment she decided what she was going to do. She wiped away the tears and quickly got dressed making her way into her car.

A few minutes later she arrived at her destination. She knocked repeatedly until someone finally opened up.

"Sophie what are you doing here?"
She didn't respond but simply wrapped her arms around him.

"Oh george!"

P.S I love you~ Paul McCartney Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora