Oh! Darling

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Oh! Darling, please believe me
I'll never do you no harm
Believe me when I tell you
I'll never do you no harm

It was now Monday and Paul, sally, mike, and I were walking to school. Sally had been giving me the silent treatment since she found out about me and Paul I did feel bad but she wouldn't let me talk to her. Paul and I were walking in front of the other two holding hands and talking about stupid stuff.
"So what do you think other people with think, about us being together?" I asked.

"Well I don't think their opinions should matter to much as long as you and me are happy together that's all that should matter don't ya think?" He Replied smiling down at me swinging our arms.

"Well yes I suppose I just don't want people to think badly of me for moving on so quick."

"Well if they think bad about you they'll think bad about me too."

"No because you're Paul Mccartney. The guys will praise you and the girls will continue to swoon over you."

"Babe, you already know you're the only girl I want to swoon over me and if they do start saying stuff about you I'll make sure to put them in their place." I just smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. We reached reached the school and Paul held my hand tighter as we walked in, people were looking at us some whispering to their friends.
"I'll see you in class alright?"
"Yea bye Paul." He leaned down to kiss my cheek and walked over to the guys by his locker.
"Sophie! Sophie."
"Oh hey Laurie."
"So what?"
"You and Paul?" I looked down and blushed.
"So it's true!"
"Yea it is, But how did you know we just got here?"
Word spreads fast in the halls, but that's not important I need all the details! Alice and I are coming over later alright!"
"Haha okay but first we need to get through the 6 hours of living hell so lets go science awaits us."
The first two periods were dreadful without Paul until finally third period French rolled around.
"Hey pretty lady." Said Paul leaning against the locker next to mine.
"Hey Paul."
"I've missed you."
"Wish I could say the same."
"I'm kidding I've missed you too."
"That's right, now cmon we wouldn't want to be late for the language of love."
I just rolled my eyes as He grabbed my hand and pulled me to class.
"Bonjour à toute la classe." Greeted the teacher when she walked in.
"bonjour mademoiselle."
"We are going to be working on a project each of you will have a partner." Paul and I just looked at each other and smirked. "But, I have picked those partners." I groaned internally hoping that I would be paired with Paul, the teacher started calling out names and I waited until mine was called which wasn't until the end. "Laurie and Pete. Paul and Julie." What the hell. "And finally Sophia and Jake." You've got to be kidding me of course these are the people we get paired with.
"Please get paired with you're partners and I will pass around your assignment folders."
I went to go sit next to Jake and passed Paul who just gave me a sad look.
"Hey Sophie."
"Hello Jacob." I Said coldly.
"Can we Please talk?"
"About what?"
"Oh come on you know what."
"We're over Jake."
"I'm sorry ok I wasn't thinking."
"I accept you're apology."
"So will you give me another chance?"
"What no!"
"I don't even know why you're with McCartney."
"Because he actually cares."
"McCartney screws around with every girl using his charms and looks to make them fall for him and when he gets bored he just moves on to the next bird. You really just want to be another one of those girls?" I looked over at Paul who seemed to be getting along just fine with Julie both of them laughing at something.
"It's not like that he wouldn't just leave me."
"Y'know he has a way of making every girl feel special. I bet he told you he loves you but watch he's going to get bored And leave you that's what everyone's saying atleast."
"Shut up Jake just shut up!" I got up and asked the teacher to go to the bathroom which she allowed me to do. I walked out with tears in my eyes going down the hall. All these questions started racing my mind. Is Paul going to leave me when he gets bored? Everyone seemed to think so. Does he really love me?
"Sophia!" I turned around to see Paul coming towards me. "Hey I saw you come 'ere I thought we can hang out tog-" he stopped when he saw the tears in my eyes. "Hey what wrong?" I just looked down, he pulled my chin up so he was making direct contact with me. His eyes looked sad and droopy but that's what I loved about them and his face was filled with concern. "Sophie answer me. Did Jake say something to you love?"
"Paul, do you really love me? Or are you just going to dump me when you get bored?"

"Oh darling!" He pulled me into a tight hug. "Of course I love you I always will you've been my bestfriend since we were eight, you're my first real love and believe me when I tell you I'll never do you no harm and if you ever left me I would break down and cry possibly die." He chuckled a little at the end. He took my face in his hand. "I love you."
"I know paul I love you too. I-I'm sorry." He kissed me and we walked back to class, no one really noticed we were gone so no one turned when the door opened. I'm glad because that's the most annoying thing ever when people turn to stare at you when you've only been gone for like 5 minutes.

The rest of class went be fast and soon we were at our lunch table, Paul and I were the last ones to show up so everyone was already eating and talking. John stopped eating and stared between Paul and I.
"So you two together now?"
"Yea." Replied Paul.
"Well it's about time! Tell me soph how's the sex?
"Wouldn't you like to know lennon." Said Paul rolling his eyes and putting his arm around me.
"Mhm yes I would. So jonesy did paulie tell ya how he was saving 'imself for ya."
I just blushed looking down trying not to smile while everyone else was laughing.
"Oh fuck off john!" Said Paul.
The rest of lunch was just spent with everyone making jokes about Paul and I and me blushing like mad.
It was after school and I was walking with Alice and Laurie.
"Oi pretty birdies wait up!" It was John and Paul running behind us.
"Oh paul I thought you left already." I said.
"No I had to wait for John 'ere he got in trouble with the teacher again." He said walking with next to me.
"Of course he did." I laughed. "Are you two rehearsing today?" I asked holding Pauls hand in mine.
"Yea we're headed to johns right now."
"Speaking of which, we should go macca the others will be there any minute!" Said John.
"Alright alright, bye love I'll see you later." He gave me a soft kiss and then took of running across the street with John. I turned back to the girls who were just staring at me.
"You guys are so cute!"
"Oh be quiet let's go." The three of us laughed and went to my house eager to listen about Paul and I.
"Well! When did you two start going out!?" Asked Alice.

P.S I love you~ Paul McCartney Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu