Lonesome tears in my eyes

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You've broken my heart
Gonna do it again
And I can't forget
The spell that I'm in

Almost 3 hours later we arrived to London. We took a cab to our new home, it was the house I used to live in before we moved to Liverpool, therefore it was going to need some serious cleaning to make up for all the lost years. I remember vividly when my father gave me the keys.
"Dad, mom. I want to move to London with Laurie."
The both looked at each other and my father got up, he walked into his office then came back a few seconds later holding a pair of keys.
"Here." He handed them to me
"What are these keys for?"
"There from our old house in London. We never sold it because we thought we might move back someday, we never got around to that did we?"
"So you're giving me the house?"
"Yes. we're glad you've become independent you don't need to rely on a man and we are proud of that."
"Thank you thank you so much!" I got up and hugged them.

"This is such an amazing house soph! We just need to clean up all the dust."  Said Laurie snapping me out of my memories.

"I know we're going to be here all day."

"Well let's get to work then."

We spent the rest of that day cleaning downstairs until it was spotless. We did take a break to go eat dinner somewhere and then came back to continue where we left off.
The next month was spent like this. But we finally finished cleaning and it looked like a regular house. We had painted our rooms and fixed them up. During this time both Laurie and I got jobs. She was a waitress at the diner we went to the first day we got here and I worked at a hair salon, which is something I've always been good at. We installed the electricity so I was able to call my family. I would talk to alice, cyn, George and John but never paul. Most time the boys were with him but he never wanted to talk. One day I finally decided to call his house phone.

"Hi mike it's me sophie."
"Oh hey Sophie! How are you? How's London?"
"I'm very well and London is amazing how are you?"
"I'm doing good."
"That's nice hey um listen mike is Paul there."
"Yea he's watching the tele."
"Ok can you pass him to me but don't tell him who's calling."
"Alright." I heard him yell for paul. A few seconds later another voice came on the phone .
"Paul Hey! It's me."
"What do you want?"
"That's rather cold."
"I'm sorry I guess I'm just upset over the fact that YOU LEFT AFTER YOU KISSED ME AND TOLD ME THAT YOU LOVED ME!"
"Im sorry Paul I couldn't tell you I couldn't bring myself to it."
"I thought we could finally be together that you would forgive me for the mistakes I've made and we'd be happy."
"Paul I'm really sorry."
"Whatever I got to go I'm meeting up with someone."
"You Remember Julie right?"
"You-you're going on a date with Julie?"
"Ya y'know I figured it was time to get over you since it's never ever ever going to happen again. So if you'll excuse me I have to go."
"Wait Paul!"
"I still love you. Do you still love me?"
"No. Goodbye."
He hung up the phone and I just stood there. It felt like my heart was shattered all over again I sat on the floor with lonesome tears in my eyes.

P.S I love you~ Paul McCartney Where stories live. Discover now