Chapter forty-one

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Two days later...

Hoseok's pov:
I finished putting up the birthday decorations up in my apartment. While Taehyung left to go pick up their cake. I hear the kids giggle from their bedroom, making a smile appear upon my lips. I sigh, hearing a knock on the door, I answer it and see Taehyung there, holding the twins Birthday cake.
"Oh! Thank you so much Taehyung, just put it in the fridge for now, the others should be here soon." I cheerfully say, moving to the side for him to enter. He nods, showing of his box smile and heads inside, going towards the kitchen.

We both stood in the kitchen, in a awkward silence, but then I hear him clear his throat. "Hoseok.... I've been wanting to ask you, if you would like to um.... g-go with me to my family cabin again? O-of course the twins are more than welcome to come along! I-I just thought it would be nice to spend time together... like a... l-like a family..." He mumbled the last few words, but I still picked it up. A small smile twitched onto my lips, I let out a sigh, puffing my cheeks out.
"I'll think about... ok?" He let out a sad sigh, nodding his head, "I understand, I'm ok with whatever choice you make Hoseok."
Those words fumbled in my head, making my stomach queasy. He wants us to be a family, but... what's holding him back from showing it and proving to me that he loves me and the twins equally. Yes, he buys us stuff, but I don't need money for him prove to me he loves me, a simple hug, or peck on the cheek would be enough. Money can't buy you love and affection, I know he knows that, just what's holding him back from simple cuddles and hugs. I see how much he's grown on the twins, the light in his eyes that emits when he sees them, but for me, I feel as if I always just haft to move on.
A knock on the door interrupts my thoughts, I step out the kitchen, opening the front door. Three kids sprint inside my apartment, "They're in their room!" I shouted, letting out a short chuckle and stepping aside. Jimin was the first to enter, giving me a warm embrace, then Yoongi entered, along with Jungkook, Namjoon, and Jin.
I glance at Namjoons mid-section, feeling nothing but happiness for my friend, "How's the pup Namjoon?"
He smiled, showing off those deep dimples, rubbing his almost nine month bump. "She's kicking up a storm, keeping me up at night and always making me use the restroom every five minutes," he giggles out. He groaned and swatted away his mates hand that was pinching his slightly chubby cheeks. Jin always has to comfort Namjoon, the poor thing always gets upset about the weight he gained when he got pregnant with his second pup.
I gestured my friends into the living room to talk. I spot my son run into the kitchen, my brow rose in curiosity and confusion.

Third pov:
Taehyung stood in the kitchen, Masumi came running in, pulling on his hand. "Papa! Come pway wit us!! Pwetty pwease!!" The little boy asked, jumping up and down, Taehyung laughed at his sons actions and nod his head. "Ok-ok I'm coming kiddo," he said, following his son to the bedroom full of kids.

Hoseok smiled fondly at the sight, seeing his son drag Taehyung to his room. His chin rest in his palm, with his elbow on his leg. Jimin smirked, elbowing his dazed friend in the side. Hoseok glanced at his short friend, his brows furrowed in confusion, "What's that smirk for Jeon Jimin?"
He shrugged his shoulders, a sly look on his face, "How are you and Taehyung?" He asked, everyone's eyes then glued to Hoseok. The omega cleared his throat and straightened up, rubbing his sweaty palms against his pants. "We're... ok... he invited me and the twins to go with him to his family cabin...."
Yoongi rose his brow, "Annnndd, what did you say?" Wiggling his eyebrows, yelping when Hoseok flicked his nose. "I told him I would think about it," Hoseok answered, an annoyed look on his face, thank to his friends cheesy behavior.
"I think you should go," Namjoon spoke up, everyone else nod in agreement. Hoseok looked at them confused, "Why do you think that?"
Jimin groaned, "Come on Seokie, it's a way for him to prove himself to you! Just give it shot!" Namjoon hummed in agreement, resting his hands under his bump, "Plus, the twins haven't seen the woods yet, think of it as a way to take them out of the city." He states, as Hoseok let out a long sigh, rubbing his face in irritation. Laying back into the couch, his arms dropping by his side. His eyes tracing around at his friends, crossing his arms over his chest, and letting out a huff. "Fine, but if I something bad happens, I'm blaming all of you for convincing me to go, but the kids cause they're too young to understand what we're talking about," he stated, as he pointed finger out at his friends. Jin then snickered, "Unless it's Joonie's pup, little squirt has his brains. It's like having a conversation with an adult instead my own daughter." Everyone then broke out into a short fit of laughter, taking about how much Namjoon is smart, but can be so clumsy and goofy at the same time.

"Papa?" Boni asked, while dressing a toy car in a tutu, getting Taehyung's attention. The alpha was French braiding JiJi's hair, while the others played a board game.
"You like mama?" She asked curiously, as she played with the cars on the floor.
Taehyung froze for a second, then returned to braiding JiJi's hair, he cleared his throat and let out a short sigh. "Uh-um... yes, I do... a lot... I like your mama a lot," he softly stated, as he finished the French braid on JiJi's hair. Boni looked up at her father, "Masumi an' me want mama an-an' papa happy..." she mumbled, her bottom lip slightly trembling. Taehyung awed, hiding his sadness behind a forced smile. He picked up his daughter and sat her in his lap, hugging her and placing a kiss on the chubby cheek.
"I know my sweet girl, we will figure things out... ok?" He received a nod from her, her bottom lip pouted out. Masumi came up, also wanting a hug. Taehyung helped him up and sat him on his other leg. The alpha placed a kiss on his sons cheek. "Papa stay wit mama forevor?" The little boy asked, the alpha let out a shaky breath, giving his son a soft smile.
"Maybe kiddo... maybe," the alpha whispered softly.

Hoseok stood outside the door, hearing the whole thing, he released a shaky breath. Knocking on the door and opening it, putting on a fake smile. "It's time for presents and cake kids!" He chearfully said, the kids squealed and bolted out of the room and heading to the kitchen/dinning room. Hoseok sighed as he picked up the toys, placing them back in a bin and kneeling down, organizing the game back into its box.
"You heard what they said didn't you? I could smell your scent from the other side of the door." Taehyung said in a shaky voice, fiddling with his fingers.
Hoseok froze, biting his bottom lip, his back was facing the alpha, yet he still only nod his head. Taehyung huffed out a breath, not knowing what to say afterwards. The omega finished putting the game away and set it back in the closet, turning and facing the alpha, who was still sitting on the twin bed. Hoseok folded his arms over his chest, clearing his throat, his eyes looking at the floor, as he let out a shaky breath. "I'll go with you to the family cabin...."
Taehyung then lit up and shot up from the bed, looking at the omega in disbelief. "R-really?!" His voice cracking and sounding a bit higher pitched.
Hoseok nod his head, his lips pierced in a straight line, his eyes glanced up at the alpha with a glare.
"But I'm only doing this for the twins," he said sternly, receiving a fast nod from the alpha, who held his arms up in surrender.
"Ok, that's fine... it-it's during Christmas, so if you cha-change your mind, you have time to-to um th-think about it-it," the alpha stuttered out.
Hoseok scuffed, "I don't have a choice, Jimin would bug me about it, if I said no, so consider yourself lucky..."
Taehyung nod, his gaze broke down to the floor, wishing he could get some courage, to embrace the omega, and maybe even pull him into a kiss. A long loving kiss, that was passionate, not lustful like it was that night. He never lusted for the omega, ever sense day one, when he first met the elder. The alpha was just to blind to realize he was in love, being drugged that night, he did the one thing he never wanted to do to the omega. He only added more gas to the flames too, he was a coward and he still is. He doesn't have the guts to confess to the omega, to tell him he does love him and wants nothing more than to be with him. But he is a coward and a useless excuse of an alpha.
Hoseok's glare softened, seeing the tears slip out of the alphas eyes.
"Look Taehyung.... we will figure things out later, today is a special day for the twins..." he softly stated as he stepped closer to the alpha cupping his hands over the alphas cheeks and wiping the tears away with the pads of his thumbs. Taehyung glanced at the omega, with glossy, red eyes.
"Don't cry on your kids birthday, they're not going to get younger, so can you smile for them please?" The omega said softly. The alpha sniffled, wiping his tears with his palms and nod his head, clearing his throat.
"Not just for them... but for you too," he mumbled, as he walked out of the the room. Leaving a shocked omega, mixed feelings running through him, he wanted to cry and scream, wanting to just let go of his feelings towards the alpha. But he can't, he still loves him, but the coward of an alpha keeps confusing him. And the omega was so close to simply hugging the alpha, wanting to comfort the younger.
Hoseok took deep breaths and head out to the dinning room where everyone was gathered.

The Unoticed Truth (Edited)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang