Chapter thirty-three**

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*thats similar to how the room looks in this chapter, just without the bed, dresser, and cleaner-ish👌🏼

*Warning!! There is sexual assault at the end of this chapter!!

Hoseok's pov:
I groaned, sitting up from what felt like a cold hard floor, my head was pounding. My vision blurry, blinking a few times to adjusting to the dim lights in the room. A very small room, it almost looks like the size of my walk in closet at home, but made out of cement. I felt something heavy on my wrists and ankles, glancing down at them and seeing thick metal cuffs connected to heavy chains.
I immediately place my hand on my bump, worried about my pups, I started to panic and tear up, not feeling them move, kick, punch, not even feeing a small squirm inside me.
"Come pups, move for mama please," choking on a sob, begging them to move. "Please, Please, Please! Plehehehease! God please no!! Not my babies! Please!!" I begged and pleaded, to someone up there, but I was just yelling at the sealing of the cell. I couldn't bare losing my pups, I can't even bare the morbid thought of it.
I gasped, feeling both of the pups move in sync, they both kicked and punched, like I just woke them up from a nap and now they're cranky. Fat tears of relief fell from my eyes and I released a sigh, along with a light chuckle. Rubbing my hand along my bump, I would rather my pups keep me up for hours, from moving, then to not feel a single wiggle of movement. I grew so attached to them, they are my new family, and I don't want to lose them, when I'm so close to seeing them.
I then noticed that I was in a cream, silky, night gown and not in the original clothes that I was wearing. Also feeling that I didn't have my underwear on, my rear and lower back didn't hurt, which is a good sign, but still. I feel like I was sent a hundred years back into the past, when male omegas were only used for sex, pleasure and breeding.
I jump from several metal locks, sliding open, cringing at the metal scrapping against metal. The heavy steel door getting unlocked, I scramble back, my back pressing against the dirty wall, watching male alpha enter into the cell. I flinched when he turned the lights up all the way, brightening up the room more. Having to blink and adjust to the new lighting again. My eyes focusing on the male alpha by the door. I gasped, my eyes shot open in shock.
"Oh good you're awake, boss will be pleased," he darkly chuckled, sending shivers down my spine. He smirked, in the creepiest way I have ever seen. "You remember me? Don't you omega? The name's Josh, my boys and I worked our fucking asses off, to get to the position we were in, it didn't only allow us to work anywhere as guards and shit... it gave us power... and you took that away. I would kill you right here and now, but my boss needs you alive....but soon... you will be mine..." He lets out a sinister like laugh, that was menacing. He left the room, locking me in once again, my breathing unsteady and body trembled from the cold, yet mainly from fear. I have know idea what is going on, but all I know, is that I need to find a way to get out of here.

I don't know how long it's been, but I can tell it's now nighttime, just by looking out the barred window, the opening to the outside world. I hate it when a breeze blows through the gaps between the thick bars, it's fall, so the breeze chills me to the bone. I just want to get out of here, but I have no idea where I am and I don't even know if someone could smell my scent or not.
The loud metal locks broke me from my thoughts, seeing three aphlas entering into the cold cell. One of them being Josh, and then a male and female alpha.
The female alpha set a plate down in front of me, along with a large cup of water. I gaze at the females features, she looks young, maybe in her late twenties, she had quite of a masculine build. I can already tell she would be taller than me, based on how long her spider legs are.
I then stare at the plate, that held a simple sandwich and a side of ships. Perfect meal for a pregnant omega, someone call Gordon Ramsay, because he has some competition with this Asian female alpha. I gaze back up at the female, as she gives me a weird look, I couldn't tell if it was just her face, or if she was mentally judging me. I'm going with both, because this chick just screams crazy, based on her appearance.

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