Chapter thirty-five

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Thirty-first of October....

Third pov:
It was Thursday evening, the sun was growing lower in the sky, Hoseok has been in labor for nearly two days, each contraction grew closer and closer by a minute, yet remained hours apart. His water has broken slightly, a little liquid would dribble down between his legs, during nearly every wave of pain, yet, and he was hoping it wouldn't break completely any time soon.
Vivian stood there watching him, "Can't you fucking have them already! My alpha is going to be here soon, so I need my pups before he gets here!"
Hoseok was standing, leaning against the wall, beads of sweat were rolling down on his face. He was exhausted, he barely slept because of the pain inching closer together, the pain was worse too. The contractions are now less than an half hour apart. He winced and whimpered, when he felt anther contraction tear through him. His tears mixed with his dry sweat, the cool autumn air helped him cool down, leaning his head against the cool cement wall. Breathing through the pain, softly sighing once it finally passed.
"Why aren't the pups here yet omega!"
Hoseok glared at the female alpha, "Fuck you," he mumbled, yelping when Josh pulled him by the hair, his free hand gave a stinging slap across the omegas face. Hoseok fell to the floor from the force, holding his stinging cheek, yet the stinging pain didn't compare to the waves of pain he felt almost every thirty minutes.
"Know your place breeder!" Josh snarled at the omega. Vivian groaned in annoyance, "Come on omega!! I don't have all day! Taehyung will be here soon! So I need my pups!"
The name stuck to the omega, making thoughts run through his head.
Taehyung? Was he in on this as well? Everything he did? Was it all just a plan, his plan? They just want to take his pups away like that? Was every happy moment they had together, fake? All the ignoring and the abuse? Was all just part of their plan?
"I won't hesitate to cut you open omega!" Vivian snapped, breaking the omegas thoughts away. Hoseok growled, hugging his midsection in defense, "Unless you want to risk their lives, then fine! Kill all three of us!"
Vivian huffed, anger coursing through her veins, while her patience was beginning to run thin. "Then give yourself a c-section!" She spat out. Hoseok groaned from another wave of pain, his nails dig into his palms and his eyes clenched shut, this one was lasting longer and was not even close to thirty minutes apart. The omega took deep breaths, shaking his head, "There is no way... in fuck-ing hell... I would give myself a c-section... when they are in perfect position for a natural birth..." His breath hitched, his hand on his lower abdomen, his body shifted to princess style, his weight supported and propped up by leaning on one arm. The female growled, "Then make your water break faster!" Hoseok huffed, glaring up the female, "Listen bitch, I can't control when my water breaks, it breaks when it wants to... so I suggest you just wait patiently... ok." He  actually hoping his body would hold off a little longer, cause there is no way he giving birth in a place like this.
Jackson then came into little cell room, "Boss, the head alpha is here." Vivian smiled, yet glared down at the omega, "You have an hour omega, and that's it," she threatened through gritted teeth, then left slamming the door and locking it.
Hoseok scuffed, the female alpha has no idea how labor works, he pulls out a bobby pin from his hair, that the female alpha dropped it other day. It's an easy object to use for picking the locks on his ankles and wrists, his hands were shaking, probably from what was happening to his body, and he was extremely dehydrated. Yet when he heard the click, relief flooded through him. He managed to get the other cuffs off, standing up with shaky legs, using the wall to help him stay up. He made his way over to the barred windows, taking out the loose metal rods and tossing them to the outside onto the dead grass, so they won't make noise. He pushed himself up and climbed through the window, standing up with his shaky legs and ran as fast as he could deeper into the woods of Kim pack.

Taehyung stood outside the door of the cabin, knocking on it three times, seeing an alpha open the door. The head alphas anger grew, seeing the familiar face. Josh bowed, gesturing the head alpha to come in. Taehyung's hand rested on his lower back, changing from a fist to a peace sign.
Mr. Kim caught the signal, whispering into a walkie talkie. "That's the signal, get everyone ready."
Josh shut the door, locking it, Vivian came running into the small room, two more alphas tailing her. "Alpha boo!!! I missed you!!" She hugged the cringing head alphas neck. Taehyung didn't even bother to hug her back.
The female pouted, slightly pulling away from the hug, "Why won't you hug me back alpha?"
Taehyung sighed in irritation, "Where are the pups that you said you had?"
The head alpha then heard his hidden ear piece beep.
"Taehyung, the omegas not down here, but it does look like he escaped." His father said. Vivian released the alpha, turning to the three alphas, "Why aren't one of you keeping watch of them!? Go down there and check on him!"
Taehyung pretended to look confused when she said the word 'him', but was mentally smirking.
Josh left to check, but soon came back up, along with multiple police man, one of them had the alpha cuffed and held back. Three other police man then cuffed the other alphas. Taehyung stepped up to the female alpha, who was screaming and ordering the police men to be release here, even trying to use her alpha voice on the police men that were alphas. The head alpha glared at the struggling female alpha, releasing a scent, ordering her to stop. "Where is he Vivian?" Taehyung snapped, not seeing her flinch by his alpha voice.
"I don't know who or what you're talking about!? But these alpha men took my pups from me!"
Taehyung tilt his head, his face twisting in confusion, "Your pups? You mean Hoseok's pups, right? Because from what I remember, from what, two years ago? The doctor said you weren't able to conceive." The female growled, "They are mine!! I had them and now they're gone!!"
The alpha shook his head in irritation, the chick was too crazy, she won't admit anything and many knew knew she wouldn't. Taehyung directed his head towards the exit, "Get them out of here, send all men out to search the area, my father and I will join in to help."
The officers nod, shouting 'yes sir' in sync, taking the four struggling alphas outside. One of the officers began speaking, "You four have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney prior to questioning. If you can not afford an attorney, one will be provided free of charge. If you decide to start answering questions now, you can stop at anytime and ask for an attorney." The officer stated in a monotone voice, as he and his men locked the four alphas up in a police van, along with ten officers inside, to make sure the alphas didn't try to escape. The van drove off, cop cars followed behind, driving along a dirt road, meeting up with a main road, taking the abductors to the Kim pack police station. While the rest of the alpha officers scattered throughout the woods, along with Taehyung and his father.

Hoseok's running came to a stop, leaning against a tree, panting, groaning and crying in pain. His eyes scammed around, noticing that he was in a small meadow, with a little quiet stream, that had a Small water fall. He made his way over to the stream, using near by, thin, trees and rocks to help lower himself to the ground. Cupping his hands into the cold water, drinking the cool liquid. He took several, long gulps of the clean water, before trying to stand back up with shaky legs.
The next contraction ripped through him, only less than ten minutes away from the last one. He leaned against a boulder near the little water fall, the pain subsided. He then gasped when he felt a small pop, warm, clear liquid, gush out of him. "Oh no..." he choked out, slowly setting himself down, his legs practically gave out on him when his water broke. Leaning his back against the boulders cold, rough surface.
Going by his wolf instincts, he still had to wait a while until he had the urge to push. He had no energy and very little strength, he was taking deep breaths to control his irregular panting.
The sun set, it was dark outside, and cold, and the contractions didn't seem to come to an end either. Hoseok yelped when he felt something starting to come out of him, then had the sudden need to push.
He sucked in a gulp of air and pushed with the little energy he had left. Releasing a loud scream, his hands gripped on the wet, dead grass, dirt and moss that surrounded him. Sucking in a deep breath, after every push, screaming from feeling his pup slowly slide out of him. Hoseoks whole body trembled from the cold and pain, using every bit of his energy to bring his first pup into this world. After one more long, hard push, he gasped for air, weakly smiling, when he heard his pup wail. He glanced between his legs, picking up his pup with shaky hands. Bringing his pup close to his chest, placing a kiss on the small head, trying to keep the small body warm.
Hoseok bit his lip hard, tasting some blood from his teeth tearing his gums open, feeling another contraction rip through him, making sure not to grip the pup in his arms.
Hoseok shifted, laying down on the ground, keeping his first born on his chest, under his nightgowns thin fabric, to try and keep his pup warm. As he gripped the dirt beside him, bitting his lips as he began pushing the second pup out. He couldn't hold in the blood curdling scream, as he pushed his pups shoulders out, using every drop of his energy to push his second pups body out. Letting out a pain filled scream, that was soon cut off from a pups loud cry.
Hoseok panted, breathing as if he ran up the tallest mountain in Asia, he weakly pushed himself up, holding his first pup in a gentle, single armed grasp. Picking up the small, crying pup from between his legs. Placing a kiss on the small head, he laid back down, his pups on his chest, still connected to his body.
His body subconsciously pushed the after birth out, it was so cold, he felt frozen to the ground.
Hoseok faintly heard someone shouting his name, yet he was too tired, too exhausted, to move a single muscle. The omega felt the world spin and grow darker, he then blacked out, with his new born pups fast asleep on his chest.

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