Chapter sixty-nine

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Third pov:
Chanyeol woke up, everything crashing down on him. He shot up from his bed, gasping out his omega sons name. Waking up his mate and younger son in the process. They all jumped from hearing a voice speak.
"Finally, you're all awake, Kai is fine. He passed out from the marking though. Chanyeol, I will allow you to help the pregnant slut, but, Jongdae, Kyungsoo, I need you two to help lock all of them Kims into the portable cage." They only nod, watching Josh leave their small hut, slamming the door when leaving. Chanyeol crawled out of bed and went to grab the needed potions, placing them in a potion bag. Many questions ran through his mind about the Kim's children. Is the one expecting harmed? Are they fed? How bad are their wounds? Cause he knows Josh's alpha friends won't go easy on the poor kids. "Mom?" The omega jumped back into reality, he hummed as he finished packing a bag full of medical equipment and towels. Giving is son his full attention.
"The omega that was caught, his name is Baekhyun... those are m-my pups h-he's carrying, a-and I-I didn't know.... I haven't seen him in so long because we were almost caught by Josh. A-and I couldn't tell him anything about this bloody stupid p-plan because of the fucking s-spell a-and I didn't want him to get harmed. Now knowing that he-he expecting," Kyungsoo shook his head, mentally blaming himself for his family being in danger. He sucked a shaky breath, looking at both his mother and father with eyes full of so many mixed emotions. "I love him, he's family, he is my omega, the mother of our pups. I can't lose them," he spoke with a shaky voice. Chanyeol hushed his son, cupping his sons face in his small and soft hands. Wiping the falling tears away with the pads of his thumbs, he awed. "Oh Kyungsoo, my sweet young alpha, I promise nothing will happen to him and my grand babies." The young alpha nod, feeling so weak and useless, "This is all my fault mom, he would've been safer if we never met." Chanyeol sighed and shook his head, a small smile on his lips, "But you don't regret meeting him, do you?" He mainly stated then questioned, Kyungsoo nod his head frantically, his mother pulled him close into a warm hug. Chanyeol rubbed his sons back, hushing and trying to help calm his son down. "Don't blame yourself sweetie, non of Josh's hate and actions of revenge are your fault. You and that beautiful omega, love each other and there's nothing wrong with that. Plus, You and your bother made your father and I, beautiful grandchildren. Who we will definitely spoil rotten," Chanyeol said with pure adoration and love, he was worried about the Kim's heath and condition. But making his son smile and laugh, made his hopes rise.

Chanyeol gasped when he saw the Kims condition from behind bars. Quickly unlocking the door with the key he was given by Josh. "When Josh said he wanted revenge, I swear, I didn't think it would be this. Maybe like a blackmail, or something... but this is too much." Chanyeol rambled out his words together, incoherently, blaming himself for being so stupid and apologizing many times. Helping the poor omega, that was covered in multiple marks, bites, scratches, blood, and bruises. "Oh you poor dear's," Chanyeol said as he cleaned up the omega, who woke up from the sudden touching, voices and sounds of movement. He then smelled the scent's of two alphas, he immediately started to panic, crying and balling himself up. "No! Please-Please-Please, don't knot me again! Please!" He cried out, Chanyeol hushed him. "Honey come to me, I'm an omega, I promise I won't hurt you. Could you tell me your name sweetie?" He soothed, gently rubbing the young omegas back.
Masumi coughed and choked on a sob, covering his mouth when he felt a wave of nausea. Jongdae tossed his mate a bottle of water, Chanyeol caught it with a single hand and opened it, holding the bottle in front of the young omega. Masumi took it with a shaky hand, sniffing it before he chugged the whole bottle of water down. Chanyeol rubbed his back, "Poor thing you're dehydrated, you four will need an IV bag as soon as possible." He thought out loud, Masumi shook his head, his head dropped as he sobbed, " 'm not only dehydrated! I'm carrying that bastards pup! I know I am!" He cried out, his body shaking from his brutal sobs. Chanyeol gazed at his mate with wide eyes, his husband was just as shocked as he was. Masumi choked on a sob, taking deep breaths to calm himself down, which near to impossible. "And when I see Suho! I'm going to fucking end him!" He thought out loud, Chanyeol shook his head, cupping the young omegas tear stained cheeks. "Sweetie, you have it all wrong, Suho ran away, we haven't seen him in months. Josh, my sad excuse of a brother, is behind all of this. Suho was too at one point, but he ran away, saying his heart couldn't take losing the one he loved." Masumi's jaw dropped, he gazed up at the two alphas, who nod their head. Masumi shook his head, not trusting any alphas at the moment. "I-I want to hear it from another omega," he spoke in shaky tone. Chanyeol nod, "Of course, my omega son would be happy to tell you, but, Josh had an alpha force mark him. And they took him away somewhere this evening, so at the moment, I'm the only omega in this wild rouge pack." Masumi suddenly hugged the elder omega, sticking his nose in the elders scent gland, crying. Chanyeol was shocked at first, but hugged the young omega back, he softly gestured his husband to get to potion bottles from his potion bag.
Jongdae immediately caught on to his mates signal, heading over to the bag, opening it and taking out the labeled vial. He then poured a drop of the potion, in the mouths of the sleeping twins and pregnant omega. Each one slowly waking up, Jongdae had water and food prepared for them. Knowing Josh only lets the poor kids eat barely once a week.
Baekhyun was the first to wake up, groaning from a massive headache. Jongdae hushed him, "Don't push yourself kiddo, here, we have food and water for you." Helping the omega sit up, "When are you due, if you don't mind me asking? Oh! Where are my manners? My name is Jongdae and that over there taking care of your brothers. Is my omega, Chanyeol." Baekyun gasped, seeing his missing siblings alive, he hasn't seen them in months. "Are they ok?" He asked with a rough voice, scratchy from screaming and shouting at the alpha the abducted him.
Jongdae nod, "We'll help you all get out of here, we've been trying to find a way to sneak you all out. But it's my brother-in-law that's behind all of this. So it makes it harder." Baekhyun nod and looked hazed, having the need to stand up. He held out his hand to the alpha, "Do you mind helping me up?" Jongdae nod and helped the omega slowly stand up.

Kyungsoo was helping feed the twins, who were weak and needed some help eating and drinking. After Chanyeol gave Masumi a healing potion, the young omega had the energy to go to his twin brothers. Chanyeol told his son to go to the expecting omega, while he took care of the twins.
The young alpha swallowed a knot in his throat when seeing Masumis glare. He held his hands in defense, standing up and backing away. Watching Baekhyun attempt to rush over to his older brother. Masumi hugged his expecting brother, both crying tears of happiness, "I'm so happy you're alive Masumi, mom and dad are worried sick about you three. "Baekhyun?" The said omega turned, knowing the voice so well. His eyes widened, glossing over with tears that soon fell. "Kyungsoo..." Baekhyun whispered, Masumi growled at the young alpha standing in front of his little brother. Baekhyun shook his head, placing a hand on his elder brothers shoulder, "It's ok, he's a good alpha, he's my alpha." Masumi gave his brother a worried look, but he relaxed and let his brother go to the young alpha. Baekhyun sped walk to his alpha, Kyungsoo embraced his omega with open arms, crying tears of happiness. Sticking there noses into each others scent glands, scenting each other. Kyungsoo pulled the omega as close to him as possible, sucking in a sharp breath. He jumped from feeling something hit him, Baekhyun giggled and brought alphas hand's onto his bump. They shared a short, loving kiss, resting their heads together afterwards. "Oh Baekhyun baby, I missed you so much, It's been so long, too long, I've missed seeing your beautiful face and hearing your sweet voice. A-And now...." Kyungsoo bit his trembling bottom lip, smiling when feeling the movement under his palms. A bigger smile grew on the omegas face, "Our pups are due any day now alpha." Baekhyun then squeaked from a sudden kiss, but relaxed and melted into his alphas kiss. Hooking his arms around the alphas neck.

Masumi watched from afar, jumping when Chanyeol placed a gentle hanD on his shoulder, hearing an apology from the elder omega. Chanyeol had his head down in shame, mumbling something about it everything being his fault for letting it all happen. Masumi shook his head, taking the elder omegas hand in his. "Chanyeol, please don't blame yourself, you wanted to help protect your only family and I respect that. We will figure this out ok?" Chanyeol sucked in a shaky breath, "Kenji touched you, he hurt you. H-He marked my son against his will... this all has to end..." Jongdae handed another bottled water to Masumi. The omega was hesitant at first, but thanked him and took the bottle, drinking the cool liquid, like he was fish out of the water for too long.
Masumi sighed in relief, "Where is Suho?" He asked Jongdae. The elder alpha shrugged, "He ran away nearly three, maybe four, months ago. I don't know where he is, no one does." The young omegas head dropped, he bit his bottom lip, his stomach twisted in worry for the missing alpha. He doesn't want to worry, but his omega says otherwise. He let out a shaky sigh, unconsciously rubbing his stomach that was starting to feel weird, "Will he come back?" He asked with a hushed voice, Chanyeol gave him a soft reassuring smile, rubbing the young omegas back, "I'm sure he will sweetie."

After the Kims were fed and patched up, Chanyeol looked at the twin little boys. Handing them each a small vial, their eyes glossing over. Chanyeols heart cracked, he then smiled, "Don't worry boys, it's a magical potion. The moment you wake up, you will be home and you will see you mother again." The twins lit up and each gulped down the bitter sweet liquid, making them fall into a deep sleep. Baekhyun shared one more kiss with Kyungsoo before drinking the potion. Falling asleep in the alphas arms, Masumi was the last to drink the potion, Jongdae caught him before his hit the floor. Chanyeol unlocked all the cuffs from the long chain, that was bound to the cement wall. Jongdae picked up the twins and carried them out to the portable carriage. Then came back for Masumi, while Kyungsoo carried his pregnant omega out to the carriage.

Hoseok stood outside on the balcony, leaning against the railing. He looked dead, he felt dead, from the many sleepless nights and spending months searching for his missing pups. All while taking care of and protecting his other pups, along with being Luna and making sure his pack isn't affected. Of course his husband was there by his side, but they both have different roles for the pack.
Hoseok then sensed something coming from the woods, his eyes widened in shock. Seeing a group of alphas and betas coming out from behind the trees. Spotting a portable cage, that held his pups in it. His eyes narrowed, a low growl erupted from the back of his throat. He jumped from the balcony and ran to the field.
Taehyung and their alpha pups even picked up the familiar bond. All of them ran outside, Hoseok stood in the middle of the field with his mate and pups by his side. Sehun saw his siblings locked up, his eyes then traced over to Kyungsoo, who stood by the cage. But Kyungsoo's brother, Kai, was no where in sight. He, his sisters and parents then sensed the dark magic emitting from only one alpha. Hoseok growled, his sharp canines on display, "What makes you think you can abduct my pups?! And use black magic on them?!"
Josh chuckled, "For revenge!! How does it feel to lose something, very important to you omega!!"

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