Chapter thirteen

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Hoseok's pov:
I straightened my back, I didn't even know I was crying, until I felt warm thumbs wipe away the falling tears.
My eyes locked with Taehyung's, noticing he moved in front of me and was crouched down. His smile was so soft and gentle, I could feel all the stress releasing off from my chest. Like everything was going to be ok, I trust him, Taehyung has shown me nothing but kindness.

Two and a half weeks later...

That day has been replaying in my head nonstop for the past two and a half weeks, the kindness in his hazel eyes, how gentle he was when his caressed my cheek. Ok I need to chill, relax, but it's so hard to get anything done when he is on my mind constantly.
Next week is the Fall Party... I won't be here next week anyway because of my heat. I wouldn't have the courage nor strength to go to the party anyway. I jumped from a sudden knock on my office door, I didn't realize I was that deep in my own thoughts. I cleared my throat and shouted, "Come in!"
The door opened revealing Yoongi and a month old Junnie in his arms and two pregnant omegas waddling inside, yet Namjoon still wasn't that big, he popped a little bit though, but not much.
Namjoon shut the door behind him. I gasped, jumping out of my chair and sped walked towards the three... well four. Yoongi handed his pup to me, I awed at the little pup in my arms.  "Hi Junnie, it's been a while," I watched his little cat eyes open and a gummy smile appeared across his face. I glanced away from the pup, looking over at Jimin and Namjoon managing and successfully sitting on the couch. I squinted my eyes at them, glaring at them playfully, "Shouldn't you two be at home? Like, I don't know, maybe resting, because you both are due any day now." Yoongi sighed, his hands on his hips, shaking his head. "I tried to tell them to stay at home, but they wanted to see you and their mates. I guess we'll keep our eye on them," I chuckled, omegas can get pretty stubborn when pregnant. I feel Junnie start to squirm a bit in my arms, so I gently handed him back to his mother. Yoongi checked the baby's dipper, seeing him role his eyes, looking down at the pup. I laughed seeing Junnie trying to suck on his mamas nipple through his shirt, he scuffed, "You're your fathers son alight..." he mumbled and head over to the couch with the other omegas. He was about to unbutton his shirt, but glanced towards me. "Uh you don't mind... if I feed... do you Hoseok?"
My brows furrowed in confusion, "Of course not hyung, it's nothing I haven't seen before. Why would you ask?" I asked him softly and made my way towards them, sitting in my single chair. Jimin made grabby hands, so I moved and sat between the two pregnant omegas, who immediately cuddled into me. I chuckled at their cute reactions, I held each of their hands in mine, just incase. Looking towards Yoongi, his shirt unbuttoned and his pup happily being fed and making noises. Seeing the small smile on his face, when he looked at his son, it was an amazing sight to me.
"Yoongi-hyung?" He hummed and not taking his eyes off of his pup, his finger wiping milk that leaked from the corner of his mouth. "I'm only curious... But why did you ask me if it was ok to breastfeed?"
He let out a short sigh, sniffling a little, "The o-other workers... alphas, betas... even the omegas... tell me they're uncomfortable, grossed out, or f-feel sick... whenever I breastfeed... " he answered in a hushed and depressed tone of voice.
I don't understand people, it's only breastfeeding, it's normal. But Yoongi is a male omega, male omegas aren't common, we are considered rare. But it still shouldn't matter. I sighed, "Yoongi... whenever you need to breastfeed or even change a fricken dipper, my room is always open for you, ok?" I softly gestured him, getting a smile in reply. I glanced at both Namjoon and Jimin, my hands gripping slightly in their grasp, "Same goes to you two," I stated, hearing them hum tiredly. A small, gummy smile growing bigger on Yoongi's face, as he nod his head, thanking me. He then began patting his sons back softly, until he heard the little burp. Then re-buttoning is shirt with a single hand.
My smile immediately dropped when I felt Namjoon's hand squeeze mine and hitched out a breath. My gaze broke down at him, his eyes clenched shut, sensing that he was having a contraction. "Namjoon, don't let go of my hand ok, squeeze it when you feel the next contraction and I don't care how tight it is." He nod his head as an answer and managed to breath out an 'ok'. I glance over at a worried looking Yoongi, I gave him a reassuring smile, seeing him relax a bit. 
After some time passed, I felt Namjoon squeeze my hand once again, his breath hitched in pain again. His contractions were about thirty minutes apart. Meaning he's probably been feeling them threw out the whole day... possibly. "Namjoonie, mind telling me how long you've been feeling these?"
After he breathed through the pain, this one was definitely longer than the last. He whimpered when it didn't die down, "mmm s-sense last.... last night... hhhmmm god this fucking hurts." He grunts our, I sighed, "What am I going to do with you?" Mentally thanking myself for reading and studying all those medical books, my parent's house. Also helping out in the hospital wing when I lived there at the time.
"Has your water broken yet Joonie?"
Knowing the contraction finally ended when his grip loosened, also hearing him let out a sigh of relief. "N-No... not yet... Jin doesn't know yet either..."
Jimin then takes my phone out of my jacket pocket, watching him scrolling through my contacts, clicking Jin's number. "Hi hyung! This is Jimin, I'm just hanging out with Hoseok in his office!... Hoseok is helping Namjoon out....... he's uh-let's just say you're going to be a father soo-" He looked at my phone, bringing it back to his ear, saying 'hello' into it. "He hung up, meaning he's on his way!" He said very cheerfully.
I slowly nod my head, "That's one way to calmly address an alpha that his mate is in labor... Jimin," only to see him giggle out a 'sorry', sliding my phone back into my jacket pocket. I sighed, rolling my eyes, feeling Namjoon squeeze my hand every now and then. After ruffly maybe two hours passing, I released Jimins hand, taking my phone back out to call Taehyung. "Jimin hun, mind holding my arm please." I calmly ordered him, The line rings a few times, finally hearing a deep voice saying 'hello' from the other side. I let out a breath of relief, "Hey uh Tae, do you mind calling an ambulance."
"What!?! Why!?! Is everything ok?!"
"Yeah, Namjoon is in labor and-"
Jimin suddenly gasped, his grip tightened on my arm... I sighed and looked over at Yoongi, mouthing the words, 'call Jungkook'.
A huff passes my lips, "And now Jimin just went into labor..."
I heard a sigh come from the other line, "Alright... They're all in you're in your office, correct?"
I hummed in reply, him informing that he will call for help immediately, after saying our goodbyes and ending the call. I placed my phone back in my jacket pocket, taking Jimin's hand back into mine.

Soon hearing a sharp gasp, and a soft, "Oh no...", I glance back down at Namjoon. His grip grew tighter, as he groaned in pain, as tears fell free from the corners of his eyes. He began breathing a lot harder and irregular.
"My water broke..." he breathed out, gasping, "I need to push... I need- agh!" He screeched and cried out in pain.

Third pov:
Hoseok sprung up from his seat immediately, Jimin shifted over to Yoongi, grasping onto his arm, cuddling into his omega mate.
Hoseok's attention now fully on Namjoon, "D-Do mind if I uh.... t-take a look Namjoon?" The omega frantically shook his head and breathed out a 'no', obviously wanting the pain to end.
Hoseok helped pull down the omegas damp sweatpants and underwear. Opening his legs and saw a head. He then took off his suit jacket and laid it on the floor, rolling up the sleeves to his pink button up. "Namjoon... you're going to haft to give birth in my office." More tears trailed down Namjoon's flushed cheeks. Shaking his head,not wanting to have his pup here, in an office? Hoseok shook his head, "Namjoon hun, you have no choice, don't worry about it being in an office ok. I had to deliver a pup in a bathroom and in a horse stall, so please, I need you to trust and listen to me, please." Almost sounding like he was begging, wanting to help his friend to know he could trust him.
Namjoon gazed into the deep brown eyes, he trusted the omega, so he finally nod his head. Hoseok helped him down to the floor, Namjoon got down on his knees, sitting over his friends jacket, hunched over on the cushions of the couch. Hoseok used the pillows on his couch as padding for his friends knees. Glancing over at the frightened Jimin and worried Yoongi, who was rocking a crying Junnie in his arms. Jimin was holding onto his bicep, gripping it whenever he felt a wave of pain rip through.
Hoseok focused his gaze back onto helping his friend deliver, 'let's have a pup,' he thought to himself.

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