Chapter seventy-six (End)

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Third pov:
Hoseok was at work, doing some paperwork, he hissed in pain. Rubbing his bump, he looked at his watch to check the time, "Fifteen minutes apart-agh!! Owowowowowow..." he hunched over in his chair, in pain, taking deep breaths. Waiting for the pain to pass, groaning when his back began to hurt more. Once it finally passed, he sniffled and glanced at his bump. "You are wanting out, why are you so edger to come now? All of your elder siblings took their sweet time. But you, no... sense about eight, maybe even nine, this morning, it went from less than an hour apart to less than thirty. And the fact that it's only half passed noon," Hoseok shook his, as he then began putting his papers away, pushing himself up and taking his phone out to call Taemin. He'd call his husband, but the idiot left his phone in their office, right on his desk. Hoseok groaned in pain, "Where's your father?!" He growled out in pain, hearing Taemins voice answer on the other line. "Oh thank god, Taemin, I'm in labor..... no-no it hasn't broken, yet.... I don't know where— GAH!! Flying fu—" Hoseok shuffled to press the speaker button with a shaky hand and dropped his phone onto his desk.
"Hoseok! How far apart are your contractions!?"
Hoseok groaned and cried in pain, sighing when the pain finally passed. "Less than fifteen minutes... they keep getting closer and closer, I need to get home, my house is closer. But Taehyung drove me hear and I can barely wa—AGH!! FUCKING HELL!!!!" He growled in pain, gripping the edge of his desk.
"I'm on my way!! Hold tight!!"
The sound of the beta shuffling, "I'll call you back alright!! I'm going to call my work real quick!!"
Hoseok managed to pant out an ok, he jumped from hearing a loud bang on the door. Smelling his alphas scent near by, "T-Taehyung!?" The door then broke off its hinges, Mr. Kim trying to pry a female beta off of Taehyungs back. She clawed at his shirt, touching him all over. "Hoseok's nothing but a cheater!! And you know it my love!! I sent those videos as proof!!" Taehyung's eyes glowed blue, to purple, to red. The females eyes then glowed red as well, "You are fired!! Now get off me! Leave and never come back!!" The female shook her head and forced a kiss on the alphas lips. Hoseok growled, "Get your hands off of my alpha!!" The girl screamed in fright, not knowing the omega would be here. She then saw the bump on his midsection and gasped, "See!! He's even pregnant with another alphas pup!!!" Taehyung groaned in annoyance, managing to force the girl off his back, "Is your nose broken, or are you just stupid." She then jumped back on him, making him fall to the ground. Hoseok used any energy he had left and rushed over to help his husband. Mr. Kim tried getting the beta off his son, but he got clawed and then elbowed in the face. Knocking him out cold, Taehyung gasped and tried to rush to his fathers aid. Throwing the crazy beta off of him, so he could check his father.
The female beta growled demonically, turning to the omega, who was on the floor, holding his bump, breathing through another contraction. The betas glowed a deep, blood red, foaming out of the mouth, as if she was a wolf animal. Hoseok eyes widen, protecting his bump, attempting to back away from the beta.
The beta then shoved the pregnant omega against the wall. She sat between his legs, her hands around the omegas neck, cutting off his airway. Hoseok coughed, clawing and gripping the females betas hands and arms. His jaw then dropped, eyes clenched shut, weakly crying out in pain, a puddle of liquid formed between his legs. The female beta smirked, "Well look who's ready to come?" she wickedly spoke, laughing creepily.

Taehyung snarled seeing his mate being harmed, trying to help his mate, but was getting choked by what felt like rope around his throat. The betas smirk grew, her eyes then went black, the darkest and evilest side of magic. Which explained her strength and powers.
The beta chuckled, "Mind if I feel?don't worry, I don't bite." Hoseok growled when the beta moved one of her hands to his bump, beginning to trail her hand down between his legs. He clenched his thighs together. His eyes glowed a light purple, nearly white, along with his hands, placing his palm on her head. "Not my child you bitch," he spat with a weak voice, his face turning red from lack of air. The female beta screamed, black smoke rushing out of her. Her eyes rolled back, she then fainted, collapsing onto the floor. Hoseok gasped and was coughing for air, heavily breathing. His hand jolted to the side of his bump, his breathing quick, and labored.
Once the contraction ended, he was able to get his breathing more under control. Hoseok checked the young female beta for a pulse, sighing in slight relief when the bitch was still alive. "She's alive, but she's going to have a long talk with the police," he stated. He then cursed, crying in pain, the alpha sped to his side, now able to breath. But he had an ugly burn mark around his neck.
Taemin came bursting into the room panting, along with the police and paramedics rushing to help, especially their expecting Luna.

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