Chapter sixty-two

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Third pov:
"Hey..." he said in a hushed voice. Kai jumped from the sudden voice, turning to see the familiar face. He scuffed, "What do you want kid?" Sehun shrugged, "Can't sleep, so I came here.... you?" Kai shrugged, mumbling the word 'same' in reply. Both ignoring the odd feeling on their wrists, and the fluttering feeling in their stomachs and chests. Sehun sat next to him on the cool grass, there was a tight silence. So the younger decided to break it. "Tell me about you?" Sehun asked, Kai glanced at him with rose a brow, "Why would you want to get to know me?" Sehun shrugged, playing with the grass and flowers around him, "I would like to be your friend is all." He mumbled out, getting long sigh from the elder. Kai mumbled a jumble of made up words that sounded like he said 'I can't believe I'm doing this'.

"The names Kai, I'm turning sixteen in a few months." Sehun lit up, "Oh! So your going to soon show as an omega?!" He asked excitedly, Kai groaned, rubbing his face, "Really you too, my little brother thinks I'm going to be an omega. But I think I'm going to be an alpha." Sehun hummed, "Suuuurrre you are, yeah ok, we'll see about that." Kai scuffed, "When I show as one, I bet you'll be the first omega on your knees begging for me." Sehun laughed, "Wait about another year and we'll see... omega..." Kai rolled his eyes, shoving the younger to the side, "Whatever kid, now tell me about you." He demanded. Sehun whistled from the elders tone of voice, but he then thought for a moment. "Well, I'm fourteen... ummmm.... I'm the youngest of five, soon to be six." Kai's eyes shot open in shock, "Six pups?! So you're telling me, Mrs. Kim did have two sets of twins and then you, and now their having another." Sehun sighed and let a proud yup, making a flower crown out the flowers. "My mother is amazing though, the best male omega that I've ever know. My brother and sister, who are the second set of twins, we're like, barley a year apart." Kai then smirked, elbowing the younger in the arm. "What about your future mate? Would they not be the best in your eyes?" Sehun smirked, "If it's you, then yes." Kai's smirk fell, a blush spread across his face, his gaze turned away from the younger's eyes. "W-we just met, how can say something like that?" Sehun loved how flustered the elder got, he lightly chuckled, finishing the flower crown. "We should hang out more, you're cool." Kai laughed at the random things that come out of the youngest mouth. "Fine, how about at midnight, here, every other night?" Sehun nod, placing the crown on the elders head and then held out his pinky. Kai smiled, hooking his pinky with the younger's.

They both kept that promise too, seeing each other almost every night. Sehun chanted 'I told you so', nearly a hundred times to Kai when he presented as an omega. Then the day came when Sehun presented as an alpha. He grew too, was more buff and had a deeper voice that made the elder weak.
As time passed, the two slowly, began to grow feelings for each other.
One night they were meeting up again, but for some reason it was becoming less frequent.
Sehun was chasing after the omega, "Kai please listen to me, I swear on the Luna of my pack, that I'm not seeing someone else, my sibling's and I are just practicing our powers." The young alpha pleaded, getting a scuff from the omega. "Whatever Sehun, it's the same fucking excuse every time and I'm just done." Sehun grabbed onto his wrist before the elder could walk away again, pulling the elders back close to his toned chest. Sehun hugged the elders thin waist, Kai's breath hitched from the close contact, the strong scent of the alpha. Feeling the hot breath against his ear, "Are you jealous Kai? Hmm?" Kai shook his head slowly, "S-Sehun... le-let me go... please..." The young alpha spun the omega around to face him, cupping the flushed cheeks in his hands. Sehun gazed at the omega in front of him, "You are so beautiful Kai, your heart, mind and soul, I love everything about you. I love you... so, so much." Kai stood in shock, his heart rate increased, beating so loud he was afraid the alpha could hear the pounding. "You... you love... me?" Sound more like a question than a statement. Sehun nod, a smirk spread upon his lips. They then leaned in closer, their lips less than a centimeter apart. But their lips connected into a passionate kiss, full of love.
They separated after what felt like forever, both dazed and lost in each other's eyes. Kai gasped at the bright light that shined on the alphas wrist, then seeing his own shine. "We're destined..." the omega gasped out in disbelief. He gazed up at the alpha, who was also in shock, "We're destined...." Sehun repeated, trying to process what just happened, the only feeling going through him was just pure happiness. He picked up the omega by the waist and spun him around, ending it with a kiss.
They cuddled each other in the grass, Kai was lost in thought. Sehun's brows furred in concern. "What's on your mind love?" Kai hummed, "oh nothing... I just remember our first conversation when we first met.... And how your mother ended up with surprise twins again instead of having one pup.... it all makes me wish to have a big family of my own one day... my little brother is with Baekyun.... then your siblings ended up with you parents friends kids... I just dream to have a big family... So I can see my own kids grow."
Sehun smiled and pecked a kiss on the omegas head, "Well, you're now part of my family, so that counts right?"
Kai nod, "Yeah, but I would love have my own someday." The smile increased on the alphas face, his nose buried into the omegas hair. Taking in the beautiful scent of honey lemon.
"Soon Kai baby, whenever you are ready."

Sadly, nights turned into days and days turned into months, soon adding up to three long years. Sense the omega has last seen the alpha. Kai was beyond upset, angry at the alpha. No longer trusting his words and lies of said "love".

"Kai?" The omegas head shot up to Josh's attention. Who's sat at the end of the long rectangular table. While Kai stood by his brother and mother. His father sitting at the table by Josh.
"Yes sir." "I want you to find the Kims weakness. And I trust that you are the perfect omega for that... can I trust you to do that?" Kai smirked, knowing just the wolf to fool. "Yes sir, you can trust me."

'Kim Sehun, you are in for a treat....'

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