Chapter seventeen

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Taehyung's pov:
After I changed into comfy pajamas, a simple pair of grey sweatpants and the same white T-shirt I wore today. I plopped down on the couch, picking out a Christmas movie on tv, while patiently waiting for Hoseok to come down. Scrolling through the endless list, I finally decided on 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas', but put the movie on pause though, so Hoseok didn't miss anything. I stood up from the couch and head to the kitchen to make us some hot chocolate and popcorn to snack on.
Roughly a half hour later, I made my way out of the kitchen, setting the hot mugs on the coffee table, making sure to put a coaster underneath them. Then going back to the kitchen to get the popcorn, setting it down next to the mugs of hot chocolate.
Smelling the scent of warm vanilla, I hear the wooden floor creek near the stairs, turning my attention towards where the sound came from. Seeing the omega in baggy, pink T-shirt, and what looked to be black shorts, really short, shorts, showing off his beautiful smooth, porcelain legs. His hair was a little damp from probably taking a shower.
I shook my head, catching myself staring, again, glancing down, finding the wooden coffee table interesting now, I grab the remote to the tv. Clearing my throat, "I hope you like 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas'," I said while un-pausing the movie.
"I've actually never seen it before," his voice, soft like silk, as it always is whenever he spoke, it wasn't to high, nor to low, it was perfect.
I then faced him in shock and disbelief from his said words, a smile soon spreading onto my face, "Well, I guess you're going to see it now, because it is a must see, and, we'll decorate the tree while watching it." He nod, that cute, small smile spreadon his lips, that makes his dimples show slightly. He made his way over around the big couch, I hand him his own hot chocolate. He takes it and mumbles a soft 'thank you'. I sighed after taking a decent, long sip of the hot chocolatey goodness. "No problem, but, do you mind helping me put the lights on the tree first?!" I asked, maybe in a little to excited manner, but I love decorating Christmas trees on Christmas. He lit up and squealed and set the mug down on the table, but then gave a confused look, his lips in a small pout. Then looking very hesitant and nervous, twiddling with his fingers, "What do I do though?" He asked, I stepped tt the box, labeled 'Christmas decor', opening it and pulled out the lights from inside. "We'll just wrap it around the tree from top to bottom, we'll pass the lights back and forth to each other, so it's easier... does that make sense." I explained as best as I could, seeing him only nod and went on one side of the tree, I stepped on the other side and started the top, sense I was taller.
As we soon reached the bottom, our hands accidentally brushed together while adjusting the lights. I straightened up quickly, mumbling a 'sorry', plugging in the lights and seeing his expression of pure awe of the colorful lights flashing on. I shook myself from another long stare at the omega and walked back to the box, taking out the first ornament unwrapping it, then handing it to Hoseok. "Where do I put it?" Looking adorable with his little pout, looking like a confused deer. I shrugged and gave him a soft smile, "Wherever you want," giving him a wink for fun. But it made a dust of pink appear on his cheeks, I guess you can consider this as payback for earlier.
While putting more ornaments on the tree, we were in a comfortable silence and watched the movie. But I soon choose to break the silence, wanting to get to know the omega more.
"So, when's your birthday Hoseok?"
"February eighteenth," he answered while hanging up a heart shaped ornament. 'Cute', I thought to myself. "So are you younger or older than me?" I asked curiously. He bit his bottom lip, then giggled and head over to the box to get another ornament. My face scrunched in confusion, "What's so funny?" He only started giggling more, "I'm not even a year older than you.... but I've never heard of a male omega called 'hyung' before... by an alpha especially!" I chuckled at his little explanation, smirking and cocking at an eyebrow at him, "Well then... hyung~... would you do the honors for putting the star on top?" Handing him the shiny, golden star, he slowly takes the start and stares at it, then looks up at the top of the tree. "I won't be able to reach though..." He said in a baby like voice, pouting slightly. I head to the kitchen to get a chair, setting it by the tree. I carefully watch his movements, not wanting him to fall and get hurt. He carefully steps up on the chair, I hovered my hands near his waist. As he reached up and place the star on the top of the tree. He steps down carefully, but slips on a piece of paper. Acting quickly and catching him in my arms, our eyes locked for a moment, but I shook out of my trance. And helped him stand up, ignoring the fact that my tattoo mark felt warm, again, and it's starting to annoy me.
I cleared my throat, "Are you ok Hoseok... hyung," I smirked when his adorable giggle came out, his face slightly more flushed. But he was able to speak after taking a few breaths, "I'm fine and thank you, but please, don't call me hyung." I laughed and nod, trying to not coo at the omegas small yawn. "Head to bed and I'll clean up," I gestured and started picking up the papers and tossing them back in the box.
"Uh I don't think so, I am helping you," I saw him snap his and waving his finger around and propping his free hand on his hip. I whistled, "Wow, sassy, veeerrry sassy." He only cutely giggled, I watched him help pick up the empty mugs and bowl, bringing it to the kitchen. Hearing the water running, from him washing them.
I finished cleaning up the papers and put the box inside a nearby closet.
Hoseok came back, he bends down to pick up the remote to turn off the tv. 'He has a nice ass, holy shit, my father and sister are right. I am whipped for this omega.' I turn my head to the Christmas tree, trying to get my dirty mind out of the gutters.
"So what do you want for Christmas Hoseok?"  He shrugged, his arms crossed over his chest, he hummed, bitting his bottom lip. "Nothing really, I only wish to have fun... what about you alpha? I mean your birthday is also near by," He stepped a bit closer to me, I swallowed a lump in my throat. He called me alpha and the fact that it sounded innocent and not even a little bit seductive. I released a heavy sigh, trying contain myself and Taehyung jr. downstairs, I've been trying to keep calm sense he came downstairs in the baggy t-shirt alone.
I scratched the back of my neck, fake coughing, "I-I um... I would like to just have a nice dinner and maybe go for a walk in the woods." Which isn't a lie, I love going out in the woods.
'But I honestly would love something else as well, but I'm not going to say it.'  I cursed under my breath for how much the words I said to the omega, it sounded more like a date then a birthday present.
I slowly step closer to the omega, hearing his breath hitch when I caressed his cheek, running my tumb against the soft skin of his flushed cheek. My eyes broke from his brown orbs and gazed at his kissable, plump lips, they are so plum and pink. I would love to kiss them every second for the rest of my life.

Third pov:
They slowly started leaning in closer, a small gap was between them, feeling each other's hot breath against their lips. But the alpha shook out of it, the rumors and the text message then burned from the back of his mind.
"S-Sorry, I don't know what got over me." Hoseok shook his head, "No it's fine... it was an accident... I guess I'll see you in the morning?" The alpha nod his head and gave the elder a soft smile, he watched the omega make his way around the couch and head upstairs, disappearing behind the wall.
The alpha sighed and looked down at the bulge in his pants.
"Great... what in the world is this omega doing to me?" He growled in irritation, going upstairs to bed, to also take care of his problem.

The Unoticed Truth (Edited)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora