Chapter twenty-seven

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*Warning!! Mentions of anorexia!!!

June thirtieth....

Namjoon's pov:
I knocked on the door to Taehyungs office, once I heard him yell 'come in', in a very deep and harsh tone. I felt a shiver run up my spine, as I slowly entered his office. Closing the door behind me and slowly stepping closer to his desk. His head down, signing papers, the usual.
"How can I help you Namjoon?"
I swallowed a lump in my throat, clearing my throat. "S-sir, I would like to ask for you to take an easy on Hoseok... please, don't you think you're over doing it a bit with him?" Taehyung dropped his pen, his jaw clenched as he gazed shot up at me. I've never seen his eyes so cold, making another shiver go down my spine, seeing him release a heavy breath of a sigh. He rubbed his face in irritation, I flinched when I heard a deep growl like groan escape from him. "If he performs at the competition, tomorrow evening and shows himself on stage, then maybe I'll go easy, maybe. But I'm not making any promises. I'm one of the judges as well, so I should not be disappointed." My heart clenched, it's supposed to be over ninety degrees tomorrow evening , maybe even higher, and it has been raining nonstop for the whole month of June, so Taehyung refuses to change the date at this point. I let out a shaky breath, thinking of Hoseok's condition, his doctor will be on the sidelines tomorrow, thank the gods. He's starting to show a lot more too, which is good, but he fears what Taehyung would think and do. We made sure the uniforms were baggy enough to cover him and light enough so he wouldn't pass out, hopefully. The choreography looks amazing, but we're all scared for his health and of course the unborn pups.
I slowly nod in response, opening my mouth to say something else, but I just couldn't bring myself to say it. So I bowed, "Thank you... uh-sir..." I mumbled, leaving the room.
The minute I stepped out, I released a breath I didn't know I was holding, heading over to the elevator, and pressing the button to Hoseok's level.
I knock on his door, the door opened after a few minutes, seeing Hoseok, stepping to the side. I smiled, seeing Jin laying back on the couch and holding our daughter. He held his finger against his lips, mouthing the words  'she's asleep', I awed and sit next to my alpha. I lay my head against his free shoulder, looking at my little pups face. She was a beautiful mix of both Jin and I, it makes it hard to believe that's she'll be a year old this coming fall.
I hear Hoseok shut the door, making his way back to his desk, he had to start wearing bigger shirts, hoodies, and sweaters to work. Jimin, Yoongi and I are going maternity clothes shopping with him next weekend, sense the dance practices won't be every evening after work anymore. He wasn't as big as he was supposed to be apparently, Jimin, Yoongi and I went to his ultrasound with him yesterday. There is definitely two pups growing in him, but the doctor said tomorrow is officially his last day of dancing, because he needs to gain a little more weight. He also started throwing up after, nearly, every practice now, he is thinning out so much, it's worrying us so much. Even having trouble with sleeping because the pups kick him pretty much every night. I watch him take his prenatal vitamin and an iron pill, swallowing them down with vitamin water, that has minerals and more vitamins in it. The doctor told him to start drinking the water to help him out on gaining a little more energy, along with drinking power-aid as well.
I watched him shuffle papers around on his desk, organizing them, then seeing him flinch and letting deep breaths, in and out, through his nose.
"How are you Hoseok?" I ask him in a low, worried tone. He smiled softly, setting down the papers, glancing towards me. "Fine, they haven't been kicking me that much in the ribs and lungs as much, but they still do every now and then." I shake my head, whenever we ask him how he's doing, he always thinks we're taking about the pups. "No, I mean you Hoseok, how are you? I'm happy that the pups are fine and full of energy, but you yourself says other wise. And please be honest with me," I practically begged him, using Jins scent to help me stay calm. Hoseok's  gaze dropped, looking down at the many stacks of papers in front of him, I hear him sniffle. But he wipes his tears away, forcing them back, I can tell he was trying to stay strong. But I patiently wait for him to answer, not wanting to rush, nor push, him.
He cleared his throat, seeing all the emotion breaking through when he glanced back up at me. "I'm... tired, exhausted, in pain physically and mentally... I don't want to lose them... I'm doing everything I can to keep them safe and healthy, yet I fear that the day I have them though... they'll be taken away from me... I'm so scared, terrified... he doesn't even look at me when I go up there, he doesn't even bat an eyelash to glance at me for a second... but he's saying he'll see me dance tomorrow... yet he ignores me like the plague, day by day, but he wants to see me perform tomorrow.... he's so confusing.... " Hoseok scuffed, falling back into his chair, folding his arms over his chest, making his bump more prominent.
I sighed, "About that um... I spoke to him, earlier, and he said he'll think about taking an easy on you, if he likes your performance and isn't disappointed... but he's not making any promises either..." The mixed emotions in his eyes, those eyes, that have shed enough tears to make another ocean. My heart shattered like glass, for what might be the millionth time this year alone, seeing some hope still left in him, but the sorrow in those brown orbs, was all that could be seen.
I stood up, walking over towards him, pulling his head into my chest. I hear him break down in tears, I rub my hand up and down his back.
"It's ok Hoseok, let it out... we're here for you... we won't leave you alone, ok." Only to hear him break down more, I glance over my shoulder, eyeing my mate. Feeling my own tears slowly fall, hating that Hoseok got in thrown into this situation.

Third pov:
Today is the competition, the day many have been dreading and stressing about the most.
Hoseok's group was up next and they were also the last to perform, and the worst part. It was hot, really hot, it grew hotter as it grew further into the day, his doctor was there to keep an eye on him, making sure the omega drank enough fluids to stay hydrated. Giving him power aid, vitamin water and ice cold water. His doctor would also place an ice pack on the back of his neck, to help him stay cool.
During the dance, Hoseok made sure he was in the back row at all times, because the head alpha made it fully obvious that he did not want to see him to much.
Hoseok was sitting in a chair back stage, he wore a huge white t-shirt, splattered in different colored paint like patterns, breezy, black shorts and white converse. His group wore something similar, to fit with the song Yoongi helped him produce, he called it 'Hope World'.

"Last, but not least, give it up for
J-Hope!! Dancing to HOPE WORLD!!"
Jimin helped the pregnant omega stand up from the chair, worry for his friend built up in his chest.
"Are sure you'll be ok Hoseok?!" His voice was full of worry and fear.
Hoseok gave his friend a soft smile, "Yes and plus... I have no choice but to do this.... the three of us will be fine, promise." Mumbling the last few words, as his gaze fixed to his bump, running his hand along it. Smiling when he felt his pups little kicks and punches. Hoseok gave his friend a quick hug, before gathering his group together.
The dance group head out onto the stage, getting in first position.
The head alpha barely noticed the omega, his pink hair making him a bit more noticeable, but the omegas face was thinner. Taehyung snickered, scuffing, having no pity for the omega what so ever. 'Pfft, not my fault he's battling anorexia now,' the head alpha thought to himself.
The song then started and they soon began dancing, the temperature felt like it got worse, rising every passing minute after each and every movement Hoseok made.

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