Chapter twenty-nine

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*imagine Hoseok wearing that, but without the long hair, obviously


Hoseok's pov:
"Alright Hoseok, they look healthier than ever! I assume you also would like a copy of your own?"
I nod my head happily, looking down at my very "big" bump, just about two more weeks and I will be able to see and hold them. He hands me a tissue, I clean my belly, as he head out of the room to go pick up the pictures for me.
I roll down my blue and white blouse, glancing at my wrist watch, groaning at the time. Not wanting to go back to work after this, I had to come in during my lunch break today, because of all the tsunami of paper work I haft to finish. I huffed, rubbing my face in irritation. Thinking of all the papers Taehyung loaded onto me.
I feel my phone vibrate in my jean pocket, mumbling out a curse word and pulling it out, reading the screen, someone was calling me. And it wasn't the unknown number that's been texting me for the past year.
I press answer, bringing my phone against my ear, "This is Jung Hoseok."
"Good evening Hoseok! This is Mr. Kim, Taehyung's father, I would like to have a word with you sometime today in my office, if that's not a problem for you?" I open and close my mouth, probably looking like a fish out of water. I mean, I'm not doing anything today after work, now that I think about it. Why not, it won't hurt right? I sighed, running my hand along my bump, humming. Shrugging and giving him an answer. "Sure, I'm fine with that, is five a good time for you sir?" I hear him awe through the line,"That is a wonderful time, I will see you then Hoseok!" His cheerful character made me giggle, "See you soon sir!" I happily bid to him a goodbye before we hung up. My doctor soon returned, handing me my new sonogram pictures. I take a closer look at them, tears peeked the corners of my eyes, as my fingers traced over the two small figures in the photo. These are mine, these are my pups, growing inside me, and they are definitely my little blessings.
"They're going to look a lot like you," I hear my doctor quietly point out, while reading from the papers on his clipboard. Breaking my gaze from the small picture in my hand, I tilt my head in a bit of confusion. "What makes you think that?" I ask, as I glanced back at the picture, trying see what he is talking about. Tearing his eyes off of the papers and pointing at both of my twins in the picture. "They both have your side profile, they're identical twins too, so that's even better, in my opinion at least..." he mumbled the last part, but I still caught what he said, seeing a bit of pink on his cheeks. I giggled, feeling my own cheeks heat up slightly, whispering out a small 'thank you'.
I continued to study my pups for a bit longer, imagining who they might look like the most, facial wise. What if they have the head alphas eyes? Or lips? Smile? Come out as an alpha? I release a shaky breath and then attempted to sit up, whining when I couldn't sit up on my own, hearing my beta doctor laughing at me. I huffed, my bottom lip puckered out into a pout and crossing my arms above my bump. "It's not funny! These pups make every simple task, harder for me to do!" I jokingly shouted. Hearing his laugh slowly die down, "I know, I know, I'm sorry," he chuckles out. Holding his hand out for me to take. Which I gladly took, helping me push up from the gurney, because of my curiosity, last week, my doctor told me the name of this weird bed. I swung my legs over the ledge, puffing out my cheeks with a small huff and letting out a breath. Rubbing my lower back with both hands, these little ones definitely take my breath away... literally.
I look at my watch, to check the time again, sliding of the bed, grabbing my parka. I wave and say 'bye' to my doctor. Placing my hand on the knob of the door, hearing my say the name,
"Taemin." I turn back around to him,  "What?" I questioned in a confused tone. "Taemin, that's my name, sense we're good friends at this point, mine as well give you my name. Besides having to be called doctor all the time is confusing for the other doctors in this hospital." He chuckles, as he skims through the papers on clipboard once again. "And make sure to get a lot of rest, also drink and eat, you're due in less than two weeks, ok Hoseok." I solute him, chanting out,"Yes sir!" Then head out of the room, heading out of the hospital.

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