Chapter seventy-five*

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Third pov:
Hoseok woke up the next morning, feeling more refreshed, which he found weird. He then noticed a band aid on his arm, he groaned from the pup punching his bladder. "Thanks for the wake up call..." he mumbled, he huffed and climbed out of bed. Gasping when he look in the mirror of the bathroom, how is he in his alphas, favorite, night shirt. It's clean, so it doesn't smell like his mate, which made him slightly upset. He shrugged it off and went to use the toilet.

After doing his business, he was about to head down stairs to get something eat. He passed by the head alphas office, pausing when he heard yelling coming right through the door. Being the curious omega he is, stated to listen, wanting to know why his alpha was mad. His eyes widen at sudden thought, he hopes it's not true, but he fears his alpha might be trying to get divorce papers ready. Hoseok's eyes watered at the thought, he shook his head, pushing the negative thought away. Pressing his ear against the door to listen to the younger.

"I don't care!! Please just hack into my phone and locate the bloody number?!" Taehyung shouted, growling in irritation, ending the call and slamming his phone on his desk. He plopped down into his chair, perking up when sensing a familiar scent from the other side of his office door.

Hoseok bit his lip, hesitating at first, but chose to knock on the door. He heard the youngers deep voice shout 'come in'. He then slowly opened the door and entered the room, closing the door on his way in.
Taehyung relaxed at the sweet vanilla scent, he could sense his omega is full of so many emotions. He let out a heavy sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Shouldn't you be resting Hoseok baby?" He softly asked. Which the omega was not expecting to hear from the younger. Hoseok's face slightly blushed from the sudden nickname. His heart rate slightly picked up, his eyes narrowed, crossing his arms. "Why are you acting as if nothing happened Taehyung?" He asked in a slightly more bitter tone than the alphas.
Taehyung nod his head and cleared his throat, sniffling, holding back tears of regret and guilt. His head dropped in shame, "I'm so sorry Hoseok... I broke many promises, even our vows, I honestly don't deserve another chance, nor your trust and love. If you want to break our bond and divorce, I won't stop you." Hoseok's heart sank when seeing the alpha reach inside his drawer, pulling out a small stack of papers. Placing the divorce papers on his desk, along with a pen. Hoseok sighed and shook his head, as he walked over to the alpha.
Hooking his arms around the younger's neck, "Don't be such a drama queen Tae, married couples have fights every once in a while. Divorcing and breaking our bond won't solve anything, we're destined for a reason." Hoseok stated, in a more gentle tone of voice. The alpha hummed, the omega used his small fingers to wipe the younger's tears that began to fall.
Taehyung shook his head, "I don't deserve you Hoseok, I do nothing, but hurt you. My father even came over earlier for a talk, that was such a fun little chit chat." He lightly chuckled out, but ended up crying harder, rubbing his face. Hoseok hummed and unhooked his arms from the alphas neck. He sighed and leaned against the desk, crossing his arms over his chest, seeing the alphas teary face go blank with nothing, but sorrow. "What's wrong Tae?" He asked, not ever knowing why he's always putting others before himself.
Taehyung chuckled and clicked his tongue, "I don't understand why your concerned for me, when you're caring a life right now." Hoseok shrugged, "You're still my mate Tae, I sense your emotions too. Even the pup, if only you could feel her right now, she's so upset, she senses both us in distress right now." Taehyung's heart cracked when hearing the elder using the nouns, 'her', and 'she'. He swallowed a lump in his throat, now fiddling with a pen on his desk, "I don't know how to get your trust back. I don't want to lose you, but my dumbass keeps fucking things up. I even read something, while you were asleep." Hoseok only nod, letting the alpha continue to speak. Taehyung sighed, clicking the pen a few times, as if he were testing it. "An alpha, specifically the ones with a tattoo mark, that doesn't get help during his rut. Will sometimes get moody, restless, and, a lot of other things. You did warn me, but I didn't listen," he chuckled out, groaning and rubbing his face. He huffed, shaking his head, "If I miss another rut without your help, I won't be able to reproduce, which I deserve it to be honest." Taehyung shrugged, mumbling the last few words, but the omega still heard them.
Taehyung swallowed hard, looking at anything, but the omega. "What I'm saying is... that I'm a useless, terrible, alpha, and father. I don't deserve to sit here and cry, especially after everything you told me last night. The gods probably even cursed me to not ever reproduce again, maybe worse, I might turn into a beast on my next birthday, and you..... you deserve so much better Hoseok." Hoseok's brow rose, sighing heavily, rubbing his face, trying to hold back a laugh. "Tae honey, to me, it doesn't matter, if you were to be in your wolf form, or a beast forever. I'll love you no matter what. Even when you threaten and blame me. To the point where, no matter how much I wish I had the courage to sign these papers. You do realize, after last night, I could've taken the my kids and left you with no family this morning. But I can't and I won't, cause I chose to continue to stay with you. What you did isn't right, but I choose to forgive you, because you are my husband and my destined mate. I choose to be stuck with you the rest of my life. But I also can never forget what happens between us, remember that." Taehyung nod in understanding, finding his wedding ring more interesting at the moment. The omega lifted his head up by the chin, not expecting to see the familiar soft smile on the elder. Hoseok was hesitant, but build the strength to peck a kiss on the younger's temple. "Everything will be ok, Tae honey, don't worry about me leaving, cause I won't. Just promise to not be over the top stubborn... again, and believe and trust me." The alpha lightly sniffled and nod, his gaze then broke to the omegas midsection. Hoseok noticed the alphas change of gaze, he followed the younger's gaze, his eyes widen, nibbling on his lip in thought. Soon taking the alphas hand and placed it on his bump. Taehyung broke down crying, feeling the little movements and kicks. Which led Hoseok to cry, the couple rest their heads together. Taehyung sniffled, "I shouldn't be crying, I shouldn't, it could be my hormones probably out of wack from my last rut." Which made the omega break out in laughter, subconsciously nuzzling the alphas head. "You alphas are such drama queens I swear! You've always been a cry baby Tae." The alpha pouted, but smirked and suddenly kissed the omega. Hoseok squeaked and gasped from the sudden kiss, his breath hitched when the alpha stood up. Taehyung stared into the elders dark orbs, cupping the elders cheek in his hand."I may be emotionally sensitive, but you're still my sensitive omega," Taehyung stated. As he kissed down the omegas neck, making sure to be extra slow and gentle.
Hoseok's breath hitched as he tilt his head, shivers ran up his spine. "W-what does that haft to do with anything Tae?" The alpha hummed, "You're my pregnant omega, meaning omegas are more sensitive and submissive, am I right? I know you are at least," he pointed out. Biting and sucking on the omegas neck, hearing soft whimpers come out of the omega. "Tae you horny alpha, just fuck me already... please.... I know your kinky ass wants to, so just help your pregnant omeg-Ah!! T-Tae!!!"

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