Chapter forty-nine

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Third pov:
Teahyung stared at the test for a solid minute, clearing his throat, "You two play, while mama and I talk ok."
They nod their head, running downstairs to watch a movie. Taehyung placed the test in his back pocket, heading downstairs and down the hall to his and Hoseoks room. He opened and closed the door on his way in, seeing his mate folding laundry.
Taehyung crosses his arms, and leaned against the door frame, the silence between them was thick.
"I fired her," the alpha stated, breaking the silence and getting right to the point. Hoseok huffed, "Why so you can kiss the next one..." he spat out, folding the clothes a bit more harshly. "No and trust me, I hate myself for letting it happen so easily, if you want, you even have access to all employees information. You can see for yourself, I fired her... and I swear, she was the one that kissed me Hoseok..." the alpha made sure to keep his distance from the omega.
Hoseok turned and narrowed his eyes at the alpha, staring into the hazel/brown orbs. Seeing nothing but truth, he made his way to his laptop and signed in, looking at the employee information. He sighed, rubbing his face in his hands, also noticing that the alphas hair was still a bit damp, meaning he took a shower in the hidden bathroom in his office. Yes, he knew about the hidden room, let's just say is was very heated moment for the two that one day. He closed his laptop, finishing up the laundry. Gasping, panicking, when the alpha wrapped his arms around his waist.
Taehyung stuck his nose in the omegas neck, taking in the sweet vanilla aroma. He hummed, "By any chance baby, are you hiding anything from me?" The alpha asked in a deep voice. Feeling the omega froze, but then continued to finish the last few clothes. "N-no of course not..." the omega mumbled, he then slipped from the alphas embrace, putting the clothes away. "I-I haft to go check on dinner, I think it's ready," the omega said, leaving the shocked alpha alone in the room.

Dinner was quiet, too quiet, for the alphas liking. But he didn't say a word, not wanting to say anything just yet.
After dinner, Hoseok put a movie on for twins to watch, which is their favorite Disney movie, 'The Little Mermaid.'
Hoseok then disappeared, yet the alpha still found him, upstairs in the attic, looking out at the landscape, standing on the balcony. The alpha knew the omega would be here, not even needing his scent to find him because this is where the elder went to escape.
Taehyung stepped up behind the omega, leaving the balcony door wide open.
Snaking his arms around the omegas slim waist again, hearing a gasp and the small body stiffen. He rest his head on the omegas shoulder, "You know, you're very bad at lying right?"
Hoseok scuffed and rolled his eyes.
The alpha hummed, "Are you sure, you're not hiding something from me Hoseok?" The omega bit his lip, nodding slowly, "... yes," he sounded hesitant and his voice was quiet. The alpha then took the test out from his back pocket, "mhm... then what's this?" Hoseok's eyes went wide, trying to take it from the alpha, who only moved it high in the air.
"Where did you find that?!" The omega shouted as he tried to reach for the test from the alphas grasp. Who only moved it further away from the omega. "The twins room, Euijeong found it in our bathroom, when she was looking for more toothpaste. Now tell me, how far along are you?" Hoseok huffed in annoyance, his gaze broke down to the floor, the alpha only heard him mumble. "Hoseok baby, I'm not mad, ok, just speak up a bit... please," the alpha said in a calm voice. Hoseok sucked in a shaky breath, tears dripping out of the corners of his eyes. "F-four and half mo-months," he stuttered out. "I-I knew the next d-day, after we first did it-it..." the omega mumbled, yet was loud enough for the alpha to hear. The omega wrapped his arms around himself. "I-I didn't tell you because of the nightmare I ha-had.... yo- you didn't believe you were the fa-fath-er... sa-saying I-I was whoring my-myself to other alphas... you even almost ra-raped me.... I-I tried to push it away, knowing it was only a bad dream, bu-but the wolfs at work still call me na-names.... they make sure to do it behind your ba-back..... the alphas even touch me, saying I enjoy it... la-last week, one of them tried to...." he covered his mouth, his body began shaking and trembling, as he hiccuped and choked on sobs.
Taehyung shook his head, "oh Hoseok...." he whispered, as he pulled the omega into a warm embrace.
"After what I did to you, I understand why you weren't able to tell me... and I'll take care of the wolfs at work... I'm having your office moved to mine anyway, so it'll be safer for you and the twins...." the alpha rocked them from side to side, pecking a kiss on top of the omegas head. Combing his fingers through the omegas dark brown hair, whispering sweet nothings to him. "I'm here for you Hoseok baby, I'm not going anywhere," the alpha mumbled, feeling the omega pressed himself up against the alpha more. Taehyung felt the bump press against his abdomen. A small smile stretched on his lips, but then it fell, wolfs at work have been touching his mate and saying foul words to him. Still, even after how many years. The alpha pulled the omega into a bit of tighter embrace, not wanting to let him go. The omegas breathing was now back to normal, only left with some sniffles. "Hoseok?"
"Hmm?" "What did the wolf try to do to you?" The omega stiffened, the memory, more like a nightmare, repeating in his head.
"He-He... Trey, was his name, he uh touched me... an-and forced himself on me... I was so scared, not for my life, but the pups... all I remember was seeing violet and he stopped, I fired him and I haven't seen him sense.... it's one of the reasons why I forgave you so easily earlier...." the omega answered, in a low and quiet voice.
Taehyung hummed, grumbling his words, "Good, or else he is dead meat when I see him, same goes for anyone that even looks at you." Hoseok giggled, making a smile crack onto the alphas lips, happy to hear his mate now laughing and no longer upset. The omega squeaked, from the alpha picking him up bridal style. The omegas baggy, grey dress, rolled down his thighs a bit. Getting carried into the attic bedroom, the alpha laid him on the king sized bed. Closing and locking the balcony door. Then crawling back onto the bed, pecking the omegas soft lips. His eyes glanced at the small bump, as he graced his finger tips on it, then pressing his palm against it.
The omega watched the alphas movements in awe, seeing him place a kiss on his bump.
The alpha smiled, "it explains a lot, you getting sick from that omegas strong cinnamon scent, there wasn't a knot the other times we did it, but I mainly didn't catch it because your scent was the same. That's because of the moon and destined mate thing though." He chuckled out, as he rolled up the omegas dress. Hoseok's face was turning red, so he covered his face with his hands. As the alpha rolled the material up, above the omegas growing belly. Placing warm kisses on his mates belly, then gently pulling the omegas hands away from his face.
"No hiding baby, our beautiful pup is growing inside you and I couldn't be happier." He said as he pecked his mates lips.
Hoseok smiled, resting his arms around his alphas neck. Who was hovering over him, between his legs. The omega hummed into the kiss, "Pup's," he corrected.
Taehyung looked down at him, his brow rose in confusion. "What do you mean by 'pups'?"
Hoseok smiled, his eyes sparkled from the moonlight, cupping the alphas cheeks, as he pecked his lips.
"I'm having twins again Tae..."

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