Chapter fifty-four

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Taehyung's pov:
I finished reading the chapter, now, possibly, knowing why my mate was abducted. But who-


I dropped the old book, the thump echoed in the vacant room. Yet hearing Hoseok's voice, I look around the room. I was alone, but how-
"Hoseok?!"  I shouted in my head.
"Tae! Yes! I'm in Jung pack, at my parents house, they want the pups because of the gift they got handed down from me and you."
My eyes shot open in shock, I picked the book up and placed it on a nearby desk.
"You knew about the legend?" I asked in him in pure shock. "I read about it when I was younger." He replied to me, he sounded so close, but his bond is too far away. "I didn't know you knew," Mainly thinking to myself.
"I mean, I didn't know about my scent remaining the same, but I knew about some of the history, there was a lot books in my parents house that had words and pages missing-"
I hear his voice get cut off, "Hoseok! Baby are you ok?!"  Not hearing him reply back made me worry more, I snatched the old book, and head out of the hidden room, speeding out of my office. Going across the hall to my fathers office, while turning the page I was on earlier in the book.
I enter my fathers rooms without knocking, weeing Jin and Jimin in there, who were helping with finding Hoseok. The others were helping too, but they have pups of their own to watch over, so they would alternate.
I see them face me, I was mess, I barley slept and ate, I took a shower every now and then. But I finally took one today, so my hair is damp, but it didn't hide the bags under my eyes.

"I know where Hoseok is!" I blurt out.
They all shot up from their seat, except for Jimin, because he was five months pregnant and we did tell him multiple times to rest, but he wanted to help. Saying he can't rest, knowing his childhood friend is gone.
"Where?! How?!" My father shouted, confusion laced on his face, along with a bit of happiness and anger. "His parents, he's in his pack, they want the pups." I answered, as their faces twisted in confusion, "but why?" Jimin asked. I laid the book on my fathers desk, easily turning to the page I just red and watched them gather around, each of them skimming through it. My father gazed at me, "I thought this was just ancient history... you both telepathically communicated?" I nod, "We haft to go to Jung pack, somehow, we can't just barge in with an army, we haft to get their wolfs on our side, if we can..." I mumbled. biting on my nails out of stress, trying to think of a plan.
I sighed in relief, hearing my mates beautiful voice, feeling tears peek on the corners of my eyes.
"Hoseok baby... are you ok?!" I telepathically thought, seeing my friends and father give me a confused look.
"I'm fine, but I'm having contractions. I'm so scared Taehyung, I can't give birth here, the pups will be considered part of the Jung pack if I do." I shook my head, pinching the bridge of my nose. Those bastards planned this, I groaned in irritation. Gripping the root of my hair from my scalp, taking deep breaths.
"Hang in there baby, I'm coming for you ok!"
There was silence for a bit, but then I heard his voice again, but it sounded more weak. "I'll be in labor for a while, but I don't know how long... contact the police here, ask for an alpha named Chae Hyung-won. H-He's my childhood friend."
I nod, even though he can't see me, "ok, I will, hang in there beautiful. I love you..."
"The pups and I love you too alpha," I then felt my heart melt, my pups, they're about to be born soon, and I want nothing more than to be by my mates side.

My friends looked at me weird, I cleared my throat, "Hoseok's in labor, so we need to hurry, contact the police there and ask for an alpha named Chae Hyung-won."
Seeing my father nod, taking his phone and immediately started dialing them.

Third pov:
The door opened to Hoseok's room, Josh entered, along with his parents. They left him along for nearly five hours. The omegas eyes narrowed at the two wolfs, whom he hasn't seen in years.
"Hello son," Mrs. Jung said, with a monotone voice.
"Mother," Hoseok spat through gritted teeth, but then gasped, breathing through another contraction, his hands griped the sheets, turning his knuckles white. "What, can't take a little cramp omega?" Josh chuckled out, the omegas parents joining in with a short fit of laughter. "Fuck.... you...." Hoseok panted out through gritted teeth. "Don't worry, we won't have any use of you after have our pup," Mrs. Jung voice was like venom on a open wound. Hoseok chuckled, they had no idea he was having twins and he was going to keep it that way. His chuckle turned into growl, hi eyes were an even brighter purple. "You will not be taking anything from me," he growled, only to receive a dark, evil chorus of laughter from them. "That's what you think..." Mr. Jung said in a deep voice. They then left, slamming the door and locking it. They switch the lock around, 'Smart, but not smart enough,' Hoseok thought to himself. 

"Jung Pack police."

"Yes hello, I'm looking for an alpha named Chae Hyung-won?"
"This is he, who am I speaking too?"
"This is Mr. Kim, and my son, Kim Teahyung, is the new leader of Kim Pack. And his mate, Jung Hoseok, has been abducted by his parents." Mr. Kim spoke as he put his phone on speaker, hearing the line go quiet for a moment...
Taehyung bit the inside of his cheek, as he waited for a reply.

"Tell me what I haft to do?"
Everyone's eyes shot open, hope built back up in them. Taehyung then spoke up, "Hoseok is in labor, his parents have him locked up, but I don't know where in his old house. But if you can get me through the border tonight. By using our bond, I can easily track him down," the alpha explained. Hearing a hum through the other line, "I can do that, I'm part of the committee here, I can also easily bring peace between our packs. We'll meet up tonight, in the woods on the border. I'm told to have a cedar scent, so look for it. I'll have a few guards join me as well. And make sure to wear all black and a mask, one wolf spots you and you'll be in deep shit."
Taehyung nod his head, "Yes, will do and thank you!!"
"No problem!"

Mr. Kim pat his son on the back, "You and Hoseok were definitely made for each other." Taehyung shrugged, a proud smirk on his face, "What can I say, we're destined."

Taehyung and his father went the Jung Pack border, in their wolf form. The head alpha sniffed the air, and the ground, searching for a certain scent. Then running towards the cedar scent. They both transformed back into their human form, looking around, hearing a twig snap. Taehyung spun to the sound, ready to fight, but relaxed when he smelled the cedar. He stepped up to the alpha, who stood to be around his height, blond hair and light brown eyes.
"Kim Taehyung?" The alpha asked in a husky voice. The said alpha nod, as they shook hands. "Chae Hyung-won, but call me Hyungwon, I'm childhood friends with Hoseok, I helped him build the cabin for his heats." Taehyung bowed his head, thanking the alpha. Hyungwon shook his head, waving his hand, "No need to thank me, many have been wanting the head leaders of Jung Pack gone for a while now. Follow me." He whispered, Leading the Kim's through the woods, to the Jung Pack Mansion.

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