Chapter thirty-one

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*artwork is not mine!!
*Also! Mentions of anorexia in this chapter!! And mentions of rape!!!

Taehyung's pov:
I released a heavy groan, my body full of nothing but anger and annoyance. My father did not sound happy, I don't know what's up with him, whatever it was that made him upset, can't be as worse as my problem... right?
Like, that fucking omega yelled at me! Faking a pregnancy and now he is supposedly 'due' in less than two weeks. Yeah right, I'm not falling for it. I growled in irritation, taking my keys, locking my office on my way out and heading home.
The minute I get home, I aim for the stairs, but stopped my tracks from hearing my father shout.
"Don't even think about it Kim Taehyung! I need to speak with you, so don't even try with me right now!"
I growled in irritation, annoyed that my father is yelling at me now. We stood face to face in the living room, massaging my throbbing temples, seeing his face full of fury. "What?" I snapped. "Don't snap at me young man! I did not like the state Hoseok was in today!" He growled out, clearly pissed off. I furrowed my eyebrows and scoffed, "It's not my fault the slut got an eating disorder!" Seeing my fathers face turn beet red, "Eating disorder!?! He's pregnant Taehyung! He's thin because of the stress YOU fucking put him in!" He stabbed his finger into my chest, I looked at him in shock, throwing my arms in the air and laughed halfheartedly. "Great! He's got you fooled as well! What else did he tell you?! That we are 'destined' 'mates'!! That we have the same tattoo mark!!" I cant believe this stupid omega even got my own father into this." My father then crossed his arms and smiled proudly, "In fact, yes he did, I even asked him to show it to me, he could've said no. But the poor thing was terrified that I would think he was lying! It's in the exact same spot as yours!! The exact same spot!! Same symbol and everything! How can a fake tattoo, that looks exactly like yours, as if it were copy and pasted onto his own chest, in the exact. Same. Spot! Tell me?! Even that ex secretary got it wrong and she saw your tattoo mark multiple times!!" He snapped, I felt anger boil in me, mixed with... regret? I shook my head and growled, "How can you even be so sure he's pregnant?! He doesn't even have the slightest change in his scent!! So he is still lying and I will not let that stupid omega fool me!" I hear a low growl come from my fathers chest, his eyes even shimmered a blood red.
"You fucking raped him during the blue moon!! Which for starters! I told you not to go to that bloody party because your rut was near!! Alcohol triggers your rut to start early!! You bloody idiot! You forced yourself onto your destined mate, during a blue moon!!"
My jaw dropped from shock, I remember reading about what happened to the destined couple over fifty years ago, it was considered the rarest things to ever happen. And I was drugged that night, I know I was, I asked for water not any alcohol because after drinking that glass clear liquid, everything was a blur. Waking up the next morning smelling his vanilla scent and... the scent of sex... That night... I... we... oh my flying fuck!! The fact it was blue moon didn't make it any better because people have no memory of the sexual events that happen during a blue moon. Combining it with alcohol and triggered rut... I growled, no it's a lie!!
I shook my head, "No... it's a lie! It all a li-," I was cut off, feeling a sting on my cheek, and falling to the side, I touched my cheek, my head and body  was thrown to the side from the amount of force, I look up at my father, seeing him full rage. He just smacked me, my father has never hit me before... My gaze broke down at the hard wood flooring, finding it more appealing.
"Lie! Is love a lie?! You went from talking about him for hours!!!Everyday!!! Then four months later, after Christmas, you come home and lock yourself in your room!! I raised you to be a man the way an alpha should be!! Not a fucking coward!! If your mother were here, she would not be happy!! I wish she would just crawl back from the grave, just to show you how you've become!! Out of all the omegas, alphas and betas that come into your office, saying they're pregnant and/or are your destined mate!!! You chose to hurt!! Threaten! And force Hoseok to even keep dancing?! You fucking forced him to dance in the stupid competition on a deadly hot day!!! He was six months pregnant Taehyung!! He is having twins and you put him through all this bloody shit!!" My head shot up at my raged father, he was puffing with anger, I could almost see steam coming out of his ears.
"T-Twins?" I mumbled out, not believing what he had said, my hand still on my stinging cheek. "Did I fucking stutter?! Yes he is having twins, but of course you wouldn't know!!! You didn't let the poor thing explain himself!! You were to blinded by your own rage and so stuck in your past!! Tell me?! How many times have you had wolfs come in, saying they're carrying twins?!!! Huh?! And don't expect him to be coming back to the company for a while, cause his maturity leave starts this Friday.... you better fix your mistake Taehyung, before you lose him for good." He growled and walked away to the back door, going outside to the garden.
I leaned back, feeling the cold wall against my back. Holding my sore cheek in my hand, but that pain cannot compare to the pain I feel in my chest, my heart is shattered. A single tear slowly creeped down from my eye, the another tear fell and another, and then another.

I went to bed early, trying to sleep the pain away, but I tossed and turned, panting. I felt his lips against mine, the warmth of his skin, how soft it was, how tight he even was, all the memories from that night flooded into my mind.

I finally fell asleep, but soon shot up from my bed, sweating, panting, I started choking on a sob, pulling my knees to my chest. Crying harder than when I lost my mother. I felt terrible, horrible, dreadful for what I did to Hoseok. How I snapped at him when he first told me he was pregnant, how thin and weak he looked on the stage, how everyone at work talks about him, how I snapped at him today, or is it the next day already?
I never bothered to even look at him! Seeing his thin, tear stained face, his swollen bump, carrying and nurturing the two pups inside him. He wasn't even supposed to be that small to carry twins, he looks like he's carrying only one.
I don't know how to fix this, but I'll do what can to make things right.

Hoseok's pov:
I got home to my apartment, parking my car and stepping out with a bit of difficulty. I sighed as I locked my car doors, noticing the stars in the sky, and the moon, big and full, brightening the dark filled night. I started waddling to the front doors to the apartment building, about to punch in the code to get into the building. But then someone put a rag over my mouth and nose, the smell of chloroform filled my senses. I began to panic, stuggling to get free from the strangers strong grasp.

But then everything... went black.

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