Chapter sixteen

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Third pov:
Hoseok woke up, blinking a few times to adjust to the new surroundings, doing a cat stretch and yawning, then noticed the big cabin house. He stared at it in awe, "It's so beautiful," the omega whispered. A soft smile appear on the alphas lips, "Thanks... it's a family cabin, we've had it for many years, but if you think this is pretty. Then I should take you here in the spring, when all the flowers will be in full bloom, and I can also show you the water fall that's in the woods." He said, while pointing out into the dark woods behind them. The moment the omega heard waterfall, a big heart shaped smile appeared on his face. He got excited, bouncing in his seat a little, like a little kid on Christmas Day, clapping his hands. "I've never seen a waterfall!!" He admits in a cheerful way, but the smile remained on his face. Taehyung smirked and then stepped out of the car, getting the bags in the back, Hoseok followed behind, holding their parkas in his arms. Following the alpha along a walkway, stopping at the backdoor, that's under the balcony and leads them to the first floor of the house. The alpha set the luggage down, digging into his front jean pocket, taking out the keys to the house and unlocked the door. Picking up the luggage and stepping inside, setting the luggage by the stairs, that was pretty much the first thing you see when you walk in. He then flipped on the lights, Hoseok shut the door on his way in and locked it, while Taehyung locked his car with his keys from the window. They both took their shoes off, Taehyung placed them in a closet, also taking their parkas and hanging them up. Taehyung walked over to the fireplace and lit it up, bringing in more warmth into the room. Hoseok leaned on the back of the couch, that sat in front of the fireplace, he glanced around the room, seeing a kitchen that was in the corner of the room.
Hoseok broke away from his staring when he heard the alpha speak, "This is only the hang out area, there's a full bath on the other side of the stairs, along with two guest bedrooms, obviously a kitchen right here. But the upstairs is more open. Which is where we will pretty much stay, sense it's warmer, follow me princess."
The alpha smirked at the omega, taking the luggage and walking up the stairs with the blushing omega following behind. He set a suit case down on a step, so he could unlock the door and open it. Taking the suit case in hand once again, before stepping inside, flipping on the hallway light with his elbow. He stepped the side so the omega could enter into the second floor.
The stairs led to a two-way hallway, a door sat across from them, looking to the right, it was a dead end, with two doors across from each other, but to left it  lead to what seemed like a big living room. Hoseok glanced up at the alpha, his cheeks still lightly pink from earlier, "So, the room downstairs... is it that basement?" The alpha shook his his head, "No, actually if you head down these stairs again and walk around to the back, there's a door that leads to a flight of stairs, down to the basement." The omega awed, nodding, following the alpha down the hall, into the living room. Watching him set both suit cases down once again, so he could direct with his hands. "Ok, so there is a bathroom, down the hall we came from, there are also two bedrooms down there, you could take one of them if you'd like."
The alpha clicks his tongue, feeling nervous for some reason, "The kitchen and dining room are connected with the living room, the porch is over there, across from the stairs. Upstairs leads you to the third level, with more rooms." Mentally slapping himself for how stupid he was sounding, clearing throat, his voice cracks when he speaks, "Uh-um th-there is also a attic... the last level," he cursed under his breath. His heart skips a beat when he hears the omegas giggle, feeling his face heat up.
Hoseok smiled and glanced around the living room, coming across something. His face was in awe from the sight of the beautiful and tall Christmas tree. He then tilt his head in confusion, "Hey TaeTae, why isn't the tree decorated?"
The alphas face blushed more from hearing the nickname again, moving the luggage by the stairs, rubbing his sweaty palms on his jeans. He walked over to the fireplace, starting up a fire, so the omega doesn't see his red face. He shrugged, clearing his throat, hoping it doesn't crack again, "I-I thought it would be fun to-to um... d-decorate it... you know... together," the alpha stuttered out, wanting to jump into the fire place at this moment and the flames consume him.
Hoseok cupped his sweater paws over his flushed cheeks, looking down at the wooden floor, his lips twitched into a small smile, biting his bottom lip. He's always wanted to celebrate Christmas, but his family never did, they said the holiday was a waste of time and money.
Taehyung straightened his back and walked over to the omega, using his knuckle to lift up the beautiful face, by the chin, skin soft to the touch. Silent tears rolled down the omegas rosy cheeks, which broke the alphas heart in many pieces. He gently moved the omegas hands away, so he could cup the omegas cheeks, whipping the tears away with his the pads of his thumbs.
"What's wrong princess? Is it something I said? If you don't want to celebrate Christmas that's fine, some people don't..." Hoseok sniffled and shook his head, his hands were shaking, he took deep breaths to keep his breathing leveled. The alphas pine scent helped out his breathing remain steady. "N-No... I've just.... never celebrated it before... n-not even decorate a t-tree... when I-I moved h-here, I-I was always alone, so I n-never celebrated it for my-myself..." the omegas voice was quiet and so shaky. Taehyung was left in shock, how can a family not celebrate a holiday. Was is not their tradition? The alpha sighed and pulled the omega into a hug, Hoseok went stiff at first but soon relaxed into the alphas warm embrace. Taehyung rubbed the omegas back, helping him calm down and relax more.

They stayed like that for what felt like hours, but had to soon pull apart, Hoseok used his sleeve to wipe away his tears. "You alright now? Would you like to explore upstairs, get your mind more settled, while I go to in the attic to get the decorations." The omega nod and followed the alpha upstairs to the third floor of the house.
The alpha opened a door, switching on a light, lighting up a flight of stairs. Hoseok watched him run up the stairs, to what he assumed was the attic. The omega stepped towards the door next to the attic and opened it. It was a bathroom, that seemed to be connected to a bedroom next door. He made his way to the another door, that was at the very end of the short hallway. He opened it, his eyes nearly popped out their sockets, from how big the room was, probably because it was the master. He wowed, gazing a the decor and all the open space, eyeing the glass, French doors across the room, leading to a porch outside. He shut the bedroom door and turned around, walking down the opposite way. Heading to the first door in sight, which was a closet, but it's a good thing to know at least.
Hoseok glanced down at the last door on the other side of the hall, head closer to the wooden door to the room. And opened the door slowly, the bedroom was much smaller, but he liked it that way. There was another set of glass french doors across the room, he stepped towards them and opened them, feeling the cold winter air blow against his flushed face. There was no snow on the porch, surprisingly, he took one step onto the cool wooden surface, then another, and another. Making his way to the railing, leaning against the wood on his elbows. Feeling Jack Frost nipping at his nose.
The snow covered mountains is a beautiful sight to see, the crescent moon shined bright with the infinite stars in the sky. It was beautiful, breathtaking for the omega.
"I thought you would like this room," Hoseok jumped a little from the alphas sudden voice. The alpha chuckled at the omegas cute reaction and slowly walked over to him, resting his hands on the wooden railing and leaning against it. "My apologies princess, I didn't mean to startle you."
The omega let out a small sigh, that exhaled out into a short laugh and turning into a cute giggle. "It's fine, I scare easily," he said as he looked back out at the mountains.
Taehyung though, was gazing at the omegas features, how beautiful his side profile is, how his eyes are so dark, yet light up and sparkle from the starlit sky.
"If you take a picture it might last longer," Hoseok turned his head, resting his chin in the palm of his hand, winking at the alpha. Taehyung's eyes widened, he choked on the cold air, his heart beating out of his chest and his face changed different shades of red. What is this omega doing to him? The alpha's gaze fixed to the snow cover grown, hiding his flushed face, letting out a fake cough, clearing his throat.
Hoseok giggled at the alphas reaction, bitting his bottom lip. Taehyung's eyes peaked through his lashes, seeing the omega bitting his bottom lip. He found out that the omega does that when he's in deep thought, shy, or happy.
"How is he so beautiful," the alpha thought out loud, now making the omegas face turn best red. The alpha shook his head and stood up straight, clearing his throat again, "Well uhhh.... your um..... s-suit case, I-I... I-it's by the uh... bed in this room annnnd my room is the master down the hall and uh yeah... so I'll just... meet you downstairs... so-so yeah."
The beet red alpha bolted back inside the house, leaving the flustered omega, alone, outside.

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