Chapter three

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Namjoon's pov:
I wasn't shocked to hear that question, I was honestly expecting to hear it sooner or later. I sighed and thought for a second, 'How do I explain this?' I thought to myself. "Hmm, well.... he is a really nice man, once you get to know him of course. He might look scary at first, but I promise, he's a big, soft, teddy bear . Yet, sadly ever sense he took his fathers spot in the company and became head alpha of the pack. Many different wolfs came after him, for money, fame, and power. So it made him kind of dark and shut a lot of people out. Don't worry to much about it though, I have a good feeling for you. I heard Mr. Kim's father is planning something big, but no one knows what is." I glance at Hoseok, he seem to be in deep thought, from the looks of it. He was staring at the doors of the elevator, bitting his bottom lip.
I then feel a sudden wave of nausea, I grab onto the railing that's on the wall of the elevator. I tried taking deep breaths, key word, tried. This pup never enjoyed the elevator', I said to myself. I closed my eyes to get rid the dizziness, my hand is on my belly. Trying to rub away the nausea with my palm. Someone then rubbed my back, the scent of this omega is very comforting, I'm sure it's Hoseok, because it's only him and I in here. Hoseoks warm vanilla scent helped quite a bit, it's not my Jinnies, but it's definitely better than nothing.

Hoseok's pov:
After what Namjoon just told me, made me feel slightly more nervous and scared when I soon meet the President. A million questions began running through my head. Like, what will the President think of me? What will he think when he sees that his new secretary is an omega? He won't think I'm going to try to use him, does he? What is his farther planning? I finally snapped out of my thoughts, trying to get myself together. I glance over at Namjoon and noticed his eyes were screwed shut, face white like snow, his hand rubbing his stomach, and leaning onto the railing near him. All problems and negative thoughts vanished my mind, I gently begin to rub his back in a circle motion. Releasing a little bit of my scent to calm him a bit. By the looks of it, my scent seemed to be working a little, his face wasn't as pale. I continued the small action, helping my new omega friend in front of me.
Once the elevator dings, I help Namjoon slowly walk out, letting him lean against me. "Elevators are not the pup's favorite now is it?" I softly said, hearing him chuckle and shake his head. "Yeah, this has been happening for the past month as well, I wake up, to throw up nearly every morning and then in the evening before leaving for my doctors appointment. Then the elevator added onto it, it's all a blast." He let out a few shaky breaths, inhaling and exhaling. "Do you need to sit for a bit?" I offered, but he shook his head. "No, sitting makes it worse," he quietly said. I nod in understanding, and keep rubbing his back, letting him lean and rest his head on my shoulder. Some workers were giving us weird looks, but I didn't care. After about ten minutes passed, Namjoon straightened back up, with his hand still on my shoulder for a bit of balance. I held his waist for extra security. "You feeling a bit better?" I asked, still worried and concerned for him. He nod in reply, "Y-yeah I'm better now, thank you... I'll make sure to stop by the cafe later to get some tea or something."
"Alright, just tell me if you need anything, ok?" He nod, "Again, thank you so much Hoseok, you are a good friend to have.... uh anyway, follow me and I'll show you around on this floor." I follow him down the short hallway, leaving where the elevator was. It was a one way hall, the walls were painted a calm grey, white trim all around, and some plants here and there. The floors were dark maple, hard wood flooring.
"Ok, So these are the restrooms," he said while pointing to the left.
I look to the right and it was a big open room with white pleather couches, forming an incomplete square, in front of them was a grey and white stone fire place, with a giant flat screen tv above it. Each couche could fit probably even fit about six people. There was a black coffee table in the middle and matching side tables between each the couches. There was a white marble bar across the room with tall black stools. It was mainly a full kitchen, with white cabinets, stainless steel fridge, with a matching microwave above a matching stove top. There were big cristal clear windows everywhere. Doors, with names written on them, lined up along the wall.
"This is technically the hangout area, but whenever there's a company party, that's going to be held on the rooftop."
"Is that even safe?!" I shouted, I don't know if I miss heard him or what, but that does not sound safe. But he laughed at my reaction, "Yes, I promise it is, I'd tell you what's up there, but I'll save it as a surprise for when we do have our next party." I slowly nod my head, he then leads me to a wooden grey door with the name 'Kim Namjoon' on it. "This is my office, so if you ever need me, this is mainly where you'll find me."
He takes me to the office next to it, that had my name on it. "This, will be your office." He holds out a key to the door, I take it with a shaky hand. And unlocked the door to look inside my new office. He presses a fancy switch by the door, turning on the lights in the room. The room wasn't to big, nor to small, it was perfectly comfortable. There was a balcony, with a view of the city and glass sliding doors, I loved it. I slide my new key onto my key ring, that only consisted of my car and appartement keys. We head out of my office, making sure to shut and lock the door on my way out.
"Now, you don't have furniture yet, because the president wants you to pick out your own. You will be given more information once you meet him in a bit. Along with the music production, I had to audition for it, but we will see I guess." I just give him a simple nod, sighing softly to myself, 'I'm sure the president does that to many employees,' I thought to myself.
"If you don't mind me asking, Namjoon, what does Seokjin do?"
"Oh, we both produce, write and edit music, I'm more of a rapper and he's not, which is pretty silly. He also knows the President more than anyone here because they're childhood friends." I awed and followed him back to the elevator, he pushes the arrow pointing up once again.
"How did you two meet?" I asked without thinking, I gasped and was embarrassed for asking a personal question."I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to ask such a personal question, I-I..." His laughing cuts me off, I stood there confused and dumbfounded.
"You're funny, we're technically  friends at this point already. So don't be so shy asking me questions." He stated the sweet offer, it makes me happy how laid back he is. I sighed and relaxed, "Oh o-ok," again with the stuttering, 'why am I so weird today?!" I mentally groaned out in my head.
The elevator dings and the doors open, we then head inside it. Namjoon pushes the button with the number fifty on it, which he said is the highest level. I made sure to keep an eye on him to see if he feels sick again.
"Now, to answer your question, I met Jin at a café that's down the road from here. I accidentally spilt my coffee on him and I offered to buy him a drink and a new shirt. And sense then we've been together." Hearing the elevator ding, "For how long?" I asked him, as we stepped out of the elevator.
"Five and half years," he answers proudly with a smile, showing his deep dimples. I awed, my hand above my heart, feeling all warm inside.  "Wow, I'm happy for you both," giving him a big smile in return. We walk along the hall, the floor having a similar set up as the last floor we were on. "Do all the floors look the same?" I asked looking around, noticing the difference was that there were a single pair of French doors on the wall, instead of many, smaller, doors.
"Uh no, the first twenty floors are all music recording studios, so they are all set up differently. Then the next ten are cubicles for our stores, like clothing stores for example. The next five floors are radio stations and the rest of the floors, is for everything in the company, where people write the music, design clothes and/or products, and keep track of the company's business."
"So, what do I do?" Mentally trying to keep track of all the new information I was just told.
"Yoooou... will find out by the President because I am not a hundred percent sure. If you could stay out here, while I inform the President that you are here." He walks towards the French doors and knocks on it. Hearing a deep voice yell 'come in', sending shivers down my spine. Watching him opening and closing the door, leaving me alone in the room.
Alone with my thoughts now, my heart is racing from being nervous to the limit. My palms are starting to sweat, I took deep breaths, trying to get myself to calm down. I then see Namjoon come back out from the office. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.
"The President with like to see you now."

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