Chapter fifty-seven

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Third pov:
"Josh!! Where are you!!?" A male omega shouted, as he ran around the Jung mansion. He gasped when he saw the alpha, lying there on the floor, close to bleeding out.
The omega bolted towards him, getting down to his knees, holding the alphas head in his lap. "Oh Josh, who did this to you, my poor brother?" Josh's breathing was steady and slow, yet he was still alive, "Chanyeol...? It was that bloody Kim family, th-that Mr. Kim must go..." he said in a weak voice. The omegas eyes narrowed in anger, "They will pay for this brother, don't worry, they will pay." He spat with venom, while Josh shook his head, after smelling his brothers new scent, "You are not fighting in your condition Chanyeol...." The said omega giggled, "Don't worry, the pup will be fine... we'll wait until your heal-" "Until after you give birth..." Josh cut off, "Jongdae will not let anything happen to that pup and you know it... we just need to wait...." Chanyeol huffed, "Fine, let me help you up at least."
The omega helped his brother stand back up, leaving the scene like they never existed. Seconds later Hyungwon entered the hall, and all he saw was a puddle of blood.... but no alpha. Just the alphas scent left behind, along with the scent of an omega. He cursed under his breath, and fled to inform his friends.

Hoseok held the small pup on his chest, chanting and begging for his little girl to squirm, or squeal, or cry, anything. The omegas eyes flashed purple, as he closed them, pecking a kiss on the pups head. "Please..."  He whispered, the pup then suddenly choked on a sob, letting out a powerful wail. Hoseok sighed in relief, while Taehyung's eyes widened in shock mixed amazement. He immediately shifted over to the elder, pulling the omega in for a tender kiss. "You are so amazing my love," the alpha spoke, as silent tears ran down his cheeks. Hoseok gave him a soft smile, pecking a kiss on his alphas nose, "So are you my love." They shared a short, loving kiss, then Taehyung got started with cleaning everything. Soon telling Hoseok to pushed the after birth out, he tightly tied a string around the cords and used a sharp knife to cut them. Tossing the after birth away outside, then finished cleaning the room.

Hoseok fell into a deep sleep, while his mate did a few chores. Once Taehyung was finished, he then noticed his mate out like a light, with their twins asleep on their mother's chest. Taehyung gazed at his new born pups in awe. As he sat on the queen size bed, next to his mate. He carefully picked up the eldest pup, cradling the small pup in his arms. He silently wowed and was in pure awe, "You pups are so lucky your mother can heal fast, because that looked really painful," the alpha chuckled out in a low voice. He studied the features of his son, still not believing his omega gave him another son and daughter.
His sons eyes opened, showing the beautiful brown orbs, making the alpha coo. "You have your mother's eyes, so deep and beautiful," the alpha stated softly. He softly graced his finger against the newborns cheek, watching the pup open his mouth and try to suck on his fathers knuckle.
The alpha didn't realize how long he observed his pup, so lost in the trance, his mates voice suddenly broke him out of it. "They look like you..." the omega said softly. Taehyung glanced down at his mate, his lips starting to form a small box smile. "You think so?" Hoseok gasped out a giggle, "I know so," he whispered, as he steadily pushed himself up with one arm. The omega cradled his daughter in his arms, gracing his knuckle over her cheek. The little pup turned her head to suck on his knuckle, making the alpha chuckle at the sight. Hoseok smiled at his little pup, he unbuttoned his giant button up shirt. Pushing the silky material out of the way, directing his daughter to his nipple. She immediately latched onto it, making a cute little hum of satisfaction. Taehyung watched his omega fondly, "So what names were you thinking of Hoseok baby?" Hoseok glanced at his alpha, smiling softly, "Kim Baekhyun for our son and Kim Jihyo, but it's ok if you don't like them... I-I just think of different names." Taehyungs eyes widened, "K-Kim?" Sounding bewildered and shocked from what his mate just said. Hoseok felt his heart begin to race, "We're mate's Tae, am I also not your soon to be wife as well?" He nervously giggled out. The alpha box smile grew bigger if possible, looking down at his son, tracing his finger over the pups features gently.
"The names are perfect! You're way better at naming than I'll ever be," his comment made the the omega silently sigh in relief, he lightly giggled. "You should name the next one then," the omega gestured playfully, and was obviously joking around. Taehyung joined into the cute joke, "I'll name them Dill and Pickle." Hoseok cracked up, "How are you so sure there will be twins again?" Making sure to check his daughter, to see if he didn't disturb her feeding, which, thankfully, he didn't. Taehyung shrugged, a smirk then appeared on his lips,"Triplets? Quads? Quintuplets?" He continued to ramble on and on.
The omega felt his daughter stop feeding, the omega pulled the small pup against his chest, as he crawled over to the rambling alpha. Hoseok straddled his legs on the alphas lap, as he rubbed and pat his daughters back.
"We could maybe even name them water and melon, or boy and girl, peaches is a cute name too- mph." The alpha was cut off by a soft finger over his lips. Hoseok giggled, "You're cute when you ramble, Boni does the same thing, she definitely got that from her father." He then thought for a moment, biting his bottom lip, "We'll have another, maybe two, but we'll see..." The alpha smirked and pecked the soft finger, taking the small hand in his free hand and placed multiple kisses all over the omegas hand and arm. Making the elder giggle, Taehyung traced his thumb over the soft, heart shaped lips. Their lips connected into a short and loving kiss. Hoseok hummed, pulling away from the younger's lips, "I haft to feed our son Tae honey, I saw him try to suck your knuckle earlier," he stated. Taehyung pouted, but traded pups with his mate. Hoseok directed his sons mouth to his nipple, the pup hungrily latched on. Letting out little hum and a num num sound, as he feed from his mother's breast.

Mr. Kim watched a bit of the scene, smiling at the cute couple. As he leaned against the doorway, his arms crossed, clearing his throat. "I would hate to interrupt your little family moment, but we haft to leave soon."
The mates glanced over at him, Hoseok squeaked and hid his blushing face into the alphas chest. Taehyung nod towards his father, Mr. Kim winked and left the couple alone."Hoseok?" The omega hummed, as his gaze was fixed on his pup. "Do you really want to have more pups with me in the future?" Hoseok's face flushed more, he slowly gazed up at his alpha, "U-um.... y-yes, I've dreamed of a big family, but it's ok if you don't want to more..." he mumbled, his head dropping down again. Taehyung smiled softly, using the knuckle his free hand to gently lift his mates head up. Pecking as kiss on his omegas head.
"I don't mind at all love, just tell me when you are ready baby, I don't want to push you into doing something you don't want. It's your body and you're also the one that carries our beautiful pups." He pecked a tender kiss on the omegas lips. Hoseok's flushed face, was now covered in his salty tears, he sniffled and giggled. Wiping his tears away with his free hand, "I'm still emotional because of the pregnancy I think," the omega joked. Feeling his son release, he pulled him up against his chest, rubbing his pups back.

Think the nightmares have ended and the family can live happily.....

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