Chapter nineteen

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*ok look at that beautiful bean in the picture, like my heart

Hoseok's pov:
My eyes fluttered open, flinching from the bright sun light shining through the big window. Letting out a yawn and stretching my limbs out, then crawling out of bed, making my way to to the bathroom, splashing water onto my face to wake up more. Looking at my reflection in the mirror, noticing that I need to get my hair re-dyed, I might dye it pink instead of the blond this time. Quickly using the toilet and brushing my teeth before I head out of the bathroom.
I make sure to grab the gifts that I hid in the walk-in closet, quietly making my way out of the bedroom and head downstairs and setting the items under the lit Christmas tree.
Choosing to make pancakes and coffee for breakfast, while waiting for Taehyung to wake up.

Taehyung's pov:
I woke to the bright sun shinning through the big windows of my room and the smell of food immediately hitting my nose. Stretching my arms, before hopping out of bed and going to the bathroom to do my thing.
Afterwards, I go to my walk-in closet to get the gifts I bought for Hoseok. I make my way downstairs, seeing Hoseok in the kitchen making breakfast. I set the presents down under the tree with the other ones. Wait... When did those get there? Did Hoseok...? When did he...?
I shake my thoughts away, walking into the kitchen to get myself some coffee. I lean against the counter of the island, staring at the omegas back, he's wearing the same pink T-shirt as last night. He turns slightly, giving me a soft smile. I gave him a smile in return, taking a nice swig from my coffee. "Morning Tae, how did you sleep?" To keep myself from staring at the omega this time, I chose to gaze at the more interesting dark liquid in the mug, swirling it around. Shrugging my shoulders, "I slept better than ever now that think about it. How about you?" Watching his actions through my lashes, his back still facing me. He hummed, flipping another pancake,
"I slept.... ok... but, breakfast is ready! Go sit young man!" His cute, childish act making me chuckle, "How about I help out with something instead?" I hinted out, seeing him pout and cross his arms over his chest. He then bit his bottom lip, scrunching his eyebrows in thought, then puckering his plump lips against his index finger. After his little thought, he points at me, "You can help with the dishes, now go sit down please?"
I sighed in defeat, walking around the island and sitting in a bar stool. Drinking my coffee and watching him turn off the stove top, placing forks and knives on the bar, along with butter, syrup, a bowl of berries, the stack of pancakes, and two plates stacked, next to the pancakes. He sets some dishes in the sink, obviously, for me to wash later. He takes his coffee, goes around and sits next to me. Mentally laughing at how he struggled to get up on the stool. I take the plates and silverware, placing one set in front of him. We both begin to dig into his delicious Christmas breakfast. I swear, I heard myself moan from how delicious the pancakes are.

Once we finished eating, only the best pancakes I have ever eaten, in my entire life. I finished cleaning the last dish, setting it on the drying rack. I placed the maple syrup back in the frigid, then placing the butter dish back by the toaster and packing away any leftovers into a container, putting it somewhere in the frigid. Hoseok went to the restroom real quick, so I poured us both more coffee and carried the mugs out to the living room, setting his down on a coaster, on the coffee table. Sitting myself down on the floor, in front of the tree and fireplace. I watch the dancing flames of the fire, my mind tracing back about the events last night. But the scent of vanilla, informed me that Hoseok is back from the restroom. I turn to look at him, noticing how he appeared a bit pale, I bolt up to my feet, setting my coffee down somewhere. And rush over to him in a flash and feeling his forehead with the back of my hand. "Hoseok, are you feeling ok? You look really pale, you don't have a fever, but still." All of last nights events was pushed to the back of my mind. Worry for the omegas health was now my main priority at the moment. He seemed to be dazed and wasn't responding, I wave my hand in front of his face and he finally snaps back to reality. "Hoseok, are you ok?" His face returns back to its normal golden hue. He gives me a slow nod, "What happened?" He asked, with a cute, confused look. My jaw dropped from his question, but I sighed and shook my head, saying 'it was nothing'. Because it's Christmas morning, I didn't want him scared on his first Christmas.
We made our way over to the tree, sitting down in front of it. He hands me the presents he got for me, I shook my head, "You should open first Hobi, sense it is your first Christmas." I point out, his face flushed a beet red and he shook his head, "But it's also your birthday TaeTae!"
I chuckle at his little pout, begging me to give in and open his presents first, it's tempting, but I won't give in. "And so is next year and the year after that, this is your first Christmas Hobi, for crying out loud. So please for my birthday, I would like you to open first. Pleeeeease?" Giving him my best puppy dog eyes, pouting and whimpering.
He huffed, "Fine. Fine, which one would you prefer me to open first then TaeTae?" I clapped my hands in victory, pointing at a small box. He slowly took it and opened it, he gasped, cupping his mouth with his hand. He looked to be in pure awe and shock, which is good. Right? "Do you like it?" I asked hesitantly, he glanced up at me and smiled, "I love it Tae! thank you!" He takes out the necklace, which was a diamond music note, on a silver chain, he clips it around his neck. I sighed in relief and took my coffee, that I set down earlier, from the table behind me, "I'm glad you love it, now open the last one.... please."
He giggles and takes the decently big box, mumbling a 'thank you'. Beginning to open it slowly, tearing the wrapping paper away. Opening the cardboard box, staring at his present in awe, a simple, green sweater that read the word 'Fine' on it in white letters. "Jimin told me you've been wanting that sweater for a while, but never had the chance to get it because it sold out, but I managed to get it for you." My words mumbled together, his big, heart shaped smile formed on his lips. He cooed, hugging the sweater to his chest, "Thank you so much, I love it... I know this will sound cheesy, but spending this holiday with you is honestly the best gift I could ever ask for." My tattoo mark then hearted up for some reason, I cleared my throat and nod, taking a sip from my coffee. Watching how he neatly folded the sweater back up, placing it back in the box and setting it by his side.
'This is actually the best Christmas I've ever had as well,' I thought honestly to myself.
"Now, your turn TaeTae!" He bounced up and down on his bum like a kid, his actions are too adorable. "Ok, ok, patience little one," I chanted. He looked at me shocked, maybe more offended. He scuffed and crossed his arms over his chest,"Excuse me
Mr. Kim, but I am not little, I'm in fact older than you." He said in a sassy tone. I owed, "Whatever Miss. Sassy, now is there a specific present you want me to open first?"
He huffed and shook his head in reply, setting my coffee beside me and took a random one and opened it. My eyes shot open in shock, it was a Gucci watch, silver metal strap, black clock with silver Roman numeral numbers, and silver hands. But the main detail that stood out the most, was the big, gold sun outline in the center of the case, the hands in the dead center of it was a beautiful rose gold. It was a beautiful watch, I felt my tattoo warm up, again, which is the second time today, but again I ignored it.
I pull the watch out and place it on my wrist, looking up at Hoseok, giving a fond smile. I glance back at the watch on my wrist, no need to adjust he time because Hoseok did that for me already.  "Thank you Hobi, I love it, a lot." I then reach over and take the last present, that was in a bag. Pulling out the tissue paper and taking out a box. I open the box, it was my mother's birthstone on a necklace, actually, it is her necklace. I felt tears coming out of the corner of my eyes, I look up at Hoseok in disbelief. He gives me a soft smile and crawled up to me. "Last week, your father asked for me, he told me about your mother and how close you two were. He said that he gave this necklace to her on her birthday, only a few years later, she passed. He told me to give it to you because you missed her and it was a good way to feel closer to her..."
I set it down and pulled Hoseok into a warm hug, "Thank you," I whispered into his ear. Feeling his slim arms embrace me back, melting into the hug, his scent filled my senses.
That night I took him out to the hot springs again and the next night, and the next. Forgetting about the rumors and the bloody text message, spending time with Hoseok and getting to know him more.

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