Chapter sixty

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Third pov:
Taehyung was at work, sitting at his desk, doing some paperwork. His mate worked at home to help take care of the pups and being at his eighth month mark in pregnancy as well. Taemin told Hoseok to try to remain as stress free as much as possible. So Hoseok thought working at home was better choice. Additionally, Hoseok couldn't even be away from their nearly nine month old twin pups either. Who still needed to be breastfed, he mainly also missed his four pups too much. So how could he argue to work in the office when his babies need him.

Taehyung still wonders where the time went, how is his mate already eight months pregnant. They're  married and they have five beautiful pups that are half him and his omega, including the one that's on the way. Taehyung couldn't be happier. The alphas phone rung, he glanced at the screen reading the name Namjoon on the screen. He answered it, before he even said 'hello' Namjoon upset voice spoke over him. "Tae! Y-Yo-You haft to come to the ho-hospital quick! I-it's Hoseok!" Taehyung's face paled, "I'm on my way!" He hung up the phone a bolted out of the office.

Taehyung drove over the speed limit, without care, the only thing on his mind was his family. He parked his car somewhere in the parking lot, and bolted into the building. He went up to the desk, asking for his wife.
"He just got out of surgery, he is in room one-fifty-six," the receptionist said. Taehyung's eyes shot open from hearing the word 'surgery'. "Surgery?!" He shouted, the receptionist nod and gave him the fastest directions to the omegas room. He nod and ran down the said halls.

"Papa!!" Taehyung turned and saw his son, his cheeks were red and his eyes were blood shot and puffy from crying. He then see's his daughter, the pups in their stroller. His friends head shot in his direction. Taehyung sped walk to them, he saw the tear stained faces on Namjoon, Jimin and Yoongi. "What happened!?" He asked eagerly.

Namjoon was holding his daughters close. Same for Jimin and Yoongi, both holding their pups comforting each other. Namjoon spoke up first, "I-I went to go pick up JiJi a-and Lisa from th-their play date with the t-twins... I was going to meet them up at the p-park.... Hoseok was suddenly shot, and he-he blacked out by the time he got to the ho-hospital." He was stuttering terribly, Jin rubbed his back and released his scent to comfort his mate.
Taehyung's legs gave out, knees hitting the floor, embracing his kids and holding them close. The twins wouldn't stop crying. Taehyung hushed them, telling them everything will be ok. Taemin came through the doors, everyone immediately had their attention on him. Taehyung had Jihyo in his arms, trying to calm her crying down. He looked at Taemin with hopeful eyes. "Please tell me their ok Taemin? Please?" Taemin nod, giving everyone a reassuring smile, "TheY are both fine, he did lose a lot of blood, he was shot in the lower abdomen, but they're both going to be ok. He heals really fast too, so it was hard to get the bullet out. He passed out from shock, but he'll be fine and your pup is also a fighter, just like his mama. You all can go see him now and I do believe he's still asleep, but I'm not sure." Everyone sighed in relief, and rushed into the room the omega was in.
Hoseok was asleep like Taemin and mentioned, the alpha and twins were the first to rush by his side.  Taehyung grasped the soft warm hand of his mate, sitting down in a chair by the bed. The twins hopped into his lap. Masumi crawled onto the bed, cuddling up to his mother. Taehyung pressed a warm hand against his mates growing bump, feeling a kick under his palm. Making a smile form on his lips. Sense they didn't do it during the blue moon, Hoseok was a lot bigger during this pregnancy. He's only having one this time as well, and his body heals fast, that's a new power they discovered today. So, getting knotted less than a month later after giving birth, was not the reason for why he was so big. It's all the blue moon. Taehyung thought to himself, trying to think of what plans the blue moon might have for them in the future.

A few hours passed, Hoseok's eyes fluttered open, flinching from the sunlight. His eyes took a bit to focus on his surroundings. Jimin gasp, seeing his friend now awake. "Seokie!! You're awake!!" Everyone's head turned to face the now awoken omega. Hoseok smiled softly at his friends but it fell once he heard his pups begin to cry. He tried sitting up, Taehyung giving him a hand and his son moved so his mother could scoot up easier. Jungkook moved the stroller closer to the bed and handed the pups to their mother. "Awww my sweet babies, mamas ok, mamas here." Hoseok hushed out and hummed a tune, calming them down  instantly. He glanced towards his alpha, who couldn't stop crying. Hoseok giggled, "Tae honey, your more hormonal than me and I'm the pregnant one remember." A short laugh broke past the alphas trembling lips. He cupped his mates cheeks and kissed the plump, heart shaped lips. "I'm so happy you're both ok, do you remember anything? Did you see or smell the wolf that did this to you? Because I swear I will hunt them down an-" Hoseok quickly shut up the alpha by kissing him. They pulled apart, the omega glanced around at his friends. Boni crawled up on the bed and cuddled next her brother. Hoseok sighed and cleared his throat before speaking. "I don't know who it was, by my senses, it smelled like an alpha, and the scent did smell familiar.... too familiar, but I was in a park full of different scents and I wasn't using my powers. And I don't like using my powers in this condition... the shot came out of no where... it all happened so fast...." Yoongi then spoke up, "You and the pups are ok and that's what matters right now. Don't stress and worry too much right now, it's not good, especially sense you're due soon." Hoseok let out a shaky breath and nod.
Taemin came into the room to check his wound. Only to see it was completely healed, as if he was never shot or had any surgery. He ran a few tests, before giving the thumbs up for Hoseok to go home.

Time skip...

Hoseok and Taehyung were laying in bed fast asleep. Baekyun woke up crying, Taehyung was about to get up to check on him. But Hoseok
stopped him, "I'll take care of him Tae, you've been working crazy hours this week, so please sleep." Taehyung wanted to argue back, but was too tired to say anything and fell back asleep instantly. Hoseok smiled at the sight, petting his alphas head and pecking a kiss on the warm forehead. He pushed himself out of bed and waddled to the room across the hallway. He winced from a cramp ripping through his lower back to his lower abdomen. Hoseok knew very well he was in labor, so did his husband they were just waiting for his water to eventually break. Hoseok wasn't going to give birth in the hospital, choosing to do or at home.
It's been almost over a day, the contractions got closer and closer and more painful. Hoseok's cheeks puffed out from a sigh, he massaged his lower back as he glanced into his twins crib that they shared together. They could not stay separated, they'll cry and whine if they are. Jihyo was hugging her brother, knowing he was upset. Hoseok awed at the sight, Baekyun stopped crying once he sensed his mother. He reached up doing grabby hands. Hoseok picked up his son and bounced him up and down. "Mmmm..mama.... ma..." Baekyun babbled quietly, hitting little hand against his mother's chest. The omega rolled his eyes and smirked. "Of course your hungry, you are your fathers son. I'll feed you, but only if you promise to go back to sleep." Baekyun only babbled and giggled, Hoseok cooed at his pup and carefully lowered himself down into the near by rocking chair. Sliding the strap of his gown over his shoulder to expose his very swollen chest. Directing his son to his nipple, who latched onto it immediately. The omega hummed a lullaby, rocking in the chair, watching his son slowly fall asleep in his arms.
"Mama?" Hoseok glanced up to Masumi and Boni at the door of the nursery, holding each other's hands for comfort. He gestured his kids to come towards him. They both slowly stepped up to him. Masumi held his TaTa stuffy in a tight single arm grasp. "What's wrong sweeties?" Looking closer, Hoseok noticed that they just recently cried, their eyes were still swollen and blood shot, cheeks rosy red with shiny wet streaks. The omega grew concerned for them, as they just stood there. Boni soon finally spoke up, "Wa-we had scary dwream..." she whispered. Masumi nod and rubbed a bawled fist against his eye, a slight pout upon his lip. "Once your brother is done feeding, you both can sleep with mama and papa ok?" They both nod, the omega then felt his son stop sucking. He glanced down to see his pup out like a light. He wiped the excess milk off his pups small, yet plump, lips. Hoseok pushed himself up, rubbing his sons back as he walked back to their crib and slowly laid him down next to his sister. He always loved how his pups cuddled together in their sleep. He sighed happily, leading his eldest kids out of the room. Hoseok paused one the middle of the hallway. The twins glanced back at him worried, seeing their mother leaning against the wall, with one hand on his bump. He groaned in pain, this contraction was the strongest and the longest. Hoseok gasped, feeling a pop and gush of liquid flood out of him. Dripping down his legs and forming a puddle on the floor.
"Well then, let's meet your brother kids."

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