Chapter seven

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Hoseok's pov:
So far, I've been working here for about a month and everyone has been really nice to me as well.
Today is my free day, so I chose to dance for fun. Alone with music and feeling the rhythm, singing along to one of my favorite songs, as I danced to the beat of the music.
I was so into it, my mind zoned out, like I was the only one in the building. Once I finished, my body laid on the floor, as I panted hard and out of breath from all the energy I used. I jumped from clapping hands, I sat up and scrambled to stand up. I'm not used to people watching me. I felt my face warm up, "H-how long have you guys been standing there?!" I yelled, trying to sound intimidating, beyond annoyed that I didn't hear them come in, not even a knock.

Taehyung's pov:
Jimin, Yoongi and I were walking and talking about their new songs they've worked on and want to release. As we stepped into the elevator, I pressed a random button... "G", so the basement, that's cool I guess. I shrugged and continued with our conversation. We heard it ding and stepped out, all three of us then went silent. The hall was dark and all the rooms were unoccupied, based on all the open doors, that emitted no light from the rooms. All except one room, light shining from the cracks from around the door. I run my hand against the wall, feeling for the light switch. My finger graced against it, pressing it and turning on the lights to the hall. I glanced over at Jimin and Yoongi, they were as confused as I was, but they only shrugged. I sighed and walked quietly to the only closed door, reading the name on the chalkboard.
"Jung Hoseok?" I whispered, I turn and see my friends behind me. We listened closely, but didn't hear any loud music. Curiosity filling my brain, checking to see if the door was unlocked, which it was. I twisted the handle slowly, opening the door, flinching a little from the different bright lighting.
Hoseok's voice, was all I could hear and it's the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. The movements that his body made, fit perfectly with the melody of his voice and the beat of the music. He then began to rap, which caught me by surprise, wondering what other surprises he hasn't shown me yet. My heart skipped a beat and I felt my tattoo mark heat up, I massaged it and glanced down to check it, not seeing it shine through my shirt. I shrugged and chose to ignored it.
I hear his voice come to an end, seeing  his final pose of laying on the ground. All three of us started clapping, accidentally making him jump from shock and scrambling to stand up.
I could read the embarrassment on his face, based on how red it was, but yet I only found it adorable. Our little applause soon died down.
"H-How long have you guys been standing there?!" He stuttered out, its cute how he is trying to intimidate us. I chuckled at his cute little tantrum, shrugging my shoulders as I slowly stepped up to him.
"Not that long, but I wish I came here to see the whole performance. You also should sing more... because y-you have a...nic... uh... y-your voice is beautiful." I stuttered out, feeling my face heat up, noticing his face got more flushed as well. His head dropped down to the floor, "T-thank you," he quietly stuttered out.
I heard a snicker behind me, turning to the two pregnant omegas behind me. They immediately went quiet when I playfully glared at them, yet they were having trouble keeping in their little giggles. I crossed my arms over my chest and faced them completely, chewing on an invisible gum in my mouth."What's so funny?" My brows rose when they started giggling harder."Oh nothing!" They sang together, I rolled my eyes and shook my head, never understanding my friends.
I turn back around to face Hoseok, seeing how he didn't move from his spot and was still looking down at the floor. Jimin then spoke up, "Hoseok-ah!! I don't know why you stopped singing! You used to sing all the time when we were little. Tae is right, your voice is beautiful! You should join us sometime and write a some music was well!" He shouted, I knew he wouldn't  stop jumping up and down, based Yoongi telling him to calm down. Yoongi's arms crossed over his chest, as he sighed, his crossed arm making his belly more visible. We all chuckled at Jimins silly and cute behavior, continuing his little ramble of reasons why Hoseok should sing again.
Yet, Hoseok's light giggle was all I could hear, why? His small dimples showing from his soft smile, his voice echos in my mind.
"I'll think about it Minnie, ok? I enjoy the two jobs I have now." He answered, while still giggling.
I then think of a weird idea, I clapped my hands together, the clap echoing in the room. "You know what! Let's all go to the café down the road and it's all on me." I piped out. I see Jimin and Yoongi's faces light up, they squealed and said thank you multiple times. We were heading out of the room, but I noticed Hoseok, still, didn't move from his spot. I sighed and gave Jimin and Yoongi a soft smile. "Why don't you two go stand by the elevator and wait, we'll be there in a moment, ok?" They nod and head down the hall towards the elevator.
I turn and walk back over to Hoseok, head down, still? Playing with his fingers, he looked like a lost puppy.
I gently lift his head up with a finger, but his his eyes remained down and his cheeks were still dusted with a pink blush from earlier.
"Hey, what's wrong? Don't you want to come to the café with us? And could you please look at me Hoseok?" I asked him with a soft tone. His hooded eyes then locked with mine, he let out a shaky breath. 
"I-I um... wouldn't I be a bother though?" He stuttered out, almost too quiet, I could barely hear him. But his question confused me, why would he asked that? Why does he think he'll bother us? "Speak up princess, I can barely hear you. And tell me why would you think that type of thing?" He only shrugged and looked back down at the floor. I sighed and placed my hands on my hips, "Grab your stuff and lets go. If I haft to carry you out, I will," I threatened playfully. Which got his attention, his head shot up, eyes wide, and face red like a tomato. I watch him quickly speed walk to his backpack, zipping it shut. In the mean time, I was noticing how plump his ass is. I turned my head away, scratching the back of my neck and now finding the wall more interesting. I hear his footsteps getting closer to me, my gaze fixed down at him, "Ready?" I asked. Getting a simple nod from him, taking his smaller and softer hand in mine and we then head out of the room.
"W-wait Taehyung, let me shut the room down first!" His adorable giggle coming out, our hands unlocking as he quickly shut off the lights, leaving the door open and erasing his name on the chalkboard. He came running back over, our hands locked back together like a puzzle piece. The four of us then made our way out to the little café. Treating the pregnant omegas cravings and getting to know Hoseok a little more.

Hoseok's pov:
I came home from the café, it was late, so I was dead exhausted. I huffed as I entered my small, one bedroom apartment. Lazily tossing my bag on the couch, as I made my way to the bathroom. Stripping from my sweaty clothes and throwing them into the hamper. Turning the knob in the shower, feeling the water against my finger tips, then down to my palm. Patiently waiting for the water to warm up. Then stepped into my single shower, sighing in relief from the warm water running down my back.
Once satisfied from now being clean and patting myself dry, as I head over into my room. Throwing on a pair of grey panties and a baggy, green teeshirt.
I head back into the bathroom to clean my face and brush my teeth.
I jumped onto my comfortable bed and crawled under the warm covers. But then I felt a cramp in my lower abdomen, my arm wrapped around my waist, "Well fuck," I groaned out. I reach into the drawer of my bedside table, taking out a bottle of suppressants. Taking two, small pills down without water, slowly feeling the cramps die down after about thirty minutes. I quickly grab my phone off of my bedside table and text Taehyung , telling him I can't work this week because of my heat.

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