Chapter 49

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When I pulled up to the house, I called her and told her to come out. Pookie come out! Okay I am coming Andrew and Camille left already. Okay we'll be back in a little bit just come out. Alright! I waited a few minutes and she came out the house, she looked so beautiful. Her hair was longer, her skin was glowing, and that body...wheew that damn body does a sistah so good. She fine as hell and I know niggas and girl are checking her out. I am not worried though because I know where her mind and her heart is at and that's with me.

Hey cupcake. Hey Pookie I said pecking her lips. Where we going? To get something to eat, you're hungry right? Aren't I always, your son is a big boy and he keep me eating? Don't blame that on him, you like to eat too. Not that much and you know I don't like pickles and he got me eating pickles on the daily. Yeah you have been going through them pickles a lot lately, don't have my baby coming out green like Kermit. She gave me this look before rolling her eyes. I intertwined our fingers together and kissed her hand. Pookie when are we going to do this baby shower? I don't know when do you want to do it, you getting farther along in your pregnancy. I know and I want to do it before I am too big to move. True, who all you want to invite, I mean other than family. That's really it, I mean the girls just left and I doubt they can make that trip again. What about Stephanie? Yeah Stephanie can come, I didn't tell her about the baby so it'd only be right that she hears it from me. You have anyone you want to invite. Uhh a couple of people you know close friends that know about you. Really you got people that know about me? Of course, Pookie, I said smirking at her. I decided to take her to her favorite restaurant. My favorite restaurant. Mhm don't move I'll come get the door for you. Tionne we don't have gender roles. I know but you pregnant I want to make sure you get out the car safely. Then valet so we can both get out. You just making me spend money. I got you baby here she said handing me a $20. Valet and come in with me. My baby got her own money. Exactly she said laughing.

And what can I get you two ladies today, the girl said taking our order. Can I get a lemonade actually wait can I get a Dr. Pepper! Justice! Please it's only one and I haven't had one in a while. Fine one, but after that water. Yes, Mom she said laughing with the waitress. I'll just have a water with lemon. Great I'll be back with your drinks. Thanks, we both said. So, this baby shower. Yeah, I was thinking you think we can pull It off in like 3 weeks? 3 weeks? Yeah by then I'll be 8.5 months and fully into my nesting mode. I think we can pull it off I mean it's just going to be friends and family and most of them were there so it wouldn't be much to get them together. Okay well let's shoot for Sunday in three weeks then. How is this so easy for us? How is what so easy I said looking at her. Communication when we were together at first this would have been so hard. Well for one we're grown ass women now, and two it's growth. We've grown and now we understand each other on a deeper level. Mhm a much deeper level she said smirking at me. Damn girl you so sexy! You sexy yourself she said looking at me.

We were pretty much eye raping each other until someone interrupted us. I looked up and who was it standing at our table? Chante's ass! Ugh I said looking away from her. Hi Justice she said smiling at Justice. Chante! It's been a while, how are you? Justice looked at me before speaking to Chante again. I've been good. How about you? Um you know I've been...Hoeing around I said under my breath. Justice kicked me under the table. Sorry I said rolling my eyes at Chante. I heard you had baby, Juju said speaking to Chante. Yeah, I had a little girl. Mhm Congratulations. Justice I am sorry okay, I never meant to. It's water under the bridge Chante really no hard feelings. Chante looked down and sniffed before looking at me. I am sorry to Tionne I never should have put you in that situation. And Lisa! Honestly! No lie to our faces cause we enjoy that. Tionne! What! Justice gave me that don't make me hurt you face. And I shot her one back, you messed up her relationship Chante and we supposed to forgive your for that. I didn't know they were still together, he said they broke up. It was a one-night stand and I definitely wasn't planning on getting pregnant again. Again, Justice and I both said. Yeah, I have two kids, one by Omar and one by Andre. Wow I said looking at Justice.

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