Chapter 26

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What up baby sister! Hey Andrew! What brings you to sunny LA? A new beginning. A new beginning huh! Yup. I talked to Vin. Is he tracking me or something. Come on now you know you couldn't leave the state without him knowing. I just needed a fresh start, things in Atlanta aren't all they are cracked up to be. What about school you are so close to finishing and what about your girlfriend. I know that's why I am out here, I applied to UCLA and I got in I start the fall semester in a few days. Vannah was okay that you just up and left? She was proud of me and told me I should come. So, did mom. You told mama to? Mhm I need confirmation that I could do this, be on my own with out someone controlling me. And what about big brother? Well as you said he knows where I am, and he knows that I don't need any distractions while I try to get my life together either. And the girlfriend? I don't want to talk about it. He looked over at me and nodded okay well put on your seat belt and lets go.

Andrew is my middle brother. He's the true definition of middle child youngest boy in the middle of two girls, he was daddy's problem child cause he was hard headed and stubborn, but he was the first of the kids to go to leave Georgia. He got a partial scholarship to USC to play basketball. What the scholarship didn't cover Vin covered for him. We all thought once he graduated he'd come back to Georgia, but he didn't instead he got draft into the NBA played for a couple years before going to an overseas team, and finally settling in LA with his girlfriend and their baby. There were no hard feelings between him and the family he just couldn't stay in the environment that we were in after daddy died and then when mama went off the deep end, he definitely wasn't coming back so he did what he could to support us including helping Vannah with school and Cierra with her nail shop.

Juju! Huh! Girl don't zone out like that. I am sorry I just have a lot on my mind. I am sure you do he said driving his BMW on to the highway. You hungry! Of course, aren't I always. True you do have that southern girl appetite. Shut up you do to! Andrew didn't know about my health concerns, so he still thinks that I am regular. Whatever your niece can't wait to see you. Aww I can't wait to see her either pictures don't suffice Andrew. You know how I feel about that place I am not trying to take my child out there. But still mama is doing better now, and she wants to see her grandbaby. Doing better Justice, she has HIV from sharing needles. Andrew you going to punish her for that for the rest of her life. I know she fucked up but that's our mother and she's trying. How so? She's back in church, she's taking her medicine she goes to her doctor's appointments and she don't even live with us she asked Vin to put her up in one of those assisted living places so she'd guarantee that she wouldn't go back on the streets. She's really trying Andrew! Well we'll see about that. Stubborn ass! Takes one to know one. You know Cici's pregnant too. Come again? Yeah, she'll have the baby in a few months another reason why I decided to leave. Tell me she not pregnant by Amir's ass? I wish I could. Ugh I told her about him years ago why would she stay with him and much less get pregnant. Your guess is as good as mine.

We grabbed a bite to eat before heading to their house in Santa Monica. Damn Bro this is nice. Thanks, it's nothing spectacular but it does the job its safe for when I am overseas playing ball. It's really nice. Let me show you around. And this is your room he said showing me to a room on the far corner of the house. Why so far away? You need your privacy so you can study. Also cause this is the guest house. You have your own bathroom, kitchenet, and there is a private entry. We'll share the laundry area, but you are free to come and go as you please. The only thing we ask is no random niggas and that when we go out of the country you watch the house. I am not even worried about niggas or girls right now I just want to finish out my degree. That's my girl! You get settled in for now. Thanks Andrew really, I appreciate it, I said hugging him. It's nothing sis he said closing the door behind him as he left the room.

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