Chapter 40

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Ti's been with me for a week and I don't want her to leave, but I know she has to go and I unfortunately have to get back to work and dealing with Marcus's dumb ass. Yeah, I said dumb ass, he's been constantly calling me and leaving voice mails. I finally got tired of it, so I went and got a new phone number. I know why he's wanting to get in touch with me so bad and it has nothing to do with me telling him it's was over. He's trying to keep up appearances for his family. They really planning this big ass wedding like I am actually going to go through with it. He's knows I am not because after I changed my number, I made sure he got his little ring back, even though I should have pawed it.

As if that wasn't enough, I am worried about Camille. After the other night I've been paying close attention to her and I knew something was wrong the first time she came back with bruises. I didn't want to think that Mairin would be that stupid as to hit her. All Ti would tell me is that I needed to make sure that Camille was taken care of. I needed to know more than that I needed to know how bad it was because once I told Andrew I knew it was over. I'd probably end up raising Camille cause he's going to kill Mairin and end up in jail. I don't want my brother in jail but I also don't want my niece in pain either. That's the last thing I want is for her to suffer any more than she already has.

I was watching her and her friends have their little kick back with Ti before she leaves tomorrow. She was teaching them the Creep dance and they were really learning it like they were going on tour with the. Andrew capped the number of friends she could have here to 5 cause he said he wasn't going to have all them little girls running around his house hyped up on sugar and 90's music. I mean a little sugar and 90's music ain't never hurt anyone right. I even invited Neema over as well I wanted to her to meet Ti before she left. After the dinner I felt like I could trust her enough to meet Tionne. It's a huge step but, I'd already told her who she was and she knows that we're together, so it's only right that my good friend meets my best friend. Besides I think they'd get along and plus I wanted Ti to see that I wasn't being a loner like I use to be. That I did take what she taught me to heart about being able to trust someone.

The door bell rung, that's probably the pizza I said grabbing the money off the counter and going to the door. I opened it expecting to see the pizza person, but instead whose asses do I see? Marcus and guess who he has with him, JP! What the actual fuck! Well hello to you to Justice, Marcus said looking at me. Is that the pizza Ba...JP what are you doing here she said looking at him? Well I went back to the hospital to see if you were okay and imagine my surprise when they said that you were released the next day. So, I've been racking my brain looking for you when I ran into my homeboy here and he tells me that he thinks that you are with his fiancée. How did you find out where I live at Marcus, I said looking at him? Don't worry about all of that right now are you gonna let us in or what. No! No they said looking at me like I was crazy. No I am not letting you in, you I don't know and you I know and you shouldn't even know where I live at. So as I said No I am not letting you in.

Justice, Marcus said stepping to me. Aye back the fuck up off of her Ti said getting between him and I. What you gon do he said to Ti. Don't fuck with me Marcus, I may be a woman, but I can still take yo ass so back the fuck up now. And if I don't! One swift kick to the balls and he fell to his knees in front of her. Like I said back up. Both of yall need to go this isn't the time or place for you either of you to be here. Auntie! Titi! Cam said from the living room. Leave now I said to both of them. We'll leave alright, but know Justice you and I have unfished business. No, we don't the wedding is off, the relationship is over, and I am done I said to him. You gon pick that bitch over me! I looked at him and then punched him in the face. Don't ever call her a bitch. JP looked at Ti and shook his head before walking off with Marcus, just as the pizza person and Neema pulled up.

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