Chapter 18

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I haven't heard from Dalvin in 3 whole weeks and quiet honestly, I am fine with that cause I have to prove, to Justice that I am serious about our relationship and he isn't going to come between the two of us. I was waiting for her to get out of class because I wanted to surprise her with something that we've been talking about getting for a long time. I saw her come out the building looking all good and shit with her GSU sweat shirt and jeans on.

She spotted me and said bye to the group of folks she was with before coming over to the car. Baby what are you doing here? I thought I'd surprise you and take you to get a tattoo. A tattoo really! Yeah, we've been talking about getting them for a while so why not now. Wow okay she said getting in the car. How was class? It was okay, it's an international studies course so we're learning about the retail industry in Asia. Asia really. Yup it's so interesting and do you know that over there they are obsessed with our hip-hop culture. Obsessed how? Let's just say they love yall probably more than we do. Probably so, they gave us mad stuff when we went over there the last time, I said driving. Oh, I know you got half of it in my damn closet. You offered the space. Some space not the whole top shelf.

Speaking of, the condo. I know baby and we waiting on the checks to come in. Maybe we can ask Vin to loan us some money till it comes in. No Justice I am not asking for money from your brother. Why not Tionne he knows what we trying to do and knows we good for it. I said No, you know how he gets his money and I can't risk being linked to that. I can ask I mean he is my brother. Justice, No we'll get the money okay till then you gotta be patient with me. I am trying but I can only take so much of Vannah. And you know Cici moved back in so now they be at each- others' throats all the damn time. It's stressful. I know baby come stay with me tonight. That's mad disrespectful to your family. They not in town remember they left this morning for Iowa. Both of them? K's still here but you know he'll be in and out so we'll have the house to ourselves. Okay I'll stay with you. Good cause I miss sleeping with you. Babe you slept with me 2 nights ago. That was 2 days ago, I need you every night. Spoiled! I am but it's okay.

So, what you gonna get she said looking at the book with me? I don't know I was thinking we could get something that symbolizes our relationship. Our relationship. Baby you know I love you and I know you love me. That thing with him is just that a thing, it's not real and it's not going to break us up. She nodded before looking back at the book. I think we should get this then she said pointing to something that looked like an infinity symbol and a heart. What does it mean? It means if you're telling me the truth about how much you love me and want to be with me, nothing or no one will tear us apart. Our love is infinite. Damn I said shaking my head. What! What you just said was so freaking sexy. Tionne! No, I am serious it makes sense to me and I agree we should get it. Where should we put it though? She looked at me and then traveled down my body before settling on my stomach. Show me your rib cage. My rib cage? Yeah let me see it she said lifting up my shirt a little bit. Right here that's where we should get. Right there. Right there, 4th rib from the bottom. The last rib that protects the heart she said looking at me. I pulled her to me and kissed her. I love you, I love you so much. I love you too she said pecking my lips.

2 hours later we were looking at the tattoos in the mirror together. I love it she said smiling. Me too It's perfect. You ladies all good the artist said coming over to us. Yup were good. What's the charge? No Charge. No Charge? Nope, it's on the house. Thanks, you have any business cards I can hand them out at my school get you some more business. Yeah, I do, here he said handing her a stack of cards. No Problem you do excellent work...Tommy! Thanks that means a lot keep me in mind if you ever wanna get any more work done. Will do we said walking out the shop.


Where going now baby? To get food cause I am starving. Me too, I didn' didn't what? I didn't get a chance to eat today? Juju! I know what you're going to say. At lunch I got caught up with tutoring this other student that I forgot and by the time I remembered you were picking me up. Juju you know you gotta eat. I know, and I normally bring snacks with me, but it was a hectic morning and I forgot them. What you want to eat? Soul food! Word I could go for some greens and cornbread. Yes, and I'll pay. Naw I'll pay. We aren't going to argue I am paying I said as she drove. Yes, ma'am then.

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