Chapter 31

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I let out a deep breath as I stood there waiting for them to call me. I was finally graduating from college with my degree. Hell 2 degrees at that for the length of time I've been in college. I was in standing in the lineup waiting for them to call my name and all I could think about was Tionne. How she'd be so happy to see my walk this stage. She was my biggest supporter in all of this. From staying up with me to study to making sure I had my butt at every class even when I didn't feel like going. And even when I left, I still could hear her voice in my mind telling me "Justice you've worked to hard to give up!". I wish she was here to see me cross the stage. I looked up in the stands to see my mama smiling at me with tears going down her face. My entire family was here for me. Even Marcus was here, I guess he wasn't lying when he said he had feelings for me. Everyday since our first date he's called to check on me, sent flowers, and for my birthday he bought us a full vacation to Jamaica.

Don't get me wrong I loved the thought of going on a trip, but we all know that I am not ready to go on no trip with him and I damn sure wasn't ready for where he'd try to take our relationship to on that trip. Has sex come up in the last few weeks? Yes and every time I've dodged the questions and semi advances that he'd thrown my way. I've never had sex with anyone but Tionne and I wasn't trying to just pass it out to anyone just because they were there or because they said they genuinely cared about my feelings. I asked if we could postpone it until after I graduate. He was a little hurt but agreed to it as well.

They'd just called the person ahead of me and I started to feel the nerves really bubble up. You can do this Justice do not pass out or trip I repeated to myself as I walked to my queue on the stage.

"Justice Nicolette Harris graduating with a double major in Radio, Television Film and International studies"

Let out the breath I was holding in and walked across the stage to gather my diploma's. I stopped took pictures with the president before going back to my seat. Once I got to my seat, I looked down at my two diplomas. You did it! You really did it I mumbled to myself.

The ceremony a little longer before it was over, and I was officially a college graduate! Wow after 5 and a half years I am officially done with school. Hey yall! Congratulations Juju! They all said hugging me. I am so proud of you baby girl mama said holding on to me. Thank you, mama. My last baby! Don't cry mama I said wiping the tears off her face. I can't help it, I still remember the first time you said mama. I cried for 3 days straight. Okay mom lets not that here Vannah said rubbing her back. I know I am sorry I am just so freaking proud you little girl and I know your father would be proud of you as well. I nodded not wanting to address that elephant in the room. Damn it took you long enough CiCi said teasing me. Hey greatness takes time, and these are well deserved. You did what we all wanted to do. You still can, college doesn't have an age limit to it. I was standing there talking to my family when someone put their hands over my eyes. Guess who he said in my ear.

Vincent, I said jumping on him. Hey baby girl. I've miss you so much. I missed you too. When did you get out? Don't worry about that right now, just know that I kept my promise and I was here to see you walk that stage. Why you didn't tell me you were in trouble I said hitting him in the shoulder as I got down. Aye everything ain't meant for you to know. Still you could have told me instead he had to tell me I said looking over at Andrew. I told you he didn't want you to know. Whatever! Hey Mr. Ryder, I said smiling at him. Hi Juju. What happened to Titi? You not Titi, Titi has light hair. Come again I said with a raised eyebrow. Come on Ry Ry Cierra said taking him from me before things got more awkward than they already where. I looked at Vannah and she looked away before shaking her head. She's probably the only person that knows how I really feel.

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